Is Oatmeal Ok on Candida Diet? | Ask Eric Bakker

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Can you eat oatmeal on candida dieat? Is oatmeal okay on candida diet? Learn more about oatmeal and candida diet.

The question today is, “Is oatmeal good on the Candida diet?” Oatmeal is fine on the Candida diet. Now, let me explain a few different things because you may be confused at this point. Many people who I speak to regarding oatmeal say, “But Eric, it contains gluten. I shouldn’t be eating it.” Well, oat contains gluten, but only a very small amount of gluten compared to wheat.

When you eat oatmeal, I’d like you to eat not the processed, the really fine oatmeal in those little sachets you can buy. You tear them open and you pour them in a bowl and you put some milk or water on it, then you put it in the microwave. Don’t eat that kind of junk. That’s like eating plastic cheese. The cheese with the plastic on it. Those square bits of cheese. It’s a little like plastic, plastic with plastic in between. Processed cheese is crap. Processed oatmeal is crap. Don’t eat it. So the really powdery or fine oatmeal that’s broken into small pieces, that’s a processed food. Try to keep away from processed foods. It’s like white flour is a highly processed food. But when you go to get a stone ground, biodynamically grown, whole meal flour, that’s a good quality flour, especially if it’s grown really well. Don’t get confused.

I eat oats every morning and I like oats preferably like in their raw state. The small oats. In fact, you can actually sprout them. They’re really a nice sprout. So just get the raw oats and there’s a few ways you can do it. You can just soak them for a few hours in water and then cook them or other people say to soak them and then process them through a blender. I’ve also got one of those little stone mills. It’s basically just two stones and you pour oats in the top and you turn it, and it flattens the whole oat. But I think they call it groats. And you can also get steel cut oats. I used to buy those by the five pound bag, brown bag, at the organic grocer and they’re really, really nice.

Oats. I cook up oats every morning in a bit of water and I have those usually with a little bit of honey on top and I find that exceptional. Honey, of course, is not really good when you’ve got a yeast infection, so you need to avoid that. But there’s no reason to avoid oats. If you’re not eating oats now, try a small amount. You may have an oat allergy, but it’s quite rare. I’ve performed well over 1,000, probably 2,000 food allergy profiles on patients over the years, probably in excess of 3,000 for a long time. I’ve been doing it now for about 25 years. I have rarely found oats to come up high in the allergenicity scale. Wheat and gluten is a different thing all together. I do find that from time to time, but oats I rarely find on an IgE, IgG food allergy panel. I’ve looked at many of these panels, so it’s not really a common thing to find.

Start slow with oats. Don’t eat a whole lot of them if you’re not used to them. I probably eat a good three quarter cup of oats per day. So if you’re not used to oats and you want to incorporate them in your diet, start even with just a tablespoon in the morning, and see how your digestion feels. Interesting thing I’ll point out is many people I’ve seen over the years that lived to their 80s, 90s, and 100 began the day with rolled oats. A lot of elderly citizens have been eating oats for a long, long time. Oats also have been known to calm the nerves. It calms the nervous system. It has a fantastic effect on the bowel and digestive system. It contains different kinds of fibers that help to really feed up the beneficial bacteria.

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Because of you I can actually eat while doing a Candida diet. Thank you


Oats don’t contain any gluten but are often processed in factories also processing gluten. The only reason some oats are labelled gluten free is because they’re processed in a factory which doesn’t process any gluten containing products.


instead of water try coconut cream or milk brought to a boil in a pan with some cinnamon then pour on to oats.
Soo creamy
Soo tasty


An old Eastern European receipe my father taught me is - "put a few pieces of sliced garlic into boiling water, to which you add Oates, a bit of honey and warm milk - then cook them together over low heat. It tastes great, and is very healthy.


I love oatmeal! Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oats. I also recently discovered One Degree, Gluten Free Sprouted Oats. I add ground flax and honey=yum!


Thanks for the clarification. I also take oats, grind them in a blender and use them to make pancakes. Yum!


I have troubles with digesting oats but i found fermenting them is a great idea. Same with millet, buckwheat. Fermented grain porridges are sooo easy to digest.


Hi Candida Crusher! Are you familiar with the "Eat for Your (Blood) Type? What are your thoughts?


Thank you so much for all of your work, Dr. Bakker! I'm often checking in to see what your take is on certain foods, and I love your philosophy on food for keeping Candida in check while still maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle.


Hello, sir. I would like to ask if you believe probiotics supplements are actually digested and useful or I should opt for fermented foods instead and not bother with pills. Thanks!


Hey Dr, I was wondering if oatmeal can be a problem food for some. whenever I eat it, I feel a little unwell and spaced out. I'm trying to add some different carbs back besides brown rice which I have no problem. For some reason oatmeal gives me a bit of tiredness and brain fog. maybe I can't digest it well?


YAY!!! Something I have that I can eat!!! 😃 Not allergic to them! 👏🏼


Would you recommend eating a bowl of oat bran for breakfast during the MEVY phase?


I love Oatmeal, always been my breakfast and sacrificing it has been one of things i've missed the most. I'm on week two, would you recommend trying to reintroduce them at this early stage?


My great grandmother lived up to almost a 100 years old, she was very healthy, thin and had beautiful skin. She had oatmeal everyday for breakfast since she was a little girl. Also oatmeal makes me feel great whenever I have it, so i guess that’s good


Doctor help me please, what kind of yogourt is good for child who has candida ? Can i give him yogourt of cow milk? And should i prepare it at home or give him commercial yogurt without sugar?


Sorry, Eric, but I don't understand: Are your basic recommendations for candida foods also relevant for the MEVY 1st stage of the diet cleanse or just after that. I mean: Can you eat oatmeal and lentils for example on MEVY? Thanks!


Should oats and brown rice be avoided for the first few weeks on the candida diet? I recall reading it in your book, but cannot find the page I was on ..


Hi @CandidaCrusher, many thanks for the useful videos. During the MEVY diet phase, can I have my oatmeal with natural almond butter?


I was juicing mostly greens and lemon and ginger a lot. I did include small amount of apple and carrots. I started gaining even more weight and had the worst detox reaction, as usual. Then I got Kerratosis all over my body and itching all over. Even a small detox makes me sick to death. But I tested myself for Candida--which I battle, and tested positive. I stopped the whold juicig and am doing better. I think the lemon was killing Candida but the juice was also feeding it. It was suggested I blend instead of juice. What do you think? Thanks for all your Candida videos and information.
