How to Handle Mixed Signals From Men - Joe Amoia (for Digital Romance TV)

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Do you often find yourself in relationships with guys who give you mixed signals. And do these mixed signals often cause you to invest more time than you should? Do you ultimately realize that the guy will never give you the level of commitment you're really look for?

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This is excellent advice!  There really are no mixed signals, someone is either all in and pursuing a relationship with integrity or they're not.  That's all there is to it.  Deciding how you want to be treated, stating it in the early stages, and being willing to walk if someone can't honor that clears up the "mixed signal" thing in short order.  That approach hasn't found me the right person yet but it has sure saved me time and heartache because I've stopped spinning my wheels on the wrong people.  


Drives me crazy!! Is totally into me, makes effort, calls, takes me out, flirts, stops over just to say 'hi' - then, I show interest back, flirt back, stop over to see him, text and call (over several weeks' time), open up..then, all of a sudden *POOF* like a magic trick! UGH!!! Why the hell don't men like it when we show interest??? And, no I'm not one of 'those women' who just go all out and go crazy with the affection immediately. I slowly open up...but when I get to that point of saying, "I really like you / care about you / think you're great, " it's like men just can't deal with that. Childish, really.


Thank you I needed this, you told me what I already know but when you hear the truth it hurts, but I'm thankful.


Thanks Joe, appreciate your excellent comments and ideas. Where was the internet when I was a teenager??? Lol ! Wish I had googled this stuff about dating way back then.

Everything you say applies to men too, of course. We both (men and women) need help in the dating world.


Thank you, Joe..I'll try to do the assignment. I find your videos very helpful, I love you for these! Mwah!


Thanks so much Joe. You're like a second dad w your firm advice! I'm gonna keep going back to this.


My question is how do I set boundaries? Do I speak with my man or just cut him loose?


Out with the good, in with the GREAT!


Great advice!! by now i've always made excuses for guys EVEN THOUGH I CLEARLY RECOGNIZED the red flags and mixed signals but i hung in there for far too lonh cuz i thought they would change but well they didnt of course so i always ended up more hurt... I also have clear boundaries but i might have issuses to make the guys clearly see them.. What can I do about this?


I just came across your series on youtube.  Here is my situation.  I meet this guy on POF, he was in Maryland on business when we started talking and we were talking all the time, when he came back home the texting dropped off and went to one or two text a day.  Finally I addressed the issue and he said since he was a business owner when he is home there are a lot more people tugging at him.  So, I backed off on the texting.  

Then he would come over one night a week and spend some time with me, sometimes he would stay the night.  He has a bad habit of not texting for 8 or 9 hour time frames which is one of my biggest pet peeves.  So, after numerous times of this happening, I finally just went off and said this was bullshit, finally at 11:30 that night I got a next from him saying he had clients in town and was busy all day, and this wasn't going to work.  I tried to explain that if he would have just told me that I would have understood.  So, five days went by without any communication between us and then late on Sunday night I got a text saying everything was good between us.  No explanation of why he hadn't spoke to me in five days or anything.  It seems I am a Monday-Friday type girl for him and cannot get any weekend or good quality time with him.  Of course the texting has stayed the same, during the week it is fine, but once the weekend hits I don't hear from him.

I'm sure I should just stop and walk away, but I just want to know your thoughts on this situation.

Thank you


Exactly! I blocked someone I liked a great deal because he was sending me mixed signals.


But he Facebook likes my posts consistently! That's got to be love!


Trust, love, respect, no cheating, wt anyone, many more we will talk.


Joe, what about a guy whose words don't match his actions? By that I mean I was with a guy in the friend zone who did amazingly sweet and wonderful things. If I went by his actions alone I'd be hooked...but his words never came out. I never really knew for certain where he was coming am confused. SOS


there is such a creature? LOL thanks!!


Thanks Joe - I prefer one person on camera - Talks with a co-host - gets confusing !! .A must see Movie and Book - "He's Just Not That Into You !!!" Also great advice.  Also the 'Award - Winning Film - "CATFISH " - explains a lot about
on - line dating !!!  I'll be happy when 'SKYPE' - finally has there own date - site !!
That will sure help us Singles from wasting so much time.  Sincerely,   Cheryl


hi Joe
Just wanna know if you have topic that could help for those having affair or dating with a married man..and what to do.
thank you Joe


The narrative of this content is deeply compelling. A similar book I read brought about life-changing revelations. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint


Joe you've totally missed the point, with your surface information. First, what women say they want in a man is NOT what they respond to in a man. And secondly, women often complaint about there relationship but instinctively want to be in that relationship
Your context may be off but you an attractive, articulate seemingly educated man and on another topic I bet you'd kill it. Cheers!


Wow this guy did not say absolutely anything
