10 Reasons Why I Partnered with PHP Agency

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Buy a franchise, build a business from scratch or partner with a successful business model? 🤷‍♂️😗
In the 4 steps to creating wealth 💰taught in our workshops, choosing a platform is extremely critical.

It will help you save a lot of time and avoid spending unnecessary "mistake" money.
Here's a brief video why my wife and I have soared 🛫 with PHP Agency and now co-owners of the fastest growing financial marketing organization in the US.

Which reason would make sense to you?

1. Co-Brand 0:14
2. PHP Compensation Plan 0:55
3. Exotic Travel 1:38
4. Personal Attention 2:29
5. Timing 3:30
6. Flexibility 4:09
7. Gamification 4:49
8. Build Nationally 5:55
9. Agency Building vs. Personal Production 6:24
10. Equity Ownership in PHP Agency 7:22

Stay focused on the main thing - helping your customers and your business generate consistent cash flow!


Matt Sapaula, is a former United States Marine turned veteran entrepreneur. Matt helps those in transition of a new career and occupation to become an entrepreneur while acquiring the confidence, mindset and skills to win the money game. Share in his journey to gain financial control over daily money matters and live your desired lifestyle.

Find Matt Sapaula here too:

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Agency building equals legacy building...”generational wealth”. Have the courage to be the person you always wanted to be!!! Thank you brother!!!


After being a mortgage broker for 9 years I left because I knew the leadership and a community of liked minded people in PHP would take me farther than I could ever imagine. The biggest reason why I transitioned was the equity ownership opportunity. Matt and Sheena I am very grateful for all that I've learned under your wings. The best is yet to come.


This time last year, I promised my children they would never have to suffer through any form financial burden while approaching adulthood - with the option of entrepreneurship attached. As parents, we can agree children learn best from example.

I also vowed to thoroughly educate our friends, families and communities on the importance of financial literacy!

As I take time to self-reflect on my first Big Event in San Antonio with full intention of continually grooming, expanding and protecting my business!, I remain in AWE of what’s to come! PHP has fulfilled each of these desires!

#PHP #MoneySmartMovement 💪🏾


100% love the building a company within a company WITH equity ownership opportunity points in this video. Minimal financial commitment for someone who has humble beginnings but has a Million dollar dream & having an opportunity to obtain that all in one platform is truly prayers answered.
I come from a background as a college grad in biology.. only to find myself working dead end jobs that had no connection to the degree I studied for and placed myself in over $40k in debt to recieve.

PHP Agency helped me relieve $20k in debt and taught me to make money in this industry to take care I'd thee rest!

After 3years in this industry.. I have never witnessed such transparent and genuine leadership in my life.

This former depressed college grad & now a proud broker with PHP Agency.. thanks God someone connected me to this company & the people here.

It goes way beyond money, but the environment, genuine relationships, and crusade here is contagious to thrive from daily.

The negative comments with this company are all noise.. but if someone is REALLY looking to change their life.. definitely take that leap.

Worst case scenario.. you become a better steward of your money, and learn how money works. Best case scenario.. you make your first 6figs, 7 figs, and even become an owner! Your work ethic is your choice between the two!


It's crazy to think that it's been 4 years since I started PHP and I must say it's been quite the ride. From the independence to the ability to control what I make to traveling with my boys, I am beyond thrilled for making a decision. I didn't allow other people's experiences deter me from doing me. Why? Because their lack of work ethic and quick-to-blame others for what doesn't go right says more about them and absolutely nothing about me and my success.

I chose PHP for the platform, carriers we represent, leadership and mentorship from those still in the trenches, and the culture. I'm more proud of my state issued licenses than I am of my $120k degrees.

Thank you for the opportunity to help increase the valuation of PHP. #Equity2019


Love the business structure of PHP. Coming from the NFL, I made good money of course. But I was always capped off by politics and the literal salary cap of the NFL. What I love about this, is that you make all the money you EARN. If you put in the time, you will be rewarded. No politics.


Just like Matt says, where else can you find a true opportunity to make money, build a business, and get equity ownership of a company coming from the background so many of us come from. No degree, wrong side of the tracks, and being an ordinary kid wanting to do extraordinary things!

PHP is the place to be!


profiting off people's desire to be wealthy. the ultimate hustle.


Thanks for the explanation - the ability to be fairly rewarded for your accomplishments and to be exposed to others with a winning mindset is very attractive.


Matt, with just over 2 years into PHP, I just want to say thanks for taking time to break this down to me as we decided to work together. We have ownership and are now working to get our family and team ownership in PHP as well.


Awesome video Matt. I can attest to the Co-branding of PHP. That’s why i joined. I got tired of the corporate struggle and building someone else’s brand. I don’t mind being selfless and helping someone else or a company, but why can’t i do that simultaneously with building my own? That’s what PHP offers and that’s why i haven’t looked back.


Matt I'm blessed to have a #mentor as a Veteran and a major player in the financial world with 20yrs of experience. With a military background, I'm super excited about partnering with a company that is all about the community like PHP Agency. Best decision I could have made leaving the military!


Love working with this company!
Matt Sapaula and all the leaders across the country are just beasts! They've all helped me so much and work like soldiers!

Learning so much and looking forward to firing my boss!


One of the best of the best in our industry. To be mentored by Matt Sapaula is a blessing and an honor. Numbers and facts don’t lie.. #MSM


This is coming from someone who recently signed on...the guy who I reported to didn’t tell me what I needed to. Gave me no direction at all. Told me not to contact the licensing coordinator. Yelled at me for not bringing any clients to him. Once I did, him and his wife stood me up three times and then they yelled at me and said I need to be more sensitive about their feelings even though I lost 2 potential clients since they never showed up to the zoom meetings. He wanted to fight me and told me I wouldn’t get anywhere with the company without him. I really like this company and love what they stand by. However, that’s my experience. I hope no one else experiences what I had to go through.


I'm a Social Worker who shifted from the Non-Profit sector to starting my own business in 2011.
In 2017 I joined PHP for the system and support offered to be successful in the insurance/financial industry. I have never been a part of a team so vested in my personal growth within the business! Co-branding and building your own business, in the last year I've seen more growth in this side of my business than I have in the one I started as a solo-entrepreneur 7 years ago!


Matt! Kabayan! Just discovered your channel and we loved every single minute in this video. Were building our company here in Manila called Unicare and its completely being patterned on PHP. Thank you for all your contents and expect us to watch every single upload.


I was referred and invited to a BOM, when I walked into PHP Plano, I knew I was in the right room. I KNEW God used my friend to bring me into that space. The leadership, community, the level of success I am surrounded by is the reason why I immediately joined. After watching this video, it's further confirmation. I am with the WINNING TEAM🎉


Hi Matt! I just joined on May 27th, Lou and Rhonda Pimber are my upline, I ENJOYED watching your video! I WANT THAT I battle with depression, bipolar, anxiety, ptsd, borderline personality disorder (no, not the multiple personalities), and emotional issues, on top of a lot of physical health issues ... My anxiety about cold calling or doing things I'm not used to, cripples me to the point I am still not where I WANT TO BE in my life! I have a daughter who just turned 32 on May 37th, 4 grandbabies I don't know, neither does she, she's currently living on the streets in San Diego, I'm 51 1/2, and I HATE my life!!!! I just lost my mom the morning after Christmas, and I've been living like a hermit for the most part, over the last several years! I hardly go out, except to appts, a bible study group, and church, and the grocery store, other than that, I sit in my room all the time ... I have HUGE dreams, but I feel like they're just pipe dreams, because I sit here collecting SSI (since 2006), and I can't even afford to get a car to get around and do things! I can't afford one period! I want to buy some land and put a place on it, learn to homestead, help the homeless in our local community, plant fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, have a HUGE raised bed garden, so I have food of my own, and can also help the homeless and our community! I want to have people work or volunteer on the farm to teach me and teach those who will stay there, how to become self sufficient! To learn skills you take with you for the rest of your life and will know to put to use when needed! I used to be homeless, off and on since I was 16 or 17, I currently am, but I'm living with a couple I had adopted as "mom and dad" back in 2015 ... I want to have money to do of that, plus clean up my debt, my mom's, my daughter's, my brother's, and sister's debts, as well as other family and friends ... I want to help people, but I can't even help myself! But I WANT TO!!!! I don't know how to make my brain work right and get out from under myself, my way of life and way of thinking ... I'm also bad about spending every dime I have until im broke again, until the next time I get money ... 😓💔 *sighs* I love the testimonials of you and the Pimbers, I WANT TO BE A SUCCESS STORY and STOP BEING A FAILURE AT 😭



Excellent points Matt. If you want FREEDOM you can get it with our company. Been running w Matt and Sheena since they came on board a few years ago and watched them SOAR ever since. No company treats you better than PHP! Lets make history!
