Eric Weinstein On UFOs - “There Is Way More To This Story Than We Know”

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Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the latest information leaks on UFOs. What does Eric Weinstein think the UFO phenomenon is? Why does Eric Weinstein believe there is more than what is being told to the public? Has the United States lost control of its airspace according to Eric Weinstein?


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Eric has such a brilliant way of taking complex ideas and making them exponentially more confusing and vague


"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity"
Terry Davis


The amount of effort this guy puts into saying absolutely nothing of any consequence is really impressive....


Eric is the only person who will talk so much and actually mean virtually nothing


I think most of us have been in a business meeting with an "Eric". He talks and talks, and agrees then disagrees, he thinks he's smarter than everyone else and has the snarky sarcasm to prove it, and then he talks some more about things that seem to be vaguely relevant but are actually not, then everyone walks out of the meeting with absolutely nothing accomplished.


"There are organisations that you cannot Google"....what a chilling statement


“Eric, shall I put your coffee on the table?” Eric: “Can you even describe the forces between the particles that constitute a table? Or coffee? You are not qualified to ask me this question”.


Sorry Eric - in January 1968 at approximately 6:00 p.m. I (a young police officer - off duty), along with my neighbour (a reporter for a large newspaper) witnessed for over 20 minutes a massive triangular craft (about the size of a football stadium) that glided almost silently over our residential homes situated on the outskirts of a large Canadian city. It was not an aircraft. It stopped for periods of time, made right angle turns, and had three lights (red, yellowish and green). It moved southward across a barren field and hovered over major hydro power lines. Then this craft was joined by five other smaller craft. A few seconds later they accelerated away and completely disappeared. I wrote an official police report when I returned to duty. My neighbour's employer (the large newspaper company) would not allow him to write about what he witnessed. You can't explain away what we saw. Was it an alien craft? Quite possibly. Could it have been a secret caft of US or Russian origin? Possibly, but highly unlikely.


When ego limits possibility nothing can be learned.


These guys are geniuses in their own minds.


The bigger question is if Eric's hair is a wig


Just submitted my FOIA requests for Romanian manifolds and determinant line bundles! Wish me luck! 😂


In 1973, when I was a little girl, my family and I had a close encounter with a craft ... this happened just after dusk and this object first appeared as a light in the distance that looked like an airplane. It then began moving around in a way that our known aircraft do not... it began moving faster and the word I would use to describe the way it moved is "mercurial". At one point it moved swiftly across the sky and then slowed down, came to a stop, then took off in the opposite direction. I was in the car with my parents and little sister. My dad, who was driving, took notice and began following it ... rather quickly, we became closer to it as it became closer to us. My dad pulled the car off of the road to sit and watch ... next thing we knew it was hovering over the top of our car ... it was making no sound, blowing no wind.
As I experienced this, I was not thinking "UFO" (again, this was 1973 and I was just a little girl)... I was just wondering what it was. There is a very strange feeling that that one gets when one encounters something so anomalous - that it does not exist in one's known world.
My little girl mind was trying to put a label on it ... "Well, it is hanging in the air but it is not a helicopter... because they make a lot of noise and blow a lot of wind."
It hovered for a few minutes, at tree-top level, then, according to my mother, it took off at a 45 degree angle.
I did not see it take off because, by that point, I was terrified and hiding in the back seat. I was scared.
I have no idea what it was. It did seem like it moved in such a way as to purposely attract our attention. It seemed like it knew when we had spotted it and, from there, it seemed that it anticipated our responses.
But I have no idea what it was. I guess the Occam's Razor explanation might be that it was an experimental, high-tech drone (human technology) that was being used to perform psychological experiments on folks in the 1970s... to see how they would respond to seeing unexpected, unexplainable (and potentially, frightening) aerial craft ????
There are so many ways to look at this phenomenon ... we need to be both rational and open-minded. Lest we have a new religion form from all of this... and I would not be shocked to find that this might have been part of its purpose. But I do not know! It's a mystery to me.


Such is the delivery that once my computer actually froze, it took me a while to notice.


Something I've just noticed about Chris' interviews is that he is comfortable with the silence. That's the mark of a skillful interviewer. It takes balls to sit with the space like that.


I love being a functional scientist watching a mathematical theorist using terms that have no real relevance to the subject like determinant line bundle and reimannian manifold in a dismissal of arguments like theories on the existence of sentient non human beings when they're simply non Euclidean or non linear geometric devices (tools for mathematicians). He seems to embody the adage "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" only with mathematics priciples. I feel we should chain mathematicians to a basement and feed them the calculations we need solved. Letting them theorize practical dynamics just allows them to convolute any subject, in a really pompous kind of way.


Chris: "Why?"
Eric: "What do you mean?"



Basically of us have absolutely no idea whats going on and the phenomena of ETs is so unimaginably complex our tiny minds just cant comprehend it .


to me, a genius is someone who takes complex ideas and makes it simple. Eric is not half as smart as he thinks he is


Eric is tired of Neil deGrasse Tyson being the King of BS. He wants a piece of that action.
