10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 2)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:05 {Does Exodus Condone Abortion?} Does exodus 21: 22 really condone abortion? I've seen multiple commentaries and translations, and it does really seem like abortion is accepted as the baby's life appears to be less valuable.
2. 10:58 {How Long to Date Before Marriage} Is being in a long-term dating relationship wise? And how long should you wait for someone to make the decision to marry you or not?
3. 14:32 {Why Did God Create Drugs?} Why would God create psychedelics, since they lead so many astray?
4. 20:39 {“Too Much Bible”?!} How would you respond to the phrase “Too little Spirit, too much Bible”? I’d love to know how to respond.
5. 25:03 {Can I Marry a Divorced Person?} My fiancée came to the Lord after our relationship started and I recently found out that she has been divorced twice. Has she been forgiven, or should we call off the marriage?
6. 30:17 {Why Did God Give the Law First?} Why did God, knowing everything, give the Law first and not go straight to grace with Jesus?
7. 35:50 {Can Christians File Restraining Orders?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 apply to restraining orders? A boy in a Christian household was harassing my sister, and my parents were told it was wrong of them for filing a restraining order.
8. 42:34 {Eternal Forgiveness vs. Accountability?} Why does the Bible say we will give an account for every idle word if we will be forgiven?
9. 48:45 {The Father’s Spirit or Spirit of Christ?} In Matthew 10: 20 the Spirit is the Father's Spirit, but elsewhere it says the Spirit is that of Christ. How does this work with the Oneness vs. Trinitarian views?
10. 52:22 {Personal Relationship = Biblical?} Does the Bible actually talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus?


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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:05 {Does Exodus Condone Abortion?} Does exodus 21: 22 really condone abortion? I've seen multiple commentaries and translations, and it does really seem like abortion is accepted as the baby's life appears to be less valuable.
2. 10:58 {How Long to Date Before Marriage} Is being in a long-term dating relationship wise? And how long should you wait for someone to make the decision to marry you or not?
3. 14:32 {Why Did God Create Drugs?} Why would God create psychedelics, since they lead so many astray?
4. 20:39 {“Too Much Bible”?!} How would you respond to the phrase “Too little Spirit, too much Bible”? I’d love to know how to respond.
5. 25:03 {Can I Marry a Divorced Person?} My fiancée came to the Lord after our relationship started and I recently found out that she has been divorced twice. Has she been forgiven, or should we call off the marriage?
6. 30:17 {Why Did God Give the Law First?} Why did God, knowing everything, give the Law first and not go straight to grace with Jesus?
7. 35:50 {Can Christians File Restraining Orders?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 apply to restraining orders? A boy in a Christian household was harassing my sister, and my parents were told it was wrong of them for filing a restraining order.
8. 42:34 {Eternal Forgiveness vs. Accountability?} Why does the Bible say we will give an account for every idle word if we will be forgiven?
9. 48:45 {The Father’s Spirit or Spirit of Christ?} In Matthew 10: 20 the Spirit is the Father's Spirit, but elsewhere it says the Spirit is that of Christ. How does this work with the Oneness vs. Trinitarian views?
10. 52:22 {Personal Relationship = Biblical?} Does the Bible actually talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus?


I was a muslim and converted to being a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ... I prayed to God one time with all my heart asking him to show me if he's real and he did. The holy spirit has been helping me in faith and in acceptance to God's words. I hope to keep growing in the knowledge of his truth. Amen❤❤❤❤❤


I was in that position at one time and ended up "with child." Since I was under-aged, I could have had an abortion to get rid of the, "problem." Even at my tender age, I would never have wanted to murder my baby just to keep things quiet and to get out of the fact that she had the right to live. We're all older now and I look at our daughter and her children and her children's children, one of which was just born last evening. (Five Greats, now!) They all would not be here in this life if I had had our daughter murdered because I was under-aged.

We just passed our 60th wedding anniversary this past July. I have no regrets about anything, except causing my family shame, which they didn't deserve and I wasn't raised to be that way. Because of the circumstances, no one could rejoice and celebrate our little one, but they all stood by me, each in their own way.


My pastor, Bill Gehm, from Grace church in Amarillo, Texas mentioned you in his sermon Sunday. He follows you 💕


Doing 10 questions allows you to answer them all more carefully and in depth. Please continue to do it this way!


Weekly Mike Winger is back! 🤩 10Qs fine with me.


As a former drug addict lost in psychadelics from marijuana to mushrooms to LSD to HDMA and beyond....telling an addict "it's not your fault" is not compassion, it's sentimentality. It's not Sensitivity, it's Senusality. Ephesians 4:19 hit me hard


Thank you for simply re-organizing your program. Life needs change, and we're all glad you worked it out.
I think 10 questions every week will be better all around. It maintains a regular time, so people don't have to remember, and it shortens the time to a more manageable re-watch. It makes it more likely that more people will actually benefit. And, I would guess it's better for you to, brother Mike.


"Social media helps normalize odd behaviors" THIS all day long. What's that quote... what one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace? All the oddness you see going viral on Social Media now will be reality for your kids and/or grandkids. Equip them well 🙏✝️


I'm just tickled by how excited you get by finding Jesus in the OT. I feel the same and frequently have tried to share that excitement with others. I mostly get strange looks, so it's always nice to see someone share that enthusiasm. I'm working my way through Jesus in the OT and thouroughly enjoying it.


TBH, my brain feels like it's going to explode when I try to watch all 20 questions in one session. 🤯 With today's video, I grabbed my Bible right after and spent some time looking deeper into a few of the questions that piqued my curiousity. So yeah, my vote is for more 10 questions! 👍


Fridays with Brother Mike is always a blessing! Doesn't matter if it's 20 or 10 questions. Thank you for your love, compassion and thoughtful teaching.


Q. 2. Great advice here. Don't stir things up. Keeping a distance physically is important.
As a good (female) friend put it, "Once you kiss a guy, you can't think." So, keep a safe distance and a clear head.


I feel like Question #6 should be given an hour-long video for itself. Such a huge AND important topic that a lot of new Christians struggle to understand. And yet, such a wonderful thing to finally understand when you do!


I don't see anywhere in exodus 21:22 where suggests that abortion is supported. No context before or afterwards either. "Gives birth prematurely" doesn't suggest abortion..and no injury suggests otherwise. The fact that the verse doesn't cover "if there is injury", or the absence of that statement doesn't suggest otherwise either. The Bible also says that God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. So who are the most innocent? A child, unborn child. Personally, I think there is so much in scripture that condemns murder. To take an ""innocent"" life, unborn or an adult without, especially with malicious intent is murder.


On question 1, he gave an excellent and very biblical explanation. Amen


When you addressed the "too much Bible" question, I was so encouraged. Someone recently said something like this in a group setting I was a part of... I'm the person who quotes the Bible constantly and I didn't know what to make of it. Thank you so much 💖


Re: question 1. Is not the "harm" related to the children coming out?" and "life for life" etc etc, directly related to the life and limb of the children? The reality of child birth, or pre-mature birth, would have little to do with the mother loosing an eye or foot or burn or wound or stripe. The only possibility would be loosing her life which would be associated with the normal problems of child birth, even if full term.. This verse actually makes the pre-born children's life equal with the man who causes the "harm."


I think 10 questions is good. I love your teaching, Pastor Mike, but alot of times, I dont have 2 hours at one time to engage. 1 hour is good!


You helped me a ton in my life coming to faith.
God bless you brother!
