Jordan Peterson Talks BECOMING Catholic After Wife Enters Church

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Jordan Peterson’s wife Tammy entered into the Catholic Church this Easter and Peterson was asked in an interview prior to the Easter Vigil Mass what Easter and Christ’s crucifixion means to him and was also asked what is the likelihood of him entering the Catholic Church himself… Both answers might surprise you…

Many are lost nowadays and hungry for a revived Church that can lead them to a life in full… Peterson said it and knows it himself, the Cross is the answer, and we have the cross… It’s the Way… and we can flip the suffering and meaning crisis that so many are going through on it’s head… Perhaps if we can reform the Church into what it could be, the Church that Christ formed it to be, we’d not only be able to get Peterson, but everyone else along with him…
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The Catholic Church is not defined by the sins of its members and clergy, but defined by its founder, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


Zach! WOW! I’m a 57 yr old former Protestant who just entered the Catholic faith. What a powerful video. Thank you.


Love this! I'm still praying for Jordan - I think he's so close. Praying for his full conversion.


I respect Jordan for loving & supporting his wife completely 🥰


He will follow his wife. Dear Orthodox and Protestant Christians we love you and want you to come home because you will enrich our Church and help us put it back into order.


As an Orthodox Christian, previously Protestant, I’ve been praying for Dr Peterson for years. It seems the Lord is hearing our prayers. He’s come a very long way. 🙏🏼🙌🏼


Pleased for Tammy. She has been on an amazing journey. Praying for Jordan 🙏


The Church is both Divine and human. The Divine will not fail, the human fails all the time, trust in the part that does not fail. The Church is not a museum for saints, it is a spiritual hospital for sinners. Sursum Corda. ❤


Dr. Peterson, we will welcome you with open arms.


Zach, the Church doesn't need "reformation" as you stated, but rather restoration. We all have to restore Christendom on every level - including education of children (and their parents), sacred liturgy, art and music. Restoration of the reverence towards Holy Eucharistic Lord - His True Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity must take place! From the way we- Catholics are prepared for Mass (including appropriate clothing) to the way we receive Him (only on tongue and -if possible- kneeling) ...


It s heartbreaking to know that over the last 50 years so many Catholics have been deprived of the solid catechesis my generation was blessed to receive. Traditional Latin Mass, lex orandi, lex credendi. As you pray, so you believe.


I’m a convert from the Baptist religion and I absolutely know why we do what we do! I love the Catholic faith!


Christus surrexit alleluia! Deo gratias! Dear Sister Tammy Mary, we are overjoyed and welcome you with open arms into Holy Mother Church! I was so touched when you spoke of asking "where is Mary" as a little girl in Protestant church. Well, you have found her and the entire family of God! Welcome home! We pray for you and pray with great hope that Jordan will soon follow in your footsteps! We need courageous witnesses in these dismal times to be lights in the darkness and brave fighters to combat error and resist the cult of woke and nature-worship in society and the Church itself today! May the risen Christ bless you! All glory be to Him! Amen+


Praying for Jordan and his enlightenment through the Holy Spirit.


OMG couldn't agree more with your last comment!! Praised be Jesus for and in the Eucharist FOREVER!!!!


The laity will lead the reform and revival. I attended the Easter Vigil at LSU’s Christ the King church. It was Beautiful! So many students get on their knees to receive the Eucharist. 29 students came into the Church. They had a Resurrection party until the wee hours of the morning after and the happiness and joy was palpable. Jesus, I trust in you.


I’ve been praying for his conversion to the Catholic faith for the past 4 years.


Poor Catechesis since the 70's have put a lot of Catholics in your shoes. A return to traditionalism within holy mother church has shown and continues to teach ne the glory of the faith. God bless.


I must say that there are true, Spirit-filled Christians in all Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant denominations. God works outside of the Catholic Church - He is bigger than that. I pray God strengthens, multiplies, deepens, and guides all branches of His tree through the Spirit.


*Hallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47, 000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12, 000 and got my payout of m $270, 500 every months, God bless Chloe Linda Henderson🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸..*
