3 Minutes Body Scan Meditation - Mindfulness For Kids And Adults

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Able takes you through body scan meditation. Kids love this and so do parents and educators.

In Mindfulness for kids, Shamash Alidina describes the body scan as a way to get in touch with the body, let go of feelings of needing to get stuff done, and release pent-up emotions. Just like other forms of meditation, the body scan also trains attention.

Alidina says:

The body scan alternates between a wide and narrow focus of attention; from focusing on your little toe all the way through the entire body. The body scan trains your mind to be able to move from detailed attention to a wider and more spacious awareness from one moment to the next.

In our 3.5 minute body scan meditation, we let the practictioner experience the meditation in a fast paced world allowing oneself to be in touch with one's body..

About Fablefy:
Fly With Able and Fy is our series that brings #mindfulness to you and your children. In this video, Able and Fy talk about simple breathing meditation.

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Other reading:

Could yoga and meditation be a good choice for kids just like adults? Continue reading: By practicing yoga poses and meditation, children can learn how to exercise, develop confidence, and concentrate better.

Because children encounter emotional, social, and physical challenges or conflicts, a dedicated and intentional yoga and mindfulness practice that includes breathing techniques, behavioral guidelines, and physical postures can be incredibly valuable. Meditation and yoga is something children can practice anywhere and that the breathing, the concentration, the poses, and the way kids learn to act or react to situations, will lead to constant self-discovery and inquisitiveness. Plus, yoga is portable, and no mat, no shoes, no special wear or special clothing, or special pillow is absolutely necessary.

In this video, we use music and animation to bring simple exercises to children and also make them breath.

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