Once upon a time s01e12 Belle tries true loves kiss on Rumplestilskin

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When he yelled that no one could ever love him, my heart ached a bit. It takes one hell of an actor to make you feel for the bad guy.


Rumple: "No one could ever, ever love me."
Every Rumple fangirl: "Bet."


She should have just kissed him again instead of telling him


Rumple: Why did you come back?
Belle: I wasn't going to then something changed my mind...

I always saw that as a hint, that Belle's love wasn't quite True Love, because she only came back to try to break the curse, not because she loved him.

And that means Belle was equally as responsible for the kiss not working. It was close, but neither of them could fully commit to their love.


This is one of my favourite kiss scenes of all time. 💞


I already posted this on another Rumbelle video, but do you realize their love was so strong it was about to break THE DARK ONE curse? This isn’t just some run-of-the-mill curse, this is the darkest of all dark curses, and centuries old to boot. When he kissed her in the dream with Morpheus/Gideon, I wonder if it would’ve worked if she didn’t stop it.
And he only needed his magic to find his son, not selfish reasons this time.


Fantastic acting. Sad to see the energy Robert Carlyle had slowly decline post season 5. Still perfect choice.

This episode was fantastic as well to show a vulnerable side to Rumple as the Dark One, not the father Rumple, but THE Dark One, the most feared being in the forest

Just to see him utterly freak out..chills man. Chills


2:30 when you ask the teacher if you can go to the bathroom and she says "I don't know can you?"


I wish this scene was a little later on the show, once we undertood a little more rumples back story with his wife and son


This is why you should never come on to your boss 😂


The smart thing would’ve been to continue as they were, until rumple would eventually kiss her himself. If that had been allowed to happen, it’s possible he would have been more reasonable and realized that he was loved in return, and broken the curse without all the back and forth. However, that’s not to say he wouldn’t still have been power hungry and made the same choices anyways


I wish Belle had been open with Rumple about her intentions here. Neither of them were likely to be rational, of course, and it probably would have ended much the same, but I doubt they would have kissed without both of them trying to break the curse. That would have left the option on the table for later.

If Rumple was actually rational, he could have explained about Regina, and how likely it was that she would kill them, or at least capture them, almost immediately if the curse were lifted.

How Rumple would never see his son again.

How very Not Fun it might be to be a former Dark One - they may have been able to hide among peasantry, but Rumple as a crippled spinner and Belle as an outspoken female scholar were pretty obvious to anyone who wanted revenge on the Dark One. He may have been able to seek refuge with Jefferson or the Charmings... Maybe. But not likely.

And Belle could have talked about love being worth the risk or planned with him when to break the curse, depending. It could have been So Much Better, because respect and honesty and openness is IMPORTANT.

But no. 🤦


BECAISE NO ONE. NO ONE COULD EVER EVER LOVE ME. I feel your pain rumple. The girls only feel pity for you and they never love you.


i live for this scene so much the more i watch the more i see how much thought was put into showing just how broken and self sabotaging Rumple really is. The way he screams at the mirror is obviously plot wise him yelling at the Evil Queen bc he knows she has the Genie and her mirrors and shit but the way it so beautifully symbolically shows the way hes yelling at HIMSELF bc it is HIS fault, HES the one pushing Belle away, hes the one who is “turning her against him” and its just SO PAINFUL AND WELL DONE


Why didnt they just do this with emma when she wasnt fully a dark one but cursed, she still had hook


despite loving Rumbelle but I never actually felt comfortable with the way Belle always acted around Rumple when they were in his castle. I mean you can say he took her as hostage(which isn't true cause first: what kind of business Rumple could have with the woman he doesn't even know, so he took her as hostage? and it was her choice and he didn't needed to force her, when he was living he showed that he doesn't care what decision she's gonna make about coming into his castle) and again if anyone was in Rumple's shoes in that scenario, could use Belle all he could, as a sexual slave or...but Rumple never had this kind of intentions about her, and true he did care for her as an innocent girl, protected her honor but none of it meant he had other intentions about her and kept her respect in that way. Belle on the other hand, never did the same thing about him, always talked to him in a flirting way, even if he wasn't interested, and didn't kept his respect in that way! and that was something I never felt comfortable about Belle's character in this storyline. if their genders were reversed, people would've called Belle a creepy guy.


Después de 8 años viendo esta serie que no sabia que existia, si no fuese por los short de YouTube. Amo la escena del beso ❤❤❤❤❤ saludos desde Argentina 2024!


Who want to see rumpelstiltskin in Disney i know rumpelstiltskin is not disney movie please tell me comments down blows right here who want to rumpelstiltskin in Disney movie


❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Он моя любовь и мечта. Румпель это вы.


The ship is nice but… why do I keep cringing
