I Tried Cycling For 30 Days, this is what happened

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Note, I was recommended a gravel bike because to get to the treats in my area I needed to be able to ride on both paved and unpaved (gravel) roads.

Creators featured in the video:

Privilege Check: $900 is still a lot of money.

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- Iphone 15

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Dear friends of the Biking(cycling) community. Let us welcome the newest member to the club! We shall not mansplain or say anything that is not 1000% supportive! PS. This is the first video I have seen of yours and it has AMAZING energy! Keep up the great work!


Came for the cycling, stayed for the excellent storytelling 🔥


As a guy who's been cycling competitively for 6 years, I loved your video: it shows that anyone looking to get into cycling should prioritise having fun at first!


I really appreciate that this "doing something for 30 days" video also includes rest days! It gives a much more realistic approach to someone actually starting to learn a new skill, rather than someone doing a crash exercise routine and then stopping when the 30 days is up because they overdid it. Really inspiring!


I'm a 63 year old cyclist and seeing this video made me smile. Living in Kansas, I'm both a roadie and a gravel grinder. So far this year I have put in 4, 100 miles and I still work a full time job. You will soon get to a point where 20 mile rides are pretty much just a warmup. Even though I have ridden for decades there is one thing that still is painful...100 mile rides. Between the physical pain and mental demons that come with a century ride, it is the ultimate commitment of the love you will habe for cycling. Enjoy yourself and I'm very proud of you.


I commute to work by bicycle every day. In the morning the fresh air wakes you up and in the evening you can clear your head from work stuff. It's incredible.


“But that’s me out here, concerned about what other people will think of me rather than doing what makes me comfortable. So, That’s a me problem for sure.”
“We can fix it, I’m just in pain.”
Feeling so validated and inspired!


No, Makari, you're not the problem. You're the shining light of YouTube.


Feeling like you don’t deserve something because you’re not a professional at something is so real. I relate so hard to that. Let’s just stop caring about what other people think 🙌🏻


Great job. I’ve been biking since 1980ish. Got very serious about it in 1995. Started tracking my rides on Strava in 2012 and have ridden over 55, 000 miles since with about 3 million feet of climbing. I love every minute of it! My advice use lights front and back all the time. Use a mirror on your glasses. Select lightly travelled secondary roads and bike paths when possible. Bike radars like the garmin varia are wonderful. Keep listening loving it! Stay safe and enjoy all rides. Remember it’s better than working always.


I very much appreciate this video as a professional bike mechanic and avid cyclist enjoy seeing other people finding joy in something I love and also having a good experience getting into cycling as a hobby. I'm super glad that the people at the bike shops you went to were very nice because that doesn't always happen and not everyone in the community is as welcoming as one would hope. I would also like to add that especially for people who are non-competitive cyclists like yourself that prioritizing your comfort is the best way to have a good experience and usually a faster experience while riding a bike. because if you're not comfortable, you're not going to want to go fast.


Upper back pain can be bike fit related too. Seat too high, or seat too far back, reach on the handlebars can do it, etc. Next time you get a chance to drop by one of those bike shops they can help you trouble shoot some quick fixes. Whatever it takes to get people on, and keep people on bikes. Welcome and congrats!


As a cyclist for over 20 years I loved this video. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, your video cracked me up. Keep it up and don’t worry about all the cycling trends that come and go, you do you!


Very wholesome video!

As an avid cyclist, it's a good reminder that getting into cycling can feel overwhelming. So much information - and sometimes also some gatekeeping.

Loved how you pushed through in baby steps.


As a cyclist I loved this video. I hope you keep at it. I’ve been riding for 4 years now. This video has been a massive inspiration to me the last month and made remember why I started cycling. This has been inspiration for my latest video and telling my story. so thank you Makari


As a fellow cyclist, welcome to the club! It’s awesome and fun. The more people on bikes the better. Couple of tips I wish someone told me when I started. (You already figured out the bike shorts thing so good job!). you can never have enough water or snacks when you’re biking. Take more than you think you need. Like shoes, bike seats can be the wrong shape for your butt. Your local bike shop can fit you for a seat that will fit you best. Most will even have a 30 day trial period with no question returns. Last thing, take care of your bike and it will take care of you. Get it serviced by a good shop regularly. Hope to see you on the road!


Congrats on your transition to "I actually like biking"! The padded shorts are a must. The gravel bike is so practical. Being realistic with your plan and being patient and kind to yourself is the topping on the cake. Enjoy!


I find that nothing clears my mind like a bike ride, even only 20 minutes of intense riding clears the cobwebs.


Not so much a video about becoming a cyclist, more an excellent video about the need for setting goals and working the plan to achieve them! Nice work! I feel inspired…


This was so cute! I started cycling in Feb. 600 miles later, I can say that I truly love it for all the same reasons. Not every ride is a PR crusher, but it's not all about that. Thanks for sharing your story!
