I QUIT MY JOB TO DO YOUTUBE | 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Did...

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Author of "From Side Hustle To Main Hustle To Millionaire" (Available at B&N, Amazon, Library)

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Thank you for your honesty Ryan. I was in sales for six years in my twenties and I learned one very valuable thing. You have to keep a neutral attitude. Don’t get too excited and don’t get too down. Sales teach you very quickly that things can flip in an instant. There were days where I literally made $3, 000 and things felt so easy. But then I had weeks of 0’s and I doubted my confidence. Staying neutral will save your sanity. Trust me.


The entrepreneur life isn’t for everyone that’s for sure. But for me, I would rather hustle 24/7 for myself than slave 9-5. Can’t wait until I can quit my job one day


this is 100% the truth i got in a argument with my girlfriend ( now my ex ) two weeks ago because she got mad at me for not spending time with her on easter cuz she had the day off. People don't understand just because they have a day off doesn't mean someone who is self employed can drop everything and take that day off as well. Great video like always bro 👌


Man that crash after the highs part really resonated with me. I had that first little growth spurt as a tiny little channel (due to a shoutout from another bigger youtuber) and I felt great like you said and then I felt a huge sense of hopeless/overwhelmed feeling after it stopped growing.


You’ve articulated everything I’ve felt since I quit my job. I don’t do youtube fulltime but I run an ecommerce business at home. I’ve felt the anxiety in public after not having interactions with people. I’ve also felt the highs and the very lows!!!


I love your channel and this video in particular speaks to me. Almost to a tee, you describe my challenges since leaving my old full time job in the secular realm to dedicating my life to full time ministry. Same challenges, same time management stuff, same ups and downs. Thank you for this message. I needed it and it is EXTREMELY affirming!


These are some good pieces of advice Ryan. Definitely a problem for me is segregating between work and play, I feel like i'm always thinking about investing and business!


Man these are good problems to have. Entrepreneur over 9-5 even on a cloudy day


Really glad you talked about this subject, I am really thinking about becoming a entrepreneur and have started the process of working from home and I feel the deep moods of the ups and downs glad it’s not just me.


I just quit my job as well to do YouTube full time, thanks for the tips and the great info:)


People don't get used to life, that's why everyone is always on a roller coaster.


Hey man, I'm feeling that same way as u. It's important to understand one's motivation to quit one's job. And understand the entrepreneur journey^^


I have been self employed most of my life, I know EXACTLY what you are saying, you are wise beyond your years... The only advice I have is almost too simple... Balance is the key. Find what is THE most important thing in your life, and work around the rest of it. People that you care about in your life are your strength. However, not everyone will have your drive, an old friend of mine used to say that the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so, with that said, nurture what matters, the rest will take care of itself. I know that seems too easy, but I have lived and experienced more than most in my life because I did take the independent route, and I have no regrets. My relationships are strong and the people that TRULY care understand. As long as you give time to those that support you, nothing else matters. In fact... As you become more successful, you will be able to make their lives better as well... You did your job.


Great Advice! A year ago I decided to have a recording section in my art studio to review horror sci-fi and cult films, I invested 500 on recording equipment mostly a mic, mixing board and light, and use all my equipment and art skills to create Cinema Macabro YouTube channel based in LIC NY. I am pretty much a one-man show because I love to work on my own. I am knowledgeable in all films being I graduated with a degree in film and art, plus I am a cinephile which became a trade for me, So I decided to break into the content creators network. Especially after stumbling on to your channel, Dave Ramsey's and others in giving great advice on being an entrepreneur and financial freedom. Again great video and watching this makes me feel a lot better about my decision because its pretty spot on to what you talk about!


I know exactly what you mean about the highs and lows. It’s very common for musicians to experience these extreme lows. Unfortunately it often leads to a lot of addiction problems. Hopefully videos like yours will help shed some light on it and people who have experienced these lows will not feel alone.


I've been experiencing all of these since starting my youtube channel and other things. I'm starting to time manage a bit better because you're not wrong about work and your life blending into one haha.


I totally understand what you mean on the crash. I had a video get about 5000 views (I know not nearly as big as yours but huge for me) in a week and then could hardly motivate myself to make a video or feel as great as I did when that video was performing well. Went from a insane high getting tons of views an hour to a low when that went away


Firstly, Thank you for sharing your experience. And second, AWESOME idea with the stock radar promotion... very great idea bro :)


Seems like the bet payed off pretty well! Congrats man inspirational stuff


I rather work for myself than losing my energy, my thoughts and ideas in an agency that don’t even value you. I personally started my channel in full and currently I’m contemplating quitting two of my three jobs I have.
