10 Morning Routine Habits of Successful People

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Habit Harvester is an online video course created by Practical Psychology to help you identify, remove, and create habits in all aspects in your life. In this video, you'll learn 10 morning routine habits that a ton of successful people have, and hopefully be able to implement them in your life for better results!

Please, please, please; leave your criticism below! I want to get better; tell me what I did well, what I did bad, and any other suggestions you may have!

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Number 7 was a revelation for me. My wife and I wake up around 6a and spend a minute or two grumbling about being stressed out or tired. Now I'm going to take those few moments every morning to really appreciate her


Successful people create their to-do-list the day before...
There's your lifehack


1. Make a To-do-list
2. Energise themselves
3. Schedule their day
4. Wake up early
5. Affirmations and visualisations - focus on positive
6. Gratefulness
7. Bond with someone early on - strengthen relationships
8. Clean from the night before
9. Silence
10. Read about what happened the night before

Go to 8:03 for the review of all the tips

You're welcome :)


1. Make a To-do-list 0:19 – 1:02
2. Energise themselves 1:03 – 1:27
3. Schedule their day 1:28 – 1:59
4. Wake up early 2:00 – 2:35
5. Focus on positive 2:36 – 3:47
6. Gratefulness 3:48 – 5:06
7. Bond with someone early on 5:07 – 5:48
8. Clean from the night before 5:49 – 6:25
9. Silence 6:26 – 7:06
10. Read about what happened the night before 7:07 – 8:01


'SAVERS' also works great!
S-silence (meditation, gratitude etc.)
R- reading (atleast 5-10 pgs a day)
S-scribing (journel or morning pages)


Here's the list
1. Make a to-do-list
2. Energize yourself
3. Schedule your day
4. Wake up early
5. Affirmations and visualizations
6. Gratefulness
7. Bond with someone early on
8. Clean from the night before
9. Silence
10. Read about what happened the night before

I have my own morning routine fully optimized for energy and productivity


To Number 5 "Affirmations" instead of saying "I will..." say "I am.."
This will allow you to be more abundant and you will behave like that person you wanna become and eventually be like that


Silence might be my favorite one. I like to do bible studies/journaling for even better silent time .. if you're a believer. 😊❤


Drinking water before all else is also a fantastic morning ritual!


Number 3 schedule your day is better done the night before. I do it and it allows me to calm down before bed and not waste time the next day planning it.


"Number 4. Wake up early" Oh, fuck... It's 3 am now, i think it won't work today.


I DEFINITELY recommend developing strong routines. That helps immensely in any endeavor, and that causes a snowball of success. Once one area of your life gets in sync, others areas do, too, almost automatically. The trick is consistency. Have a buddy of mine I used to work out with. In the beginning, he pushed really hard and did 200 sit ups per day, maxed the bench press every day, etc. He quit after two weeks and has never been back to the gym. That was 1983. I work out lightly but consistently, and while I've never been in great shape, I keep myself in reasonable shape. Another GREAT career/life resource is a piece titled the Hatchet Man's Playbook. Can't recommend it highly enough.


*First thing in my morning routine: pee.*


I think the most important take away is that successful people HAVE a morning routine. You don't have to copy one of theirs, but instead, use it as a template and edit it to your personal goals. If you want to be the #1 singer in the world then your routine should include something that ties into that every day you are getting a little closer! Love it.


When you approach your day with " I have to do or go to work" youve already started your day with a " negative". I start my day with " I want to play ". You call it work, I love and enjoy my job. Its playtime for me. It contains all the attributes of his " being successful" without calling it work. 😊


1 Make a todo list
2 Energise yourself
3 Schedule your day
4 Wake up early
5 Affirmations and visualisation 
6 Gratefulness
7 Bond with someone early on
8 Clean from the night before
9 Silence
10 Read about what happened the night before


1) Make a to do list
2) Energise Themselves
3) Make a schedule for the day
4) Wake Up Early
5) Affirmination/Visulisation
6) Greatfulness
7) Bond with someone early on
8) Clean from the night before
9) Silence (meditation)
10) Read about what happened the night before


Really love the review at the end of the video... Helps a TON👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Please always review/summarize at the end like this...thank you, love your content!


Mine is almost like
1. Make a to do list
2. Unwanted anxiety
3. Depression
4. Loss of motivation
5. Go to sleep bc i can't stand myself
