Yaron Answers: Why Do So Many Capitalists Hate Capitalism?

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Milton Friedman once said, "Everyone's in favor of a free market in general, but not in-particular." So, of course they shouldn't be regulated, only their competitors should.

He said this 40 years ago, and it still applies today.


"Tax the rich so I can live for free, and the rich had to have done something bad to get rich, I think I have the right to the fruit f someone else's labor."

-You and the rest of the country


Ayn Rand's the antidote to poverty. One book to change your view of capitalism - Atlas Shrugged


You don't hate capitalism, you love it. Want to know how I know? You're on YouTube right now, viewing this comment. This wouldn't be possible if it were for Anarchism, Socialism, or Communism, now, would it?
Your phone, your camera, your car, your job, your tv, your YouTube, your food, your clothes, your house, your social media, ansolutely everything you love comes from capitalism, and thanks to competition and capitalism, it is given to you at the lowest price and the highest quality. Ifit weren't for capitalism, we would all be on the streets, and that 1% that you hate would be the only ones to survive.


if i would be rich i would try to defend it too though so i can understand the people defending the system


i feel like the line on his forehead gets deeper as the video goes on


Why does Yaron Brook wave his hands around so much?


What is Wallsian philosopy? Who is this Walls person?


just dont be surprised about ppl running amok or blowing themselves up


how everyones trying to tell me itsa good aand fair system is ridiculous


i dont to work but i also dont need follow laws against murder


Capitalists get rich by disappropriating surplus value from the workers. All you need is capital and a bit of business instinct. The genius comes from the workers who you pay a salary.


how dare you taxing rich people, shame on U
- A rich guy


capitalism is SHIT! Problems with capitalism include, but are not limited to:

- capitalism is amoral, authoritarian, and without responsibility for the actions or suffering it causes.

- it distinctly separates us into classes, with more divisional lines for us to fight about, have/have nots, race, etc

- capitalism is not about the people, it only works in the benefit for a few, and ignores those in real trouble. capitalism creates so much unneeded suffering.

- it's shortsighted. It never accounts for long term sustainability or preservation.

- it creates a necessity for neverending war.

- it excels as a system of exploitation (wealth and power redistribution to the top).

- it has an overwhelming lack of social mobility.

- capitalism breeds racism. Richard Spencer terms the new white supremacist movement as "identity politics", because of how many poor whites there are.

- the lack of freedom it gives people. Money = Freedom, and I personally, don’t like my freedom converted to the number of dollars I own. True freedom doesn't have a number, that’s why its called FREEDOM!

- its based on competition; creating an economic 'hunger games'.

- it inhibits technology. All projects are limited to the interests, and the amount of money that something is worth, to only those that can afford it. Again, it's the very reason why NASA says we haven't been to Mars; they announce almost annually that it's just not feasible.

- it cannot discover the most intelligent among us. Einstein, arguably the smartest human to ever walk the face of this earth (a fellow Socialist), could NOT find a job to save his life after university. He had to take on employment as a patent clerk, for approx 7yrs, to make ends meet. How many Einsteins do you think we have lost to capitalism? Btw, Tesla is another, completely bankrupted by JP Morgan.

- it is not congruent with nature and our environment. crapitalism is good at making crap! It is the best system ever to quickly take our resources and convert them into landfill. NO other system is better at doing this.

- it is incompatible with Democracy. If you are an advocate for both, you have a very serious choice to make unfortunately. The rich elite oligarchy will buy out any decisions made against their interest, and therefore they dictate how it is for the rest of us 99%. Democracy is dead, crapitalism killed it, which is why nobody sees a need to vote anymore (and are correct that it is meaningless), as the system is broken. Whether Trump or Obama, the rich elite always win. Recent history has proved this more than ever.

- it breeds cronyism. There has never been a time in the history of capitalism, when capitalism has been without cronyism. This, to me, speaks volumes as to how it is being a perfectly flawed system.

- it's continual pattern of boom and bust, regulation and deregulation, infinite roller-coaster of hell.

- it creates Socialism for the rich only. The rich elite have Socialism with their bailouts, but its crapitalism for the rest of us.

- its too complex. As any engineer/designer will tell you, evidence of design is not found in how complex something is, but actually in how simplistic it is.

- its inefficient. The word 'economy' is suppose to infer economization, meaning it is suppose to create efficiency for its people (FOR ITS PEOPLE).

“I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.” ― Albert Einstein, Why Socialism?

I could go on and on, don't believe me? Hey after all, it IS capitalism :) Please, if you are an intellectually honest person, join me and start openly calling bullshit on capitalism with me. The world needs us to, and the sooner the better. Thanks.
