Saving you desert rose from root rot

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This video is about how to look for and fix desert rose root rot
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Another great video, Maria, many thanks for all your tips. I discovered Adenium while living across fro a lady who had a beautiful Adenium outside of her house and she gave me a bunch of seeds. I germinated them and once I had a dozen or more viable plants, I gave them to several of our friends, and apparently they’re still doing well in Pinellas Park. I’m Canadian and have one good sized Adenium and a seedling that I got from Thailand. Sadly only one of several seeds germinated. That’s why I’m so pleased and happy to have the name of your Atlanta friend so I can purchase more😊🌸❗️many thanks and keep the videos coming, you’re a treasure🤗.


Great video Maria! Thank you for showing how to take care of rot!


Thank you so much for providing excellent information on the care of Adeniums. I love to watch your videos.


Thank you Maria... I learned so much.. I do not have luck growing them.. I live in Palm Springs.. my problem is always root rot... now I know what to do..


Thank you so much for this video. This is one plant I do not have experience with as of yet. I do grow all kinds of produce, succulents, air plants and flowering plants. We live in Florida so a lot of things don't do so well during the hot summer months . Thanks for the tips!


Thank you so much. My desert rose had a large spot of rot and I used your method to deal with it.


hi Maria! all the storms that we've been having cause's me to have bad migraines so I have not been able to get outside in five days. I'm driving my whole family nuts because I miss taking care of my plants! they gonna send me to crazy hospital soon! haha. thank you for another great video! lots of love... Rose


Hi Maria. Great video, thanks for sharing! I have a sudden onset of root rot. After unpotting, I discovered midges/gnats! I suspect it to be the cause. Any ideas on what to use on the plant to kill them?


Hi Maria,
Sorry for my late response..
Thank you so much for the video and all the information. You are the best!

Unfortunately I had to go to the hospital unexpectedly.
A couple days before that, I already started with drying the plant. I haven’t been at home for at least 1 week.
When I got home I checked the plant. Almost all leaves are gone and at some places or spots on the treated roots are getting white and soft. I think it’s fungus and I’m afraid that I didn’t dry it well before applying cinnamon. I haven’t used glue yet. I was afraid for using the wrong kind of glue.
If it is really fungus, do I have to cut it again?

I’ll try to save my plant.
Thank you so much!

(Sorry for my english)


I am Indian and live in W B. I watch your video


I live in Florida southwest Florida. Since they don’t like a lot of water and it rains almost every day in the summer how do you keep it from getting too much water?


I have taken my dessert rose out of the pot it was in because i didn't know how long it was in the pot. After watching your videos of how to care for it. Now im getting nervous about it because now im getting yellow leaves as it is drying out in the garage. I also was concerned about all the roots being soft. It has cinnamon on the roots. Should i be worried???
I only took it out yesterday.
Can i send you a picture somehow??


Could you please tell us what kind or brand of glue you use?
Is it a water based glue like wood glue? Thanks


Amazing information thank you very much


May i know what is the name of the glue you used. Tq


Great information as always 👍😊👍. Can you give the information for glue?


I need help in preparing my Adenium for indoors, for Canadian winter?


Great video, Maria. There were a couple of times when I jumped and thought you were talking directly to me because my name is also Myra. LOL.

Maria and Rose, is there a difference between the Titebond glue with the blue label (from a previous video) and with the green label (from this video)?


May I ask what is the name of the glue you use because I am from Malaysia I don't know if I can find it here


Do you sell seed if you do how must it cost, I like to buy all different kind of seeds and how much it cost. Thank
