Belle: 'I'm Pregnant?!' (Once Upon A Time S5E16)

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OUAT S5E16: Our Decay
Two things:
1) Sorry for the delay in upload, the JUNO awards are up so I have to find an alternative source
2) Sadly, these are not in HD quality. I'll re-upload these scenes once I've found new ones some time this week.

Do share with all the ONCERS out there!
#Oncers #OUATmoments #S5E16 #OurDecay
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'You fell in love with the man AND the beast'...YEAH, YEAH, FINALLY!


He's right about her falling in love with both his sides. Belle fell in love with a monster who was a man; Lacey fell in love with a man who was a monster. Regina's memory curse doesn't change the basic nature of a person, just their backgrounds. I wonder if his experience with Lacey is part of the reason Rumple realized she loved all of him.

Full props to Rumple for being straight with her about the Dark One business - and about who he really is. No more illusions about an amazing 'man behind the monster.' I gotta say, I cheered when I saw this. FINALLY.


.... Did he just point to her ho-ha when he said "it happened, Belle" 😂😂😂


lol, this has got to be the first time that a man knows that his wife is pregnant before she does.


I literally cheered when I saw this scene. I'm glad the writers finally let him lay it out for Belle how it really is. she knew who he was. you can't just decide to love only one side of a person. they love to condone his darkness until it's useful to them. And honestly the "heros" in this show are no different than him. they have all lied and murdered to get what they want I love the duality of his character and excited to see where it goes from here!


This couple is definitely my favorite in the show. So complex and so real.
I love when he pulls her in at 2:09


Belle: "Not even for me" me: *sighs*


true, she fell in love with him when he was The Dark One, when he become a hero she didn't want him which encouraged him to go to the dark side again... so yeah she is in love with the beast but keeps denying it.


It blows my mind how easily everyone takes Rumple's side in all this. Yes, he is an interesting character. I get that but look at it from her perspective a moment. Their entire relationship is built on the chaos of never knowing what is real and what is rigged. The first time he saved her life was merely a trick. He literally "saved" her from his own minions. He promised her that he would be a better man and then he plotted the demise of the entire town except for her and Henry behind her back, making their entire marriage built on a lie. The darkness was expelled from him and he survived only to trick Emma and Hook into thinking they destroyed the darkness so he could reclaim it. He let them sacrifice themselves and their love for literally nothing. Now after all of this, after her brain has been pummeled within an inch of its sanity and her heart can't take anymore lies she finds out that she is pregnant and that what should be a happy moment is tainted by the knowledge that he has already sold their child. I understand that he made that deal long before he knew there would ever be a her but this ON TOP OF everything else and the giant cherry on top that he has zero remorse for putting her through any of this? She has every right to be angry. She has every right to question whether or not she wants a life with him at this point. At every opportunity he has chosen power over love and because of this she has every reason to believe that he will never put her or their child first. I loved this pairing in the beginning but I have grown tired of watching him make a fool of her and her compromise herself to be with him. I want them to be together but right now she would have to be an idiot with no self worth to take him back.


They were both really selfish in this scene. Belle said she loved him but only if he changed every aspect of himself. And Rumple refuses to do anything other what he wants and tells Belle to accept him. It's screwed up and thank god it was fixed by the end of S6


So many people here are like 'Why if she mad? He was trying to save his son's life and it was before he even met her!' But honestly, I get it. One, she's just mad in general at the situation. And two, really if you are going into a marriage with someone you ought to tell them things like, oh I don't know, you can't have a child together because you've sold my second born. I'm sure Belle probably wanted a family with him eventually and finding this out after they're already married is probably a big blow.


I'm honestly so pissed at the writers. Rumple loves Belle SO MUCH. This is so ooc for him. He would never give Belle an ultimatum like this. Seeing them destroy Rumple like this is ripping my heart to shreds.


I think this is the most honest Rumple has ever been with Belle


Literally everyone in this show comes to Rumple at some point or other for his expertise in magic. Especially the heroes. Think back to season one…he gave Henry an amulet to help control the sleeping curse, and Rumple took the price of the magic onto himself. He can do good things through his dark magic. He is right here. Belle needs to shift her thinking into “how can I encourage him to use magic in good ways, rather than not be a wizard at all”


I can't believe she's pregnant!!!! Rumple deserves happiness and a family with Belle I always hoped that there would be a happy ending for him somewhere


Rumple and Belle love symbolizes what really love is. Love is not easy. It is chaotic and the fact that they keep finding their way back to one another proves that they meant for one another. Its destiny. Fate. Whatever you wanna call it.


See I love this WAIT) AND I also love u :P


Wow... so this means that the baby is the son of the Dark One (and not only Rumple's) ? How powerful would he/she be? O.O


Up to now I have supported Rumple, making the argument regarding his complicated nature when a lot of viewers believed he was a pure villain incapable of change. However, I cannot help but think now that his obsession with power is going to be the undoing of his relationship with Belle. After all, she's the only character on the show that would give him the time of day. Hopefully the writers aren't headed toward the ending that I fear but I guess we'll just have to see.


God, the fact that you have no idea of being pregnant, but your husband knows that
