FORGOTTEN SON Prime Sanctum - Full Mix (ULTRAKILL Fan UST) [1K Subscriber Special]

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Thank you for 1,000 subscribers! I know I'm a little late, but I thought I should put something together in celebration, so here's a full mix of the FORGOTTEN SON prime sanctum soundtrack. There's not much new here, aside from an ambient piece and a change to the LOVE intro to avoid potential copyright issues, but I thought it would be good to wrap up this project with a completed soundtrack.

I'm not sure what I'll work on next. I've been enjoying working on some non-Ultrakill songs, so I might compose a new album for a while, but I may also find inspiration for Ultrakill covers or fan tracks, especially once Violence releases. In any case, I'll keep this channel updated with my projects, so stay tuned!

0:00 - Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3 in C Major, 2nd Movement: Adagio (Beethoven)
0:56 - Who Art In Hell
5:36 - Interdimensional Maw
6:13 - HATE
9:41 - LOVE
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Imagine how friggen huge Jesus would be as prime soul because in minos’s terminal it states the size of a prime soul is determined based on how important they were in their life before


"Get ready to receive some holy spirit."
- Jesus Prime


Holy crap, I just realized that the P-3 could be called “The third coming” Genius.


I can actually hear him yell after every attack

"REJECT HATE!!! Embrace some LOVE!!!!"
while beating absolute shit out of you


imagine if the level was a boss gauntlet of sorts, but each miniboss before Jesus Prime was one of the 12 apostles


>be v1

>fight Jesus prime

> does the 1 2 3 coin combo

>this will work

>the coin turns into a puddle of wine

>”I don’t need fraudulent donations”



legend says the spare change dosen't work on him


WE BEATING JUDAS TO A PULP WITH THIS ONE!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


They really needed a whole dimension just to hold jesus, that shows how powerfull he is!


"My father"
"Why have you tormented my soul"
"Why won't you accept forgiveness of the detrimental and desolate sinners of this impure place"
"All i have wanted to do, was free hell of all the sinners and give them a second chance"
"Sadly, the father did not agree upon such decision"
"Mechanical sinner, i can sense the impatience growing inside of you"
"You want to go forth and try to purge hell of all lives"
"I know what you are fueled of"
"I know that it is of your fate to terminate me, therefore remains the purpose of freeing me"
"I could forgive you, but you wouldn't listen... You couldn't... listen..."
"And knowing the harm you will cause if i let you pass, i cannot let you roam free, destroying all of the poor lives of hell"
"I am sadly forced to stop you here"
"Your journey..."
*LOVE intensifies*

I've been liked by MCN yipee ! :D


Imagine during the HATE track you literally fight the devil himself and right when you are about to be struck down at 1 hp, the LOVE track begins as the devil is completely obliterated by a mere tap of his finger, you are then healed by him and the fight starts over him finding out you killed everyone and the fact he can no longer free them disappoints him as he knows he will not kill you out of fury but out of an attempt to bring you peace.


I like to think that in the momemts where the music stops in "HATE", you can see a glimpse of Jesus Prime trying to tear apart the prison, only to have it close back up.


Jesus as the ultimate prime soul. Epic potential, divine connection for the end-game plot.


he would have a 2 hit combo ended by a blast where he says "The father, the son, the holy spirit"


this should be a 4th prime sanctum that you get access to when you P-rank every level (including the other three prime sanctums)


i like to imagine that the dimension is not well guarded, not because the dimension itself is alredy well secured, but just because you and your kind alredy damaged hell so much, this is whats left of it


"is someone... there?"

"Ahh, creature of steel!!! It brings me pure joy to see thee here. And... to hear the agonizing screams of all of the sinners in which blood thee covered thy cold hands...

Maybe... maybe all of them deserved the punishment they faced, and I'm truly grateful for thy help, but I believe your methods is too... radical.

I believe, that every living soul can be healed and shown a truly good path, the path of salvation, they just have to be given enough... LOVE".


There is a beauty in the progression of these tracks. "Who Art In Hell" starts off as off as this song of lament and torment; the tone and key conveys a perfect sensation of "the beginning of the end" in the struggle of power within the confines of Hell. As if demon, angel, machine alike cry a litany of sorrow that there is little to keep Hell from devouring itself underneath this struggle. The last pillar, the final support that keeps the heart of Hell beating, this final Prime Soul - just beyond this barrier blocking you path.

And then immediately following, "Hate" opens immediately into it's full intensity as each Flesh confine has before it, but there's a sensation to this one. It too has a tone that speaks, it demands to know: "Are you worthy?" But not in a way to challenge you, no. Instead, it asks in full finality, are you ready to doom Hell to entropy?

Finally, "Love." Love. What a song. It opens as if it's already a hymn of old, and makes you full aware by the time the beat drops: you are about to receive some serious holy spirit. And as that song progresses though its verses into the chorus, that this is a battle that determines a fate far greater than the destruction of Hell in its fullest capacity - but the fate of what could have been the potential rebirth of humanity, or some other unseen machination that will no longer be known to us, as in those final moments we witness the fall of the final Prime Soul that beats in the heart of hell. I'm sure a post-boss terminal will inform us in explicit detail just how fucked everything is going to be once this final Prime Soul is gone. Either way. The progression and end of this song caps off this beautiful trilogy.


to me, 'Who Art in Hell' sounds like machines are somehow crying for something, if its an over-charged, or it identifies danger in every corner. Pretty neat!


This is the P-P you get when you p rank all the prime sanctums
