WHY The Candida Diet DOESN'T Work! #shorts

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Though I'm not shy about why I loathe most #eliminationdiet, this one is one of the most pointless
I'm not saying that u should eat loads of sugar + refined carbs if you have #candidaovergrowth, but the truth is that the #candidadiet is a 🩹
It doesn't effectively reduce #candidaalbicans + other forms of excess fungus in ur body
Symptoms may improve while doing it BUT they'll often return soon after trying to reintroduce even healthy forms of starches+ natural sugars
That's called a vicious cycle, my friends!
Plus, it's sooooo impractical, can make u hate eating + like other elimination diets, it can result in nutrient deficiencies
It's highly contradicted if u have an eating disorder history or have struggled with restricted eating patterns
Lastly, it doesn't address WHY u have too much #candida in the first place
U cannot diet ur way out of a previous or current mold exposure, low gut commensal bacteria, or a history of using antibiotics, steroids or certain biologics (like IL-17 inhibitors + TNF-a blockers)
If ur practitioner isn't offering anything beyond diet or keeps taking out more foods to "starve the yeast", there are other ways (I've got a PART 2 coming on this!)
So what have u heard or tried when it comes to beating candida?
Did u know that u can actually beat candida without making huge diet changes?

#candidadiet #candida #gut
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Worked fine, kept anticandida, low carbs, used probiotics and coconut oil and feel much fitter and less rash than 20 years ago. All natural remedies take time and discipline


Candida overgrowth is insanely hard to get rid of! Takes absurd discipline for a year...but once you break the biofilm and treat with some antifungal medication and zero sugar diet it's the best sleep you will ever have! I struggled with insomnia for decades...started the candida diet...after 6 months...I slept a full 8 hours straight and fell asleep in less than 5min! Also you walk around very relaxed all day...worth trying..also ask ur doctor to prescribe you a antifungal 7 day medication and do intermittent fasting...it turbo speeds the healing


The candida diet isn't the total cure. However, it's the needed steps in the right direction. Herbs have to be used in combination with the diet. Along with probiotics.


It worked great for me. I stoped all sugar intake. This takes a very watchful eye. Anything that comes in a package probably has sugar in it. I stoped the carbs. I did my homework and didn't cheat. I took a good quality probiotic supplement. One that is pearl coated and has 15 different probiotics in the blend. This gave me the Probiotics I needed to fight and kill and balance the bad candida. I think adding a little apple cider vinegar to my water intake helps too. After about 3 months all of my candida symptoms were gone. I slowly tested my gut by having some pasta and seeing how it went. I did okay so I slowly returned to a normal diet that limited the sugar and carb intake. I keep taking the probiotics. Yes taking antibiotics can bring on systems again, especially if I go on a 10 day ice cream binge. I am way happier living with controlled candida than I was when it was out of control. Also...the weight loss was a plus.


Worked and helped me tremendously, i feel amazing


😂 doesn’t like any comments from ppl who say the diet worked on them. I guess mine won’t get a like too bc it did work for me as well.


Worked for me. "Going back" to a diet with food you're allergic to is purely a choice. Food fear happens when people don't understand the "why" and how each food affected their bodies. For me, I am allergic to a lot of easy to come by and totally average/normal foods and I'm allergic to sugar, removing them from my diet was hard at first due to the lack of ease in preparing meals but definitely no fear. It's not to be taken in the "oh, if you eat that, it will mess you up" tone. The diet simply points out to some of us that sugar of all kinds are not for everyone. The "reason" for the Candia diet is pretty clear... Yeast overgrowth due to your diet.. no, you can't remove yeast permanently, it is naturally occurring, it comes back if you go back to your original diet. It's pretty simple.


I decided to not start the Candida diet, but rather limit myself to a very, very small amount of carbs: this paired with intermittent fasting, adding more anti candida foods, the appropriate fungal treatment and daily supplements, I lost weight and feel so much better. As a teen I struggled with an ED and restrictive diets trigger me.


Fantastic video!!! I e been trying to teach people that the so-called candida diet is basically worthless and very unhealthy in the long run. Keep up the good work


I’ve also noticed with parasites and yeast, there needs to be a period where some sugar is in the diet while also targeting the overgrowth. They will simply use biofilm to hide when all the sugar is gone. But I think the key is balance.. low stress, vitamin mineral and beneficial organism support.❤


Thanks for this video!!! As a psychologist who briefly had an ED as a teen and loooves to learn ab nutrition since, the first time I saw the candida diet I was so effing shocked. It is an ED and toxic food relationships waiting to happen for tons of people.

It makes sense people see weight loss results and some other "benefits" because they basically eliminate large ammounts of carbs from their diet. But just as with other restrictive diets, once the food is reintegrated including the healthy food dismissed, the body will struggle to process the food and the symptoms will return, creating fear of food and a viscious restrictive cycle.

Diet culture always finds a way to linger in our minds with new names 😢 and sadly is so effective that people that follow these diets refuse to see its serious red flags, as shown in the comments. But thanks for keeping up the good work!


The diet is working for me. I have discovered joy in all sorts of foods I didn't pay attention to before. Am taking pre and prebiotic and I'm feeling so much healthier. Blood pressure down, sugar and cholesterol blood levels are now perfect.


This is exactly what my practicioner said, dont bother with starving it as you wont be able to. Its a much more balanced view to eat a healthy diet and dont start avoiding foods


Listen to this woman and you'll understand what the lack of knowledge about sugar does. People think their addiction to sugar is a normal diet. Sugars in all forms should never be a part of our everyday diet. Our ancestors had occasional berries, nuts and fruit, not more. Otherwise meat and eggs, sometimes dairy. Avoiding foods we aren't made for is not food anxiety. Our society is ill. I am "starving out" some chronic issues with mostly carnivore. It's not easy to keep away from sugar, but I know it's the addiction. And the social component is also difficult. But I know what sugar in all forms does to me, and I don't want that. I want my body to be fat-adapted. I wish more people ate more ketogenic, so that the drug (sugar/carbohydrates) wouldn't be so accepted everywhere.


it worked for me and saved my life ❤ so I don't understand what happened to you and yes now I have it again after taking prednisone and I live with mold but that doesn't make your candida go out of Balance in your stomach. Changed my diet for almost a year and it worked amazingly 👏 💪 👌 🙌 ✨️


She basically said: It will work until you start eating the junk again.
Which means it works
Reason 2: Food fear? seriously, we trying to cure a disease not have food porn here


You couldn't be more wrong. Candida diet only works if you are doing it as a Spartan. Even the smallest cheating will ruin it, but if you do it right, it can be lifechanging. I've done it for 4 months, and lost around 20kgs (started with 88kg). I haven't noticed food fear, actually quite the opposite. After you get through the hellish first stage of detoxing, and the sugar and gluten gets out of the body, things will get easier. Don't get me wrong, it is still not easy at this stage, but when you can lower your liquid intake from 6 liters a day, and don't need to P literally every 20 minutes, you can focus more on yourself.

A diet would not tell you why you got candida at the first place of course, but if you look into your heart and honestly (!!) think of it, you will know the reason. Drink that psyllium and don't cheat on the bentonite and the tons of veg, and you'll be golden! I would be very sad if your video would stop anyone to try it, because it can truly save lives, especially if you have colon cancer, leaky gut syndrome, candida etc. it will work wonders! If you do it lousy, you will feel nothing! Be strong!


Thats sad that people in the communities get triggered so easily. What you said is absolutely right . The candida diet doesn't work well, and if it works it takes to much time with all the introductions and healing


I haven’t gotten “food fear” at all. Im loving the freedom from processed carbs and having zero sugar cravings. I love to eat!! My favorites are hard boiled eggs, macadamia nuts, burger patties and kippers. And oh how I love a good salad with sardines and homemade Caesar dressing.


So where is part two?? Can’t find it on ur channel
