1 phase and 3 phase Electrical System | Electrical Distribution

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In this video I will show you concept of single phase and three phase Electrical System. What is Electrical Distribution system, and types of electrical supply.
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3 Phase Induction Motor Working Principle | Induction Motor Working
Why armoured used in electric cable? | Electrical Cable
AC or DC Which one is More Dangerous | AC vs DC
What is Megger and How to Check Electrical Cable by using Megger | Insulation Resistance Tests
What is Inductor | Inductor Explained in Hindi
What is Resistor | Resistor explained
What is Power Factor, Unity Lagging & Leading Power Factor Explained
AC or DC Which one is More Dangerous | AC vs DC
Which is the Killer, Current or Voltage?
What is Electrical Substation
3 Phase Induction Motor Working Principle | Induction Motor Working
What is Transformer Interview Questions, Electrical Transformer
Low Tension Line (LT) and High Tension Line (HT) in Hindi
Why Humming Sound in Transmission Line || Transmission Line Create Noise
How to ON OFF Air Circuit Breaker, Spring Charging of ACB
What is Frequency | What is 50 Hz Frequency
In this video topic covered
0:00 Introduction of electrical system
0:27 Types of Electrical Supply
0:45 What is Phase and Neutral
1:15 Why don't we get a shock touching neutral wire?
1:39 1 phase current flow concept
2:28 What is Three phase electrical supply
3:05 What is Three phase 4 wire electrical supply
3:42 Electrical Distribution concept explanation
4:38 11kv Transmission line and Electrical Transformer
5:05 Neutral wire come from Electrical Transformer
5:25 3 phase Electrical Distribution System
6:30 HT consumer
6:48 Electrical Transmission and Distribution concept explanation
Top Electrical Interview Question.
Questions Answered in this Video :
1. Why don't we get a shock touching neutral wire?
2. What is 1 phase and 3 phase?
3. What is the difference 1 phase and 3 phase?
4. Single Phase vs Three Phase Power Explanation
5. 3-phase vs single phase supply
6. what is electrical distribution system
7. what is Transmission and distribution system
8. What is Transmission and Distribution of Electricity?
9. single phase and three phase interview question
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Created by:- Deepakkumar Yadav
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#1phase #3phase #Deepakkumar_yadav #electrical
↓↓ My Some Other Videos ↓↓
3 Phase Induction Motor Working Principle | Induction Motor Working
Why armoured used in electric cable? | Electrical Cable
AC or DC Which one is More Dangerous | AC vs DC
What is Megger and How to Check Electrical Cable by using Megger | Insulation Resistance Tests
What is Inductor | Inductor Explained in Hindi
What is Resistor | Resistor explained
What is Power Factor, Unity Lagging & Leading Power Factor Explained
AC or DC Which one is More Dangerous | AC vs DC
Which is the Killer, Current or Voltage?
What is Electrical Substation
3 Phase Induction Motor Working Principle | Induction Motor Working
What is Transformer Interview Questions, Electrical Transformer
Low Tension Line (LT) and High Tension Line (HT) in Hindi
Why Humming Sound in Transmission Line || Transmission Line Create Noise
How to ON OFF Air Circuit Breaker, Spring Charging of ACB
What is Frequency | What is 50 Hz Frequency
In this video topic covered
0:00 Introduction of electrical system
0:27 Types of Electrical Supply
0:45 What is Phase and Neutral
1:15 Why don't we get a shock touching neutral wire?
1:39 1 phase current flow concept
2:28 What is Three phase electrical supply
3:05 What is Three phase 4 wire electrical supply
3:42 Electrical Distribution concept explanation
4:38 11kv Transmission line and Electrical Transformer
5:05 Neutral wire come from Electrical Transformer
5:25 3 phase Electrical Distribution System
6:30 HT consumer
6:48 Electrical Transmission and Distribution concept explanation
Top Electrical Interview Question.
Questions Answered in this Video :
1. Why don't we get a shock touching neutral wire?
2. What is 1 phase and 3 phase?
3. What is the difference 1 phase and 3 phase?
4. Single Phase vs Three Phase Power Explanation
5. 3-phase vs single phase supply
6. what is electrical distribution system
7. what is Transmission and distribution system
8. What is Transmission and Distribution of Electricity?
9. single phase and three phase interview question
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Created by:- Deepakkumar Yadav
☺Thanks for watching☺
#1phase #3phase #Deepakkumar_yadav #electrical