Best time to take an ovulation test | ++Ovulation testing tips!

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When to start testing for ovulation? First morning urine or not? Should you test twice daily? Can drinking too much water dilute your LH levels? If you are new to ovulation testing, start by testing right after your period ends, around cycle day 6 or 7 to establish your baseline LH levels.

The key is to identify your LH surge pattern and pinpoint your LH peak, which typically occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation. Make sure to test daily for the most accurate results. Avoid taping test strips into a notebook, as this can lead to incorrect readings. Instead, download the free Premom app to easily track and interpret your test results!

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In this video, Nurse Kacie will cover:

00:00 - 00:15 Intro
00:16 - 00:42 When to take an ovulation test
00:43 - 01:14 When is the best time to take ovulation test
01:15 - 01:43 Can food or water impact my ovulation test results
01:44 - 02:23 Worst time to take ovulation test
02:24 - 03:09 Ovulation testing tips - when to start ovulation testing
03:10 - 03:52 How to read an ovulation test

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**Premom is intended for educational and informational purposes only. We do not offer any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatments. Always consult your physician or other appropriate medical professionals if you have any medical questions, conditions, or any other medical emergencies. The products and services are not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the professional service or practitioner.**

Premom is a period & ovulation tracker app that helps women track their cycles, get pregnant fast or learn more about their health. We are sharing fertility facts, helpful tips, and advice for women looking to learn more about getting pregnant, trying to conceive, trying to avoid pregnancy, pregnancy tracking, ovulation, periods, fertility, and more.

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Hello, I usually have my periods around 10th of the month but I was intimate with a guy but he didn't penetrate and he ended up doing it on my lower belly. I went and cleaned myself And then after half an hour or so we went for round 2 but he didn't pop that time.... But it's 16th today and I haven't had my period yet (6 days late), I did have some pain that I have on the exact date but that's it, nothing else, no discharge or anything. I'm worried and would that be possible that I've conceived?


Your explanation of the optimal time to take an ovulation test was incredibly clear and practical. It’s so helpful to know the importance of timing and hydration for accurate results


Heyy i know I’m a month late but I have a genuine question. So my normal period is usually medium flow very consistent and the discharge is usually bright red and lasts about 5-6 days. Now for some reason like 3 days ago I started spotting a day before my period in which I was like that’s normal the spotting isn’t little dots but it’s very light almost like light flow kinda bleeds through the panty liner but there was no sign of blood clots and also no sign of new blood so basically when I would wipe the first day I noticed it was light pink then reddish pinkish then the second day was pink reddish pinkish then red when I would wipe but rusty brown on my panty liner. also I didn’t get cramps ether and the flow is very very inconsistent barely anything coming out when it would it seemed like old blood because there was barely a bright red blood on my panty liner. This lasted for about 3 days today makes day 4 and I only have brown discharge only but when I would wipe still small amount of light pink. I know usually when I only get brown discharge on my panty liner that my dishcharge is more so going to turn back to normal I have a feeling the isn’t my period but I want your advice do you think this is a period or implantation bleeding?
