4 Confusing Mixed Signals That Girls Send To Guys (Don't Be Fooled)

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All of these things are the signs of an emotionally immature woman, someone men should avoid. They're usually unsure of what they want in a relationship and in life overall, haven't healed from past trauma, and are doing this because while they enjoy the attention they get from a guy they don't have any genuine interest in the guy. Most of the time these women are afraid to get close to a guy because they're afraid they might either hurt him, get hurt themselves, or are just too immature to commit to a relationship.


I got mixed signals from girls in the past and I even got ghosted at times.

What I used to do about situations like this:
- take it personally
- overreact or pick fights
- curse or threaten
What I do now in situations like this:
1. Take it lightly
2. Let them go
3. Stick with the people that like and accept me


0:48 Once you stop, she wants you
2:46 She’s playing hard to get
4:42 She talks about other guys to you
5:52 Her words and actions do not match


My solution to mixed signals, hot and cold, trying to make me jealous, is to end the relationship as these are all signs of a toxic person. As Courtney says communication is key to a successful relationship.


Whatever guy needs to hear this, this is for you.
Us average everyday girls need you. We need your effort, your kindness, your goofy humor, your chivalry and you fumbling through your learning just like us. Don't give up.
Everything we both see on socials isn't what we see in person. Let's not be fooled anymore. The non Instagram models want and need you. The teachers, the dental techs, the customer service reps, the nurses and regular working class cuties next door. We didn't go anywhere! We just aren't loud on social media. We are volunteering at animal shelters and liking puppy videos because some men are scary.
We need our fair, silly, imperfect gentlemen!!!!❤


I dated a girl who did all of these, and she was the most toxic traumatized young lady I have ever known.


I'm mildly autistic, so all communications from women are difficult to interpret for me. I do have a goal to be a husband and a father in the next 5 years. This is very helpful in guiding me through mixed signals.


The fact that nobody talks about the book Casanova Optimization of Attraction speaks volumes about how people are stuck in their dating life


Courtney is now a voice in my mind as I go about my dating life. Like the good angel on your shoulder.


If she wants to boost her self-esteem, chasing her isn't going to help, rewarding her good behavior will help. Giving her indirect phrase for good behavior and ignoring as well as walking away from bad behavior will also help


I think as men deep down we know if a woman is interested or not despite the mixed signals. Whether it be delusion on our part or a failure to accept reality we inevitably make it worse.


In my experience, letting them know that you're not trying to play their games is the fastest way to weed out the immature ones.


when a women plays hard to get or give me mixed signals, I move on and forever ignore them. people been playing games my entire life especially women in general and i have 0 tolerance for that crap at 46 years old. they wanted to equal to men, pull your weight around and meet us half way if not go date a narcissist, maybe than they might realized on what they missed out on REAL GOOD, GENUINE MEN. NO MEN should waste their time on waste of space like women who plays games. Thank you Courtney for your amazing work... of all dating coaches on Youtube, In my opinion, you are the best, the most honest and logical. I followed some advises from others and they were wrong. I listen to you and things makes sense. We need more women like you on this earth.


4 mixed signals:
0:48 Once you stop, she wants you
2:46 She’s playing hard to get
4:42 She talks about other guys to you
5:52 Her words and actions do not match
5 categories these mixed signals could fall into:
7:19 She's unsure about her feelings
8:06 She's playing hard to get
8:31 She struggles with communication
9:09 She's flat out using you
9:27 She doesn't like you but she's trying to be nice


Number #1 and #2 are the ones I have the most experience with. It usually goes, they'll play hard to get and I move on. After a few weeks to a month and some change, they'll hit me to "check in". When I first started dating this would reel me right back in. Now I just tell them I moved on which prompts the myriad excuses they'd come up with. Just recently I matched with a girl on a dating app talking about I "ghosted" her... No, I unmatched because the girl would take weeks to get back to me. To the women, a man's time is just as valuable as yours. To the men, move on from people who don't respect your time. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches.


Dating is hard. Let’s make it more complicated by not being straightforward and not saying exactly what we want, while complaining people aren’t clear enough or don’t know what they want


Incredible timing for this video. Over the past few weeks I have been talking to this woman, trying to set up a date. I usually vet them over a phone call first. She seemed okay, but had low energy on the call, and so I offered suggestions on what to do, she turned most of them down and then I told her to recommend something she likes. She didn't respond for 5 days, and today we were supposed to meet and she's like lets meet on later in the week, and I just told her "you're clearly uninterested, so I will pass". I blocked her number afterwards.

Courtney is bang on, people make time for whats important to them.


I’ve been married for 20 years and raised three children with my wife. Everything went so easy with my wife. She didn’t put me through any bullshit. My advice: don’t waste time on difficult women. Easier said than done, because as men we do tend to fall in love and fixate on one particular woman. Those mind games Courtney describes work on us.


If a girl plays hard to get she's likely hard to want, for the long term. We are supposed to be adults by now and that means we don't have time for games. If they play games, either School Them at it, or walk away


Revandles forbidden books (thank me later)
