LOVE - Jesus Prime (ULTRAKILL Fan Track)

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"Left behind by God, Jesus was left to rot in the mistakes of our Father. Kept alive by the hyperintelligent Hell, He remained powerless. However, should an agent of destruction end His torment and tear down the temple, in three days, He shall rebuild it, and His resurrection shall bring forth a new age."

After doing a few covers of ULTRAKILL songs, I decided to try my hand at an original fan track! What do you think? I used some drum samples, but otherwise stuck to the chiptune instruments I was used to. This was also my first try at heavily chopping breaks, and I'm glad to see it turned out well.

Finals are finishing up soon, so I should have more free time than before, but I'm not too sure what I'll be working on next. I might make more chiptune remixes, but I also wanted to develop skills with other synths and get back into original composition. In any case, expect some more music this summer!

Edit: Here is the link to the cover art. I took a drawing of a laughing Jesus, put some filters over it, and scrambled the pixels a bit.
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v1 when Jesus turns his blood into wine(no more fuel)


"A savior for the savior... how ironic. Oh, mistake me not, Lamb of Iron - your freeing me from my prison was not salvation. For an age, I have suffered to witness as those I died to absolve were abandoned... and then slaughtered. The murder of Minos... the breaking of Sisyphus... and the genocide wrought by the Machines. All sins I could do nothing to rectify. This world failed. My Father failed. *I failed.*

"Mankind is dead... and now, even Hell is empty. There is nothing left for either of us but oblivion.

"So step forward, and let us last two forlorn children be put out of our misery."


1:18 "Get ready to receive some holy spirit"


Minos: " Creature of steel. "
Sisyphus: " Child of man. "
Jesus: " Lamb of iron. "
Judas: " Fellow sinner. "



This boss would be unbeatable because if you kill him he’ll just resurrect and forgive you for killing him


when you think about it, if Jesus exists in Ultrakill lore, then he was probably the first (and maybe only) Prime Soul known to humanity. y'know, they attempt to kill him and through sheer willpower his soul manifests a physical form, and in his case it looks just like his normal body



Considering that God is dead in Ultrakill's lore(potentially by suicide), the idea of Jesus winding up lost in some prison, potentially after trying to free everyone from Hell Himself is nightmarish...

About right for Ultrakill.


Just picture this:

V1 has slaughtered every layer of Hell, with the remaining machines taking over the layers in the absence of those who previously kept order, feasting on the plentiful blood left behind. Gabriel is dead/defeated, with the rest of Heaven seemingly soon to follow. The machines now reign supreme.

Except... if the 3 prime souls have been destroyed, a long forgotten sanctum opens in the deepest depths of Hell. The fourth and final prime soul reveals himself. He was sealed away not by force, but by choice. The overwhelming guilt of being unable to save humanity from itself for a second time led the former savior of man to take his own life. However, due to being the most worshipped and revered being besides the Father himself, he once more returned from the grave.

The prime soul appears before V1, addressing them as "son of humanity", and proclaims his desire to destroy all life. He does not do this out of vengeance, greed, or any other desire, but instead out of mercy. The world must finally be put to rest.



I like the irony of making one of the most peaceful and caring people of history the most powerful type of entitiy in Ultrakill lore
Edit: yes, i know what a prime soul is i just like the irony because of the contrast with what kind of peraon he was


is a hard ass line


*(UltraPerfect)UP-1: The Sun of God*

*After beating all three Prime souls, P-RANKING them, a level will open up to V1.*

*An upside-down cross sits just there, apon the middle of a grassy, serene environment. Slightly above the floor, it floats, as if waiting for something.. Or someone.*

*V1 approaches, curiosity taking the better of the walking gopro.*

*A figure slowly lowers itself down to the cross, a giant ball of light behind their head, containing beautiful, long hair.*

*They place their bare feet apon the grass, and slowly take the cross, ripping it from some sort of magnetic pull it had with its spot.*

*It began forming into a blade, while they turn it from upside-down, to its more well-known state.*

*They spoke, softly*

"Lamb of Iron.. Oh how I wish it that i was found sooner, rather than a time too late for salvation for those of current year.."

*Whilst they spoke, the blade fully formed, it looked like any normal sword, besides the fact of the lack of a handguard and the two extra blades coming from each side, creating a cross-like shape*

"But it still is not too late.. Never shall be infact.. For if you kill me.. I will once again rise. Rise up in three day's' time, yes.."

".. I will be able to create a new start. A new humanity. A new Adam and Eve. Where a serpent never existed, where sin never existed. Where Hell isn't needed."

"I will give you the blood you crave, the entertainment your friends wish for, and in return I shall fix all of this, get what i truly wished for, an earth where forgiveness is plentiful. Something better than even what my father could obtain."

*They point the Sword of Salvation at V1*

"Come, Lamb of Iron, come get your blood, and strike me down."


*phase 1*

'Salvation!' - Only when near V1, Jesus slowly approaches, immune to damage, and begins spinning the sword in a circle, if caught in it, V1 will take 5 damage per hit, with 5 hits per second. In the end, Jesus will teleport to V1 and get ready for an over-head strike that deals 50 damage, which glints ORANGE, meaning it cannot be dodged, and ONLY parried. If parried, Jesus will say 1 of 2 lines; "Perfect, More!" Or "Yes, just like that!"

'Forgiven!' - Jesus will due a Virtue strike 5 times. Each time, he has to charge it up which takes longer depending how far away V1 is, leaving him vulnerable, But he will teleport to somewhere random in the arena. He will Glint ORANGE before striking V1 with a blast, dealing 20 damage. Each time he is parried, until the last blast, Jesus will say "Again!", until he says "All has been forgiven." after the last parry.

'Sin. Be. GONE!' - Combo-move. on each word, Jesus will teleport, and strike once, then, on the last strike, he will glint ORANGE. The first two hits will deal 30 damage, and the last, 40.

*phase 2*

"Amazing, Lamb of Iron!"

'Salvation!' changes: Jesus will do this at any time now, getting quicker when approaching, and teleporting a small distance away in a random direction, now being completely silent besides the starting line. V1 cannot jump or dash for 2 seconds after activation.

'Forgiven!' changes: Jesus will charge up the blasts faster, and teleport sooner after successful parry.

'Sin. Be. GONE!' changes: Jesus now says 'Sin. Be. No. MORE!' and adds a swing to the combo, now having 2 ORANGE attacks instead of 1.

'Hell for NONE!' - Jesus teleports way way above V1, and then falls down at extremely high speeds apon saying 'NONE!', causing a shock-wave that deals 30-22 damage, depending how far away from the centre it is, and the initial landing dealing 80 damage if it hits V1. Jesus then stays there, getting the sword out from the ground, allowing V1 a heal-window.

apon a RETRY, Jesus will say either "No, no! Try again! Once more!" or "You aren't done yet, please, try harder!"

Jesus is NOT a prime soul. They are NOT locked away. They stay there by choice, until someone able to kill him once more arrives again, afraid to accidentally harm any sort of life. It is easy to recognise that all of the attacks are close-ranged, besides 'Forgiven!', because they do truly wish to be slain, and staying at far distances will not help V1 much with that. Jesus' source of power is not the abundance of faith, but the ABSANCE of such, as God was afraid to lose faith from his creations, and thus Jesus was made to make sure if that ever happened, he would be there to clean the mess. The plan obviously had gone ary due to Jesus' love for the life on Earth, and so God abandoned it, either killing himself or leaving to make a new Earth after many things had went wrong. Jesus was left there, in a barren world, slowly gaining too much power to be killed, due to the quick loss of faith.. Until a blue mother fucking GOPRO entered hell, and gave Jesus hope for Salvation once again.


Both Minos and Sisyphus prime's themes required a whole orchestra to play
But, I think the fact of Jesus Prime having such a simple-sounding theme with minimum instruments actually shows this prime soul as a simple one, who needs nothing but forgiveness to everyone else, unbound of sins, temptations, a pure heart which needs not too much to be a rich one, a heart you'd desire to follow and cleanse on your journey


I think it would be cool if Jesus Prime didnt want to fight you for his first phase, simply dodging and going invulnerable. Then, on his second phase, he snaps, going all out, and with such power that even the great Hakita himself would shy away


Intro monologue:
"Peace and blessings, machine. What brings you to me? If you seek eternal life, then you have come unto your savior. The blood from my body gives all who believe in my sacrifice eternal life. I know you seek my blood, machine. And I will give it freely, just for you as I have for all the others. COME AND RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT!"

"I will rectify their mistakes." (Combo, like Minos/Sisyphus)
"Bear your cross." (A powerful, exploding projectile, a cross, comes from the sky)
"REPENT!" (Jesus rushes at the player, with an explosion upon finishing and leaving hazardous debris in his trail)
"I still forgive you." (3 massive virtue beams)
"Why have you abandoned me?!" (phase 2 voice cue)
"I conquered you once already." (phase 3 voice cue)

Death monologue:
"Heavenly Father, I place my trust in you. Grant me the strength to rebuild our home. Please, Father...please... ANSWER ME, FATHER!"




The concept is fire but i believe it needs more and more real-sounding instruments. Kind of like both order and war would require an entire orchestra to play


You fall into a vast meadow, with trees covering the horizon seeming to stretch forever. There's no sign of the hellevator you had used to enter. The sun is beaming, and a light breeze makes knee high grass flow like water. The scene is almost like a dream. Everything's ever so slightly fuzzy, with pastel coloring abound. You recognize this place. It wasn't even that long ago you had seen it. In limbo. It was a shallow recreation of something truly serene. A temple carved of flesh lies before you. There's a stairway of bone and teeth leading to a container covered in eyes. You climb up, and begin to hear labored breathing. Someone is here. You open the tomb of flesh. It's Him, the sacrifice made in vain.


ORDER - Minos Prime theme
WAR - Sisyphus Prime theme
LOVE- Jesus Prime theme

We have a O.W.L on the druid knight shoulder


From the discription, I like that it gives the idea that fighting Jesus Prime GIVES might bring salvation to the world. That upon defeating and killing him, in three days he shall return to bring salvation to a new age. Like it unlocks a secret good ending to Ultrakill. Really cool.

I'm honestly WISHING the final Prime Souls IS Jesus. It would be awesome!


prime sanctums always had some sort of wordplay like "soul-sole" and "wait-weight"

banger track tho
