24 REGRETS People Have When THEY'RE DYING (Part 1) #MatthewKelly #NoRegrets #YOLO #regrets

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Don't Waste Your Life

24 Regrets of People Who Are Dying - Matthew Kelly

Video Transcript:

What do people regret when they are dying? I asked hospice nurses. Here are the regrets people have when they are dying.

• I wish I’d had the courage to just be myself.
• I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
• I wish I had made spirituality more of a priority.
• I wish I hadn’t spent so much time working.
• I wish I had discovered my purpose earlier.
• I wish I had learned to express my feelings more.
• I wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about things that never happened.
• I wish I had taken more risks.
• I wish I had cared less about what other people thought.
• I wish I had realized earlier that happiness is a choice.
• I wish I had loved more.
• I wish I had taken better care of myself.
• I wish I had been a better spouse.
• I wish I had paid less attention to other people’s expectations.
• I wish I had quit my job and found something I really enjoyed doing.
• I wish I had stayed in touch with old friends.
• I wish I had spoken my mind more.
• I wish I hadn’t spent so much time chasing the wrong things.
• I wish I’d had more children.
• I wish I had touched more lives.
• I wish I had thought about life’s big question earlier.
• I wish I had traveled more.
• I wish I had lived more in the moment.
• I wish I had pursued more of my dreams.

These are the regrets of people who were out of time. Some people think it’s morbid to think about death. I disagree. It’s healthy to think about death. It puts things in perspective and reminds us what really matters. The inevitability of death should inspire us to get busy living."

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Well this makes me feel better about myself, I already do all those things. Perhaps I could express myself emotionally better but that's about it.


I wish I disregarded more Reiterations
