Anesthesia is wild! Actually surprised I lasted that long! #ivf #eggretrieval #anesthesia

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"dr is she gone" probably not the best choice of words 😂


Getting put to sleep is the wildest thing. When you wake up it's like it never happened. . like you just blinked. You're actually shocked a procedure was done lol


Recently I had a surgery to fix my collapsed lung, and my anasthesiologists were aware that I had a deep fear of the anestesia due to past, bad and traumatic experiences. They were generous enough to give me a relaxer before they did the actual anesthesia and the relaxer put me to sleep in less than a minute. I never even knew. Forever grateful for those surgeons ❤️


I had surgery one time and, I wasn’t totally out. I could feel the doctor cutting me. It was a hot and, intense feeling. I actually heard the doctor say she’s not out. After that nothing. This was about twenty years ago. I will never forget.


I remember waking up during my 8 hour surgery and the nurse aesthetic having the biggest shocked eyes and telling me to go back to sleep and i did😂


Crazy you lasted that long. I just had a tummy tuck and once the anesthesiologist said ok you're going to sleep now I said ok and that's all I remember. Lol


You can feel that stuff traveling up your arm, by the time it got to my shoulder I was out. Woke up 7 hours later not realizing 7 hours had passed.


You all are so chill, I hate not being in control of my mind and body so it's anxiety plus pure panic for me.


I remember getting my wisdom teeth pulled. The dentist gave me something in an IV and said I'm going to start to feel relaxed. I said ok. I looked straight ahead. Next thing I remember was opening my eyes trying to figure out if they had done the procedure. Then I saw the gauze hanging out of my mouth. No memory of anything! Best thing ever! I don't get people being afraid of anesthesia. Anesthesia is your friend!


When I had my colonoscopy, I asked them if they gave me something yet. I tried to stay awake as I had questions to ask. But then stuff started getting blurry, and poof I was gone. It was the best 'sleep' I ever had in my life. I wish I could have it that way all the time. So peaceful, pain free, felt most rested I have been in years and I wasn't even asleep for a long time.


Being knocked out by anesthesia is the best thing ever👏🏽


Last time I had anesthesia I was able to track it as it went through my arm and hit my brain. Told the anesthesiologist "Ah, there goes the brain" and then the lights went out.


They knocked me out for wisdom teeth and when I woke up I remember asking, “are you guys done? That was only two minutes!” The nurse tried convincing me it was 20 minutes later but I wasn’t having it. 😂


I pray it works out for y'all. God bless your hopefully growing family!


I had surgery a few years ago. I remember the anesthesiologist telling me he was about to put me under. I was waiting for the dizziness and drowsiness to kick in, and when it didn't I said, "I don't think it's working." Immediately I heard someone saying my name over and over again. After hearing it for the 4th or 5th time I realized it was one of the OR nurses trying to wake me up. My eyes barely opened and they told me the surgery was over. I couldn't believe it. I mumbled "How long was I out?" Before I could hear an answer, I passed out again. Then I was in recovery. Found out I had been on the operating table for over an hour. I guess I was wrong about it not working 😆 Like they say, "anesthesia always wins" - well it sure did against me that day.


Ive had 28 surgeries in my 19 short years of life and this gives me a hint of traumatic stress but in a weird way. I can picture all of the moments before i went under and its epic and scary at the same time. Most of what i always remember is those muted doctor's voices overlapping every time.


I’ve had about 27 major surgeries. Several were done while conscious with use of nerve blocks and some tranquilizer meds. The rest were general anesthesia. The creation of propofol was the best invention for surgery ever! It’s fast acting, and you come out of it a lot easier and quickly than the earlier medicines that were used.


I've had surgery a couple times. As soon as they start plugging stuff into the IV, your vision immediately gets blurry. Suddenly you feel everything in your mind start to "blend and evaporate" and it's about all you can do to comprehend what is being said to you (adjusting position being a usual request) everything also starts to sound distant and slightly distorted.

I always hate the mask...because for a few seconds it does feel like you're sort of suffocating as they crank up the anesthesia levels. But then I'm out for the count, and wake up groggy and sore. 
Thankfully (in my experience at least) my mental capacity seems to return shortly after waking up, tired as hell of course, but I can carry on a conversation and answer questions. So I don't have to worry about saying anything stupid or nonsensical.


I remember when I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled out when I was in my late teens (42 now), and apparently, they didn't give me enough. I started "coming to, " during the surgery. I remember not feeling pain, but pressure from the stuff in my mouth that was keeping it propped open, my hearing coming back, and my vision getting less blurry. I looked at my surgeon right in the face, and I remember him stating, "She's coming to! Put her back out quick!" The next thing I remember is the surgery being over with.


I believe it was my 3rd or 4th surgery, I remember telling the surgery team that I was hard to put to sleep, well, everyone started laughing 😂, when I said, I told you, I'm still not sleep, it was 5-6 hours later, the surgery was over, and I was in recovery! I Pray that you are recovering well! 🙏🏽💐
