Jordan Peterson - Be The Reliable Person at a Funeral

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Don't make the suffering of life worse. Work on becoming the person who can withstand chaos and maybe even be useful for others.

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Today was my father´s funeral. I held the speech, I was solid as a rock for my sister and my mother. I carried my fathers urn from the church to the cemetery and was the one to rely on when everybody else was in tears. It cost me all my will power and energy, but now the day has passed and I´m proud of myself - and I know my beloved Dad would be as well. This was the last thing I could do for him. Mr Peterson this was the best advice I got in a long time, thank you so much for your wisdom from the other side of the planet and I wish you a fast recovery from the pain you suffer yourself.


My niece passed away 2 days ago. I kept thinking about this when I was comforting my family today. I will continue to use this as motivation. To get through the coming days.


5:58 - 6:20 goddamn!
7:18 You want to be the person on who's shoulder people cry on!


Bed: Made
Dad: Saved
Self: Sorted
(Roughly speaking)


I'll put the "fun" in funeral.


A few hours ago I found out my father died 2 weeks ago at home, alone and has only just been found. I am currently deployed overseas.
Have been a follower of Dr Peterson for 2 years now. Came straight to this video. I needed this.


This guy is one of the main influences on my life. Helped me more than my father as far as psychologically.


today i heard that my father has cancer. i cant even wrap my head around what is happening. but i am gonna try to be strong and dependable .


Coffee with Jordan Peterson on Monday morning, , my favorite way to start the week.


I love this man so much. Like a father figure.


Ending the day listening to Peterson on the bed. Perfect material to sleep on and think over.


Well man, my dad, is going to pass this friday. And this just keeps me going.


On my way to my brother's funeral, I listen to this. Thank you Mr. Peterson, from the bottom of my heart.


I watch these before bed and if I wake up the things that go through my head are like, "You're carrying the load. You are a useful human. You have responsibilities."


His point about being the reliable one at the funeral is a damn good one. The difficulty with being the reliable one is that when everyone is falling apart at the funeral and you are standing relatively stable in comparison, it is often the case the the family then scapegoats their problems onto you. Sometimes it's the case that they see you as the outsider and not willing to/capable of mourning with them. Perhaps you didn't love the person dying enough, and that's why you're not falling apart. Or perhaps you don't love the family enough, which is why you are not falling apart with them. The problem with being the strong person is that the strength can become perceived as threatening of the established family dynamic. Families are complicated, man.


Thank you, Bite Sized Philosophy, for posting these videos.
It's difficult to show other people the wisdom held within JBP's 2+ hour lectures.
This can be intimidating for people at first glance, and I've found that they're much more likely to watch a more trimly cut and focused video such as the ones on your channel than an entire analysis of a broad topic...
So it's great that a bridge like this exists for people stepping into these ideas.


Our family has to put down a beloved pet tomorrow and this is the best advice I could get. I can tell if I wasn't making these goals from JP I would be a miserable useless mess right now. Thank you as always. ❤


"Old age ain't no place for sissies"


Call it selfish, but I cannot go to funerals anymore.

Mostly its because the people who pass are those nobody thought very well of, or thought well enough to consider their lives when they were ... alive.

My grandfather passed, people never made the time to visit him and my grandmother. Im not looking to build a bond with such people. I said my goodbyes when I spent the last 2 yrs of of his life with.

All this works for families who are relatively close. For others, to hell with them. I was thought bad of when I did not go to my grandfathers funeral. I did not miss it because of family, tho. I didnt go because its not how I want to remember someone. Pay respect in life. Theres no dignity in death.


"One must imagine Peterson happy." -Albert Camus
