► Rumple & Belle | It's too late [4x11]

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I can't believe that I didn't vid rumbelle for 2 years O.o Since the 2x12 episode actually xD I think that I've only inspiration when there is tragedy x)
By the way I loved so much the mid seaason final that I had to make a video about one of my favourite couple in the show! It was SO heartbreaking, I cried so many times! I hate and love what happenned because it was so impredictible but soo horrible!
For this video I wanted to show their entire relationship and I tried to show the emotions that I had when I watched the episode, I hope that I succeeded x)
I hope you'll enjoy the video guys! :)
And thank you so much I've almost reached 1000 subscribers it means just the world to me!!! thank you!!
" Finally facing the truth"
" Please, put the dagger down. And let me explain."
" No! It’s my turn to talk. Do you remember the first time you saved my life? You traded for me. And I thought I saw something in you, something good. But, I found that gauntlet today.
" I didn't expect this here."
" That’s when I… I finally realized that all the signs I’d been seeing was correct. "
" My power means more to me than you."
" No it doesn't."
" You’d never give up power for me, Rumple. You never have, and you never will. "
" Take it."
" If she has the dagger you have no choice."
" But she doesn't. "
" You know she truly loves you. You could have her forever or all the power that's your choice."
" I don't need to choose thank you, I can and will have both."
" You told me that gauntlet could lead you to someone's weakness, to the thing they loved the most. Well you know where it lead me Rumple? To the real dagger. Your true love is your power."
" I think that deep down there's love in your heart. And for something more than power."
" I juste wanted you. I wanted to be chosen... I...I tried to be everything for you Rumple, but I wasn't. "
" Once I saw the men behind the beast. Now there's only a beast. " Please. "
" No! It's too late. "
" It is chipped. "
" You still have it! "
" I am a coward. "
" She thinks she has the real dagger. I really nead the strengh to get it back. Be that man I should be.And I pledge Baelfire I would be that man. "
" You never changed. "
" Rumpelstiltskin I command you to leave Storybrooke."
" Belle no, please! I won't be able to come back!"
" I know."
" But I don't want to lose you! "
" You already have. "
" Please, I'm afraid! "
" I love you."
" And I love you too."
" Belle, please."
TV show : Once upon a time
Pairing : Rumpelstiltskin & Belle
Song : Saturn
Artist : Sleeping at last
coloring : xXWhisperOfDreamXx
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This scene was probably one of the best and most memorable of the series. It was so emotional, so beautifully filmed and really made watching some of the rest of the nonsense worth it all. I really love how you made this vid, made the scene all the more of a punch in the gut!


Hands down, the BEST Rumbelle video on YouTube, and trust me, I've seen a lot of Rumbelle videos on YouTube... Incredible job!!! <3


It’s been 5 years and i‘m still coming back for this damn ...


OK, this is seriously heartbreaking... MY OTP!


As sad as that scene is, I think this is good for Rumbelle's future. Everything is out in the open. Rumple either man's up or looses her forever. He can no longer have both where Belle is concerned.


I kinda hated how belle gave up on him, but i love all of her sacrifices, and i can feel all of the things she feels. Belle never thought of herself, she was unselfish and thought of everyone first. Belle as pure as her heart can be, gave up the only thing she was fighting for, the one she loved the most, so that she could save everyone even if she had to let him go. This is true love.


This is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful and tragic Rumbelle videos I have ever seen. The editing and song choice is fantastic. I love this so much.


Ow....And...My. Heart. Broke.
Ugh, such a fantastic video. You really did a number on my heart, though.


I really really loved this couple. I hope that they will eventually find a way back to each other, but it does not seem very likely. My compliments for this piece of art, I loved the contrast between the point where he lied when he said he loved power more then her and later he did. I think he figured that it was the only thing that hadn't left him and wouldn't leave him if he didn't want it to. Also I think he thought that Belle would be saver if no one could command him to kill her. But that is mainly wishful thinking


Ok SO I'm here when the show ended and even though I wasn't quite happy with another betrayal in season 6 since I felt it was uncessary for him to do it again after sacrificing himself for belle. BUT I AM SO GLAD HE DID IT! But I am also glad they did end up together in the end literally were the ship that brought me to this fandom.


I am so in love with these characters... to watch this, broke my heart. And I actually cried my eyes out.


This is so beautiful. The heartbreak and tragedy, contrasted by the good times, even though they are fleeting. Good job on this piece of art! Forever one of my favorites.


Fantastic job. Rumple find your way back to yourself. And in the process your Belle


Amazing, beautiful video captured the emotions of the situation so beautifully. I ship them but I was so happy that Belle rediscovered her strength and did what had to be done.


Wow, that was beautiful and really powerful!
I love this new reality of hers presented to us, and I really really want to see her character grow and be a whole person, I wouldn't care if they got back together eventually, I just want him to really work for it. The sad thing about him getting a redemption arc now is that it already happened, he gave his life once, then blew it big time. What on earth could overcome that??? It's kinda vain now. I don't know.

Anyways, very good video and song choice. Keep it up!


Damn it... that made me cry... I'm caught up on season 6 now and I just really want them back together 😭


Well, well, what's the hell is this? Seriously, can u make me cry? This video is fantastic. It's so cute. Thank u.



ohmygod.. i cant.... i have shivers.. IM CRYING SO HARD RN im laughing at myslef its so pathetic oh the feels


I know I’m late but this was absolutely stunning! 😭 😭 😭 My heart... 💔💗


I just saw the season7 finale and now this video... i loved these two sooo much, especially because of Rumple's inability to fully let go of his inner dark side but at the very end! Beautiful video ;-)
