So When is the BEST Time to Take Your Multivitamin? Dr. Mandell

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Love his page!! Without asking he gets right to the point of information you need❤


Yes, I agree .I learned that the hard way taking multivitamin 😢 on an empty stomach 😢


Great advice Dr. Mandell, Thank you and God Bless you....


You know doc when I first got pregnant I wasn't able to keep much down and someone told me try to take your vitamin with your dinner when I started doing that I realized I had more strength when I woke up in the morning and it helped dealing with the morning sickness I started doing that on a whole in terms of taking my vitamins because usually they say take it with your breakfast but it makes sense to take it with your dinner because it gives the vitamins and nutrients enough chance to work in your body and give you energy taking it with a meal protects your stomach


Yes!! I always have a meal. Thx for your advise.


I'm currently suffering for last 20 hours.... Came here to check how to recover... I'm neither throwing up not feeling better ...


Doctor Mandell thank you very much😇😇😇😇❤❤❤❤❤💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Whole food vitamins never upset my stomach! So glad I found a great vitamin company after being educated that alot of vitamins are junk ingredients, have alot of fillers and can do more harm than good.


I thought you were going mention the best time of day


Question for the men... What's a good overall multivitamin to consume everyday? Here's the thing, I trying to get a multivitamin with less or without magnesium oxide...


Meanwhile, I kept my eyes on the weird abstract art piece in the background. 😊


Do you have a certain multivitamin that you would suggest for a 50 year old male?


Thats good to know, I've been doing it wrong


✋️Is it wrong to take multivitamin with other vitamins????👀


Do you recommend taking multivitamin supplements? I’m confused as to weather or not I should take them.


Thanks Doc. Could you please also clarify this- someone told me you shouldn’t take multivitamin supplements regularly. You should take it for about 15 days then hive a gap of few days before you take them again. Is that true or they can be consumed indefinitely?


vitamin d should always be taken with fatty acids like avocado eggs or almonds. the healthy ones. increases dramatically the absortion. if you take vitamin c and green tea take advantage of the vit C by taking it along with the tea. increas the absorption of ecgc of the tea. vitamins are good. some of them are good to buy some other its better from the food. almost all pf them you shoud get them from the food. but some of them its ok to take them alone. cause its hard to get the right amount of them by food strictly every day. vitamins will make no sense if you dont do sport eat well, or if you drink. alcohol its not an oxidative by itself. but depletes many vitamins that are important. like A and B1 B6 among other. same thing for cigar. destroys vitamin c. not eating well or slepping well and high cortisol levels. not doing sport or managing well emotional states. this produces inflamation. taking a pill thinking its gonna solve your problem its absourd. they exist because some people have defficit and other things. but all this people and people who just take them for a helthy style now that they need to have a body who is capable of transforming the proteins and vitamins into protectors, grow factors, monoamines, etc. if you have a bad life style. all those vitamins will be flying around your body. wich is very shamefull how people waste their money and their body because thinking that now they take vitamins they dont have to worry about anything. these people are doing even more harm to them self just because they are ignorant. thats why so much many people say they dont work or that they even feel worst. (just take the digestion problem he says right now. also if you have eccses of some vitamins wich you will never use they will harm you. you must use the vitamins because your body can manage them. a lazy body has no cure no matter how many vitamins you consume. and thats why so many people aswell have an amazing brain. skin energy and body while taking them. because they research are curious and do the right things. trust me. literally a doctor its the very few who understand all the variables. you would be surpraised how much you can learn reading papers and research.
IF you are gonna watch 10 videos on youtube and think that you learned something. like they work or no. you are worst than where you already started. do eat well. sleep well do sport 3-4 times per week. and meditate. meditate its more important than you think. indeed it should be as equal important. but its something very new in modern times like a routine. but hey. monks and some others have been doing it centuries ago. you really think its just another think. Research in internet. pdf. nbci its a great place to start. it even reverse speed rate of aging.
just because its not arround in all source of media its because. its not true. also if you do sport you must do cardio. if you wonder. swiming running bicicle are the best. and if you really wanna know tennis its the one that most prolong life. also. this makes no sense if you dont do it right. you must do 2/3 at a moderate but good performance of effort. the 1/3 you have to be pushing yourself to the limit. thats because thats how you make learn the mytochondria to recover from stress. (veryyy few people know that) doing 30 minutes moderate. or 30 minutes strong its far away pf the same. sport its good on. evening and afternoon (but before 6pm) otherways you compromise your sleep wich is where other really important process occurs. so doing sport late gou are doing more harm than good haha what a waste pf time and energy right? evening manages hormone levels, and doing sport afternoons increases the peak performance you can give to your body while doing the sport without doing harm to your body. about sleep. adults should sleep 7:30-9 hours of sleep. not 7 . 7 1/2. a little bit minuts maybe. once you get use to it your body wakes up alone with no need of alarm. thats how you now it works. these are lapses of 90 minuts which are rem cycles. you wanna allways complete these cycles otherwise you wake up tyres. you brain waves dont come back in a normal way for the day. long term effect of this are illness like parkinson or dementia. back then before we knew so litlle about why this ilness many people sayed its just gemetics. but people have discovered that are just life styles. but because it wasnt really well understood we said genetics. everything that happends to you will be due more to you doing bad the things you are doing. and more of that we wil be discevering in the future and its already on the internet!!!! you just have to really search. you will hardly find something incredible on youtube. keep just only with youtube and you are wasting you time and body ⚰️. This dude its saying something true. But this it is noone should need to see this 🤦 its even on the vitamin label. people are lazy body and mind. but most of the reason why people are lazy its because of rhe brain. if you dont feed your brain with curiosity you are stuck. youtube videos are fun and give you some facts. but they are only a glimpse of things. youtube social media its for lazy people. real stuff are outside. the more you seek information outside the more you will be. one day you will discover social media its a buble. trust me it is. and there is meany people who think and know it is. but they still leave it on it. they still are in the bubble and they think thay are not. thats how strong its the buble. not saying all videos are wrong or waste of time. sure there are brilliant and inspiring or beutifull videos. but only once you start reading on the outside you will now wich are an not are. seen so much people pretending they now. when not even close. me included right now. still so much to learn. i may be wrong about many thing right know and sure it may be.
but at least has worked. 30 years. had problems. entered university last year. always ashamed of that ;( last year they asked my age.
-hey you look older..
( i was ohhh shittt what do i say.)
you look older-he continued- did you born on 2000 or 1999?

(i couldnt believe it)
(at the end they couldn't believe it either haha)

-no. (all i wanted was to not say anything)
soo 98? (they keep asking)
really?? 97
haha no
come one stop joking
95?94? 93?
93 indeed haha. (shouldnt be ashamed i know it just that its unconfrtable for me know to them thai i still am there) (but well working on it)
well at least i dont have to worry about someone realising that i am older anymore cause everybody thinks i am like their same age.
has happened this all the time someone in other class asks me.
yeah it works. beaing healthy works haha at least the pluss side its that i dont have to worry with my complex( meanwhile i work on my complex of course haha)
its sometimes a porblem for buying alcohol but i avoid it anyways haha.
no but yeah if you really are into being healthier do all the research thats how. i know its a lot of stuffs. but information does not come free in 10 videos of 20 minutes each on youtube. it comes free . but it comes with daily work time. and resarch in the true media. its a lot of information. but the good thing its once you learn it you only have to do it. then its absurdly easy. most of the healthie habits are easier than you think. ita just that people dont know what the hell to do.

oh and remeber read when its the best time for your vitamins :)
oh and this sound like way to much haha but wanted to text :)
great if you do this.
but be carefull of not get obssesed. always point for your healthy habit in a healthy way. on day at a time :) other ways its to hard and you end up missing out life


Does taking multivitamins harm the body?


Yes I get sick taking vitamins in on an empty stomach.. so I'm I dont


Hey Doc, is it safe to take if i have chronic gastritis & digestive enzymes?
