The problem with workplace jargon - Acronyms

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Adam experiences the horror of sitting in a workplace meeting and not knowing the jargon when the acronyms are just too intense... and not wanting to admit it.

Huge thanks to Playtech for letting us film at their amazing store!


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Cool, so that's how PlayTech is spelt. Alright moving on to the other reason for the meeting.

We really need to go over our KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) for the month and make sure we've got all our CTAs (Call to Actions) by EOD (End of Day).

Actually Rowan I've not gotten my OOO (Out of Office) for the PTO (Paid Time Off) yet.

I didn't approve your PTO (Paid Time Off). In fact it's gonna be a UPL (Unpaid Leave) with a PC(Pay Cut).

Ah, FFS (For Fucks Sake).

Let's get BOT (Back on Topic) and finish this RIM(Regional Implementation Meeting), okay.

We've got to get QA (Quality Assurance)on this OS (Operating System), because the ISP(Internet Service Provider) has said this UX (User Experience) isn't upto scratch.

We won't be able to perform B2B (Business to Business) OPS (Operations) if the CMS (Content Management System) isn't ready.

I'll get on top of that CMS (Content Management System) and check the CPC (Cost Per Click) as well.

What about PPC (Pay Per Click)?

Ah yeah I'll check that as well as the ROS (Return on Sales) and the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well.

Ah Ellie, have you got the UV (Unique Visitor) stats for the SaaS (Software as a Service)? We need that ASAP (As Soon as Possible) by EOP (End of Play).

Yeah all good Rowan. I've got the OTC (Over the Counter) MOM (Microsoft Operations Management) TBA (To Be Announced). Then the CFO (Chief Financing Officer) has asked me to get on the EDS (Electronic Data Systems) Ion EST ASAP (Established As Soon As Possible).

Thanks Ellie.


Just the ones I think I know
KPI = Key Performance Indicator
CTA = Call to Action
EOD = End of Day
OOO = Out of Office
PTO = Paid Time off
UPL = Unpaid Leave
PC = Paycut
BOT = Back on topic
QA = Quality Assurance
OS = Operating System
UX = User Experience
B2B = Business to Business
CMS = Content management system
EOP = End of Play


Wow, i'm impressed, Rowan actually looked like he was doing a good job, being a reliable manager


Rowan: All of that, and DIY by EOD

Adam: *Does not compute and goes AFK*


They forgot one:
UCSS - unnecessarily complicating simple shit


When I first started in IT, I thought we had the market corned with absurd amounts of acronyms (often the same acronym representing separate things in the same subject under slightly varying contexts), but good lord when I started management courses to finish my degree...WHY?! Project managers claim to be about clear communication, but they are famously convoluted in their language.


I work in aircraft maintenance and it can sound exactly like this. Any time government and engineers are heavily involved, expect to learn 10, 000 abbreviations, but thank goodness for it because without them your hand would fall off after about thirty pages of paperwork. It always amuses me when I sign off my work in the logbook and I don't use a single word:
"R&R E2 GCU #4 IAW ERJ145AMM 24-31-02."
"Removed and Replaced Engine #2 Generator Control Unit #4 In Accordance With Embraer Regional Jet 145 Aircraft Maintenance Manual 24-31-02."


I’m pretty sure they were having a stroke


I work for a freight and logistics company where we use a million acronyms and alternate jargon and i cringe when i hear our i mean our customer service representatives...talking to the customers using all this shorthand, knowing the customers have no idea what they are talking about


Adam is genuinely a great actor! With simply his eyes and his facial expressions he manages to convey the fear and disbelief of the situation! Simply amazing! You are all the best! Thank you!


I love it when two different organizations with their own acronyms try to communicate. It's a wonderful disaster. Especially when the same acronyms have different meanings.


I've been in about 10 meetings like this and over half weren't in retail. XD


When they started I was going, "Yeah, okay, yea... uhm..." and by the end I'm just Adam, staring dumbstruck waiting for it to be over.


This reminded me of a phone call I had from my boss back in '97 - he simply said (well, snarled) "Find out about UCR and GCR!" and ended the call. Absolutely no context whatsoever.
I work in graphic art (which back then was pretty much entirely print-focussed, the internet still being a fledgling compared to today) and there was no google or wikipedia to even give me a starting point. So I assumed it was something to do with printing, but had bugger-all else to go on. I basically just scratched my head and went back to what I was doing, and it never came up again
Several years later, long after leaving that job, I finally learned what they meant: Under-Colour Removal and Grey Component Replacement. Neither acronym was enlightening in any way.
Turned out they're algorithms for converting from RGB to CMYK. Which is actually useful to know about when creating final artwork for offset printing.


When you barely finished college and somehow get a job as an IT professional:


If Adam's final response would've been "OK" that would've been perfect


The only thing I know the meaning of is ASAP


I was hoping for the classic weird workplace jargon like “let’s kick it into the long grass” and “run it up the flagpole and see if it waves” but this is still good


I love how Ellie looks confused then... Bam! That was a nice touch.


Rowan: "all good?"
Adam: "A-OK"
