How to Fix Small Holes | Drywall Repair

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Drywall Repair before painting. Learn how to fix holes, scratches and dings before painting so you have a perfect result!

Alright let's take a look at this wall. We could have just slapped paint on this wall, but to really do a good job let's take the time and learn how to fill the nail holes and smooth out the blemishes and make a really smooth nice finish. These here are your mud knives. Spatula, scraper tool, mud pan. Pretty basic tools. This is your basic joint compound, plaster repairers and something that I like to use for smaller holes, bring Pat. Let's took a look at this. Now these were bolt holes from a television mount, much bigger than nail holes. I'm going to scrape this open of it with my scraper and see what we've got. I'm going to scrape it's a bit to loosen the particles.

These are definitely larger holes. Now I'm going to take a wet rag I'm going to what this down. I've got the wall board, the sheet rock underneath and the paper backing of the sheet rock or drywall is loose and it's kind of peeling off. I'm going to let that down and I might use the backside of my scraper here to push that in to make sure that my hole in indented rather than having particles sticking out. And these are the little tricks that you can do that will really make a nice paint job and are often overlooked by the average homeowner...

Let's take some of this ready patch. Ready patch dries faster, it's harder, doesn't crack, but it is a little harder to sand so you wouldn't use this on big wide areas. Let's put one coat of ready patch here... Now it's not perfect, but that's going to dry as our first cold and we'll sand that down. Now this is what you call really getting to know your wall. These deep holes may take three hour, three or four hours to dry and we'll come back to sand over that and do a skim second coat on top. Okay these mounting holes for the television are just about dry. I'm going to hit it with a little bit of sandpaper and I'm going to go ahead and put this skim coat, second coat topping and make it nice and smooth and beautiful.

Alright and we're going to wait for that to dry and do another light sanding and she's ready to paint. Okay these television mount holes, the first coat of plaster was dry, I sanded down slightly and put a second skim coat on top of the joint compound. I let that set, sanded it again nice and smooth and I went ahead and used a mini-roller and puts a water-based primer just over that whole area. So that's good, that is solid, that is smooth, it's invisible and is ready for paint.
Рекомендации по теме

1. Scrap down, lightly wet down,
Apply one coat of Ready patch.
2. Let dry, wait 3hrs
3. Sand in down
4. Hit with sand paper
5. Apply 2nd skin coat of ready patch
6. Wait 3hours, Sand down
7. Use mini roller to apply Water based primer


I’m here because my 6 roommates and I got throwing stars for Christmas.


It’s nice to see we’re finally at a time in history where videos from 9 years ago are in HD.


I just wanna move out of my apartment and get the security deposit


thanks for the easy instructions, im moving and need to patch up small holes from picture frames.


i’m here because I put 69 small holes in my walls and I would like my security deposit back.


I am here because I like wall decor and i live in my parents house sorry mom


I'm getting ready to re-do our son's room who just left the nest and we have all these same issue's to deal with. I'm glad to see this and you are clearly good at what you do!!!! I grew up using spackle but I like your idea much better! Thank you!


A rare DIY video that's clear and to the point!
Thanks for the help!! I liked and subscribed.


Nice. I was wondering why my patch jobs are so noticeable, I'll try cleaning up the holes better and wiping with a damp rag before applying the spackle. Thanks for the tips!


Thank you, perfect video for a single female who used glue that I shouldn't have used on a rental wall. Love quick, to the point


My grandpa did a lot of diy projects before I was born and I got his old room there are 86 holes (I counted) and heavily scratched up and chipped walls. These are walls that have never been painted so I can really paint this the right way the first time. Might update this comment when I have it all finished


I’m here because I tried hanging a poster for the first time and missed my target by 9 inches 😂


Excellent thank you so much. I've just moved into a house that has A LOT of holes in the walls. Thank you for sharing.


As someone who learned the hard way, it might be useful to tell begninning folks that the first actual drywall mud coat you applied can't be thick like toothpaste, and show them the consistency that you recommend, and the type of drywall mud they should use. Making the assumption that mud is mud, and the "ready made" mud that comes in buckets is actually ready caused me a ginormous headache.


Years later I don’t know what type of sandpaper grade he used, the product to fill the hole, nor the type of wall he’s applying the paint on lol..


Oh thanks for this I drilled six extra holes looking for the studs. New to all this handy stuff. 🙈


No muss, no fuss Just intelligent, straight forward, easy to follow directions. Nice "tricks"


I'm here because I survived an axe murderer but I do need to fix the walls.


You are like the Bob Ross of dry wall :D thanks!
