Find Your Ideal Incline Bench Press Angle #benchpress

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Optimise your incline bench press angle for maximum upper chest growth. First, stand in front of the mirror turned to one side. Look at where your collarbone is in relation to your lower ribs and breastbone. If you have a relatively flat sternum angle and a small low back arch then you should bench at 30-degrees. But if your sternum is more angled then you will get more upper chest growth benching at a 45-degree incline angle.
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The best advice I can give is to try every angle and feel when the upper chest fibers are more worked


Bruh you just arched to get the 45deg example which gives no information on whether to use 30 or 45 on incline bench.


So if we arc anyways regardless we should just use a 45 degree bench. If we don't arc just use 30 degrees?
