OUAT - 4x21/22 'I'm not letting you die alone' [Rumple & Belle]

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Ep: 4x21/22 - "Operation Mongoose"

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This whole speech though..."Who could ever love me?" Oh, Rumple... :( Belle loves you and always will. 

And when Belle said that she didn't love Will, I was cheering :) Rumbelle forever.


Belle-"I don't love Will"
Me- :D :D :D :D :D YES! You go girl!


"Who could *ever* love me?"
Belle's love might not be all he needs; I think he needs to have a few talks with Archie about his cripplingly low self-esteem issues.
Speak of the devil, where has Archie been during the last few seasons?


If you love someone, let them go. And if they come back, they're yours to keep.
However bad he might be, Rumple has always let Belle go, always given her every opportunity to leave him (and I know I might be exaggerating a little). And she keeps coming back to him.
So come hell or high water, I hope that this relationship works out.


When rumple tells belle that they were happy and in love in the alternate reality I thought she was going to say “ but it wasn’t real” like what Isaac told him. But she didn’t. She already was happy and in love. Idk why but this pulls at my heart. Even though the book wasn’t real she doesn’t deny that the their feelings in it were real. At his lowest moment she could have told him the alternate book wasn’t real but she didn’t deny it. Her feelings for him as the light one were just as real as when he was the dark one. He just found it easier to believe when he was dressed up as a hero.it means the alternate reality is a real possibility that they get their happy ending as heroes with a son. This is confirmed by the ending of s6.


I love this scene and I really hope that Rumple finds that arc. They can't let him be in a coma for more than a few episodes, they've got to bring him back somehow.


"I don't love Will"


See my problem here is that Belle says "I knew what I was getting into" except she was the one that banished him over the town line without at least allowing an explanation. That said this is really sweet. And honestly Rumbelle did have several of these sweet scenes in the later seasons but the writers always felt the need to screw rumple over and make him the bad guy and make Belle holier than thou. Like I love this scene and the acting is top notch here but it pisses me off that the writers felt the need to keep messing with their relationship (and with Rumple in general)

Regina had her backslide in Series 2 but she redeemed herself and no more backslides in later seasons they didn't make her screw up everything at least once a season. Emma and Killian didn't have their relationship go through this kind of sh*t even though Killian was also a villain. HELL Zelena the psychopathic RAPIST got more of a permenant redemption than Rumple so to speak. And yes I know he's apparently a full good guy in series 7 but he redeemed himself via DYING in series 3A so WHY should he get made into the mustache twirling villain who can never stay on the straight path when other's who did argueably equal or worse things for originally lesser reasons get a full on redemption? Why was he less deserving of a more permanent redemption the first time round than Regina, Hook, and Zelena? And why does what started out as one of the sweetest and most complex relationships on the show suddenly get turned hot and cold toxic? I mean the answer is lazy writing but it still pisses me off.

They had plenty of villains without needing to make Rumple one again. HELL original Rumple wasn't even a total villain he was more morally grey. He was pretty much on his own side but he fiercelly protected those he loves he sometimes went about it in a darker way. It didn't make him evil and Belle post Hamburger date pretty much accepted that. Up until series 4 when they started screwing him over.


Oh the Rumbelle feels! I hope they can make up and be happy together when Rumple can learn to live without the curse, and his power addiction next season. Here's the thing that's so frustrating to me about this scene though, even here when Rumple's about to die it feels like he is still to afraid to admit the to the whole truth, and is only admitting to half of it.
Here's my theory:
I think that Rumple has known that his heart was almost too dark for him to control by slowing it down with magic from the beginning of 4A, but was still too much of a coward to let Belle break the curse because of his power addiction. I feel like that's why he went after the hat, and tried to break the ties to the dagger back in 4A. He wanted to try and hold on to both Belle, and still keep his power from the curse in control without having to sacrifice his humanity. I get it, the curse has always been a chronic addiction for Rumple, and it's only gotten worse over the past three centuries, but it's time to start letting those closest to him in. Hopefully, we'll get more of the Rumple from season 3A next season, the one who was capable of making a sincere effort to fight the darkness and be brave by making the right decision when he really wanted to. The last thing that I want is for Rumple to get a free card for his redemption next season though with his apparently now blank slate heart. That feels like a sell-out sort of way to redeem a character, and something that would totally ruin Rumple's original personality anyway and genuine character development. He made bad decisions not just because of the curse's influences, but because he has always been too much of a coward to let his chronic magic addiction go, and just be powerless again with his true love for Belle. That's why he couldn't believe in it. I think Rumple needs to struggle and get caught relapsing in the act of trying to take the curse back from Emma before he can go through with it in his desperation by someone like Belle or Henry next season to truly have that wake up call and genuine and satisfying shot at true redemption.


Why doesn't the kiss work anymore?


+zachisboss it's in episode 22 towards the end


Are there any scenes of them after this that you can upload?


ha ha oh wait you did! sorry! THANK YOU!


I'm watching this on netflix and this never happened in episode 21 season 4.
