Fixing root rot on your desert roses

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Fixing root rot on your desert roses
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Aww, the love and effort you put on saving this particular ‘sick’ plant warm my heart 💓 you’re an horticulturalist AND a plant nurse. A million hugs to you Maria, stay awesome!


Poor desert rose. I can use that for my ice cream little bowl 😂😂😂🙏🏼. Great video Maria I learn a lot from you. I have double flower rose desert rose from Amazon I love it. Because of you Maria I have healthy Adenium. San Antonio here...Thank you


You are lovely! Thank You for your knowledge and beautiful spirit!


I am so glad I found your videos. I have a desert rose I have grown from a sapling that has some root rot and I thought I may lose and now I know what to do.


Hi Maria, my wife's desert needed to to be repotted to a bigger pot. When I took the roots out and cleared the soil and prunned any old roots. The roots were white and pretty firm. Then I put cinnamon on the roots, it's been in a shady area outside. It's Benn about three or four days. And the roots have gotten smaller and softer. I don't want to kill the plant.


Ms. Maria I just love all your video's they are so helpful and your personality is so vibrant and your green thumb is amazing! I bought a desert rose from a big box home/nursery/hardware store a few months ago. I took it out of the nursery pot and cleaned up the roots and put it in a more shallow clay pot with drainage. I put it out in the sun and we had a ton of rain within a few days but things dried up again. I started seeing yellow leaves and I saw your video about yellow leaves and just knocked them off, but I also noticed the flower buds never finished blooming so had a feeling something might be wrong. I pulled it out of the pot and felt the roots. The bottom roots were all soft and rotting. :-( So I put it under my green house to dry out a bit and later I did as I've seen in your video and cut as much as possible and covered with cinnamon but there are still some soft spots. I am thinking I either need to cut off the limbs and try to get them to grow or do a major cut and cut off all the soggy base parts and coat again with cinnamon and let set to dry again. Funny thing is now the blooms are actually blooming and looking pretty. LOL I can take a picture later to show you what I am talking about. I am just hoping I can still save it but am afraid of killing it by cutting too much. I really want it to grow healthy and strong for me. I'm not sure if it was already getting root rot at the store or what happened.


Hello! In this case, can you put the glue on after it dries with the cinnamon or do you just let it dry and plant it?


Hello maria I was watching this video and I want to ask you if this desert rose made it. Is it still a life??? I will like to see how it turn out. Thank you


Hello Maria I am learning a lot from you on how to take care desert rose. My question is do I have to water the desert rose with previously rotten root after I replanted it? Do I have to keep it inside the patio for how long? Thanks for your input.


Hi Maria I love your channel it is awesome. I have a 2 desert roses and the trunk was starting to get soft so I thought it might have root rot i pulled them out cleaned them up and covered all the roots with cinnamon would that be fine and should I repot them with a pot half full of rocks they where in plastic pots your advice would be much appreciated


I was just given a miniature rose bush with several dead stems, however one stem with a few stems branching from it is still green with just a few green leaves at the top of one stem only. All stems having tiny new growth along each one. I'm thinking root rot because they had the pot sitting in the lid off a mason jar, stopping it from draining at all. Very soggy soil. How do I keep this plant alive? I do have cinnamon powder and a few packs of Bloom Fresh Flower Food in case you think it will be helpful. I haven't done anything other than cut dead stems off. HELP.


Aw where did you go! Anyway I took up two of my desert roses, the roots are nice and white, but look shriveled but they don't smell. I am so worried about root rot I don't water much. They are soft a little...what do you think?


i use this method in root rot remedy and it fails most of the time, the damage is spreading so fast specially in caudex rot. I experimented another method and it works like magic. I do not remove my adenium on pot and I do not cut it. I just use pure aspirin tablet 80mg and cut it into half or 1/4, just crush it and put it directly in the soil of your pot in your adenium plant and and it works!!! after a day the damage will not spread and it will get hard after 2 days and it will recover on its own. try making a video about this. if you notice the plant's root or caudex is soft but not the entire plant just try to put aspirin. I use aspilet brand.


mine is still small but the trunk is sof. when I check the roots, it is brown and squishy too. How do I treat ?


My desert rose is flowering but the caudex is soft. What do I do?


Ms. Mariya, which one use osmokot and how many NPK are there in it?
With you, Ukraine :)


Need HELP. I have a 9 year old dessert rose and i left for vacation for 2 weeks.We received a lot of rain and my dessert rose started to rot. my question is i managed to save just the root can i plant just the root will it do anything or i give up everything.Any help will do.
