Yaron Answers: Socialism

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Yaron Brook discusses what socialism is and why it is evil.


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Peter Hitchens on socialism:

"The only way to approach this utopia is over a sea of blood and you never arrive"


I look through the comments on a video that came out well before many people knew who Bernie Sanders is and mostly see a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters being TRIGGERED and not making substantive or internally consistent arguments.
I just found that kind of interesting.


This guy does not know what he is saying... look at my beutiful contry venezuela, everyting is fine and dandy...

just kidding is a shit/hell hole!!! :(


Yaron Brook, based on Ayn Rand "object ism" made Crystal clear about socialism, absolute wonderful, with great logic and reasoning. 100% support.


When did "Libertarian-Socialist" loose it's inherent self-contradiction such that it could exist in reality?


Marxism and Nazism are both types of collectivism.


Open source programming is a result of people being economically free enough to pursue their hobbies. They have central heating and a fridge full of food.

In a socialist state they would be in a work camp wondering where the next bowl of rice was coming from.


I'm still confused a little -- what is the difference between Communism and Socialism? Are they different words for the same things? Or is one more "extreme" than the other, and if so, in what ways?


Creators are rare and followers are many. Creators can always find employees but potential employees cannot always find a creator. Where are the industrial creators in primitive societies? Ideas are primary. Primitive economies are poor because creators are not encouraged by respect for independent judgment. Capitalism has voluntary trade, not dictators and political monopolies. In capitalism, companies are constantly working for customers who can buy from another company in a moment.


We live in a fascio-socialistic world. Creativity could be maximized, if the Socialistic Social Media would just let us be.


Australia is a mixed economy, not fully socialist. It is ranked third country on Economic Freedom rankings from Heritage behind Hong Kong & Singapore


@Erseph sure - when you say that it sounds like fascism, you must be thinking about "national socialism", which is a totally different thing. libertarian socialism, which is really traditional anarchism, is the worker control of the means of production, without a state or any centralized authority. Everything is direct democracy, from the workplace to the social organization. Before the russian revolution, socialism did not have a statist connotation.


State socialism is what he describes here. And that is correctly a form of fascism. That is the reason why the USSR failed, because Lenin and Trotsky didnt think a society could evolve into Communism on its own, but the state had to facilitate the change. Traditional socialism, in itself, is not a economic system where the state owns anything. It is the system where people who do work at the factory, own the factory, instead of a capitalist. There is nothing fascistic about that.


So, either subjugated to the will of the government or to the will of large corporations, great.


Notice how every person in the comments insulting Yaron doesn't provide an argument except for "that's not socialism, this is socialism or this kind of socialism does work"


real fascism has never been tried, imagine world where bankers wear explosive torques and any unhappy citizen can expode the torque killing the with landlrods....and media and net ad money usurers


If people weren't unwilling, then why all the hubbub about whether or not to hike or cut taxes during every political campaign? People pay because that's what they're told they have to do. Which way do you think people will go if they were told that paying taxes were a choice, and that there were no negative consequences for not paying? Is being willing a reason for the existence of law? Willingness and compliance are two different ideas. Granted some will be the former, most will be the latter.


As an Aussie, we don't have "free" health care, people still have to pay for health treatment besides through taxes; Aus workers have one of the longest working hours in the OECD behind NZ and Japan; The min. wage $15/hr keeps unskilled (usually foreign) workers out of the workforce and end up in welfare-poverty. The Carbon Tax isn't gonna tax coal being sent to China and with selling minerals to China along with low taxes and no gov't debt is the reason why Australia missed the GFC.


clearly that worked so well for spain.


And you should read Rand. To understand her morality is not just by reading a sentence, it takes time. Remember that she was the first philosopher to connect morality to reason, every philosopher in history did not understand what she did. Selfishness means acting in one's own best long-term self-interest and morality is preserving one's life. Be more open to her philosophy.
