24 Regrets of People Who Are Dying featuring Matthew Kelly

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**"It's healthy to think about death; it puts things in perspective and reminds us what really matters. The inevitability of death should inspire us to get busy living.”**

In this episode of Lead With Culture, featuring best-selling author Matthew Kelly, we discuss the impactful message of the top 24 regrets of people who are dying.

Join us as we uncover valuable perspectives on courage, fulfillment, and the pursuit of dreams, offering a fresh lens through which to approach leadership and personal growth.

**In this episode, you’ll discover how to:**

1. Embrace courage and take action to fulfill your dreams, as they are an essential part of your life's purpose
2. Realize the importance of not caring about what others think of you
3. Make intentional efforts to build and maintain deeper relationships with friends and loved ones

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