Eric Weinstein Λ Mick West: New Physics, Elon Musk, Stigma, Black Projects

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Eric Weinstein and Mick West discuss UFOs and the evidence behind them.


00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:12 What does Mick respect about Eric?
00:04:20 What does Eric respect about Mick?
00:05:24 What does Curt respect about each
00:06:55 Skeptic vs. Debunker (Mick... which are you?)
00:09:32 Salutary role of skepticism and Eric's thoughts on Mick
00:14:53 The "woo" that's concomitant with UFO research
00:19:00 UFO research isn't a "hobby"
00:23:34 Mick's "agenda" (or non-agenda)
00:25:19 There's no convincing data on UFOs available to the public
00:30:58 The "superposition" argument: Exotic explanations that Mick entertains
00:35:03 Where is the evidence?
00:36:28 Outlying data points matter
00:40:07 Some debunkers stifle the UFO community, but not all debunkers
00:43:34 What's the disagreement between Eric and Mick
00:45:50 Mick has changed his mind about UFOs
00:50:38 CE5 and invitations to Skin Walker (would Mick / Eric go?)
00:53:26 Cattle mutilation? Remote viewing?
01:06:14 Classifying different UFO craft
01:07:31 Why are there so many sober UFO witnesses?
01:09:22 Brandon Fugal's story
01:16:46 UFOs as "technology" vs. "new physics"
01:23:37 The secret history of anti-gravity research with Lefschetz and DeWitt
01:30:58 What terrene explanations are left?
01:41:26 Eric's "sighting" in 1988...
01:44:57 The Skin Walker TV show doesn't help the stigma
01:46:30 Does Brandon have any high quality data points he's not releasing?
01:47:45 Opinions on Bob Lazar
01:48:52 The opprobrium because of stigma is too much. Most can't handle it.
01:51:45 Clearing the air: the Twitter squabble between Eric and Mick
01:54:11 The opprobrium thrown at people who have first hand accounts (continued)
01:58:46 Defending claims made without physical evidence
02:03:05 Some conspiracies are real
02:07:56 Rectifying the ridicule in ufology (from both sides)
02:21:41 What does Eric think should happen, to precipitate disclosure?
02:24:48 What does Mick think should happen, to precipitate disclosure?
02:27:21 Eric asks Curt: "What do you want to see happen?"
02:33:00 FOR THIS QUESTION, CHECK DESCRIPTION. THERE WAS A VIDEO RENDER ERROR. "Is it so improbable we're visited? If it was us, we would visit other species."

#science #physics #ufo
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Thank you Curt! I'm so glad that you were mostly silent as a moderator and let this conversation flow. Your inputs were timely and non-intrusive. I am hoping that that you and Eric will collaborate again soon!


Kurt. You are s great interviewer. The way you stood back and let them go back and forth was PERFECT! Alot of other interviewers people with a podcast simply CANNOT do that due to ego or narcissism. GREAT JOB


This was a great episode. I love the fact that Curt sits back and let's Eric and Mick carry the show. Only inserting himself to ask what one of them means to make sure his audience doesn't get lost and understands where the conversation is going. Curt is quickly becoming one of the best in this field !


Why does Weinstein always sound defensive. No matter what he’s talking about.


I'm so glad this wasn't an ugly fight, I have a bit more hope we can move forward after discussions like this. Kurt, thank you for the show and empathy you show your guests.


Thank you so much for this conversation. It actually made me cry. This is how to have honest conversations. I didn’t like Mick West until today. I think his intention is misunderstood and he took criticism with grace. Im grateful for Eric for standing up for those of us who are mistrusting of government and other entities because of having been lied to and manipulated. Thank you to all three of you!


TOE is SO underrated.
Rather than giving me a picture to paint by numbers (as most) Curt gives us the paint and an open cavass on which to expand our consciousness and ideas..
I love it. so sincerely!


Once again, TOE allows one to observe experts. Well done Kurt


Excellent discussion. I was afraid I would not be able to stand listening to Mick West, but Eric Weinstein made it palatable. Great job Curt.


Mick West.. was suprisingly, forthcoming, concise and very refreshing. Its not everyones cup of tea i iunderstand but when someone says 'debunker' i had a completely different image.


I’m grateful to see Eric approach this subject with an open mind, that’s all anyone in this community wants.


Weinstein seems really butt hurt about something Mick West did or said at some point and it’s destroying his objectivity about Mick West’s true position and intentions. Mick. West comes across by far as the more genuine and objective party. I love Eric Weinstein but he’s losing a lot of credibility in my eyes in this one. He doesn’t seem truly objective and is projecting that on Mick.


Curt, you are a fantastic interviewer, you know how to ask expandable questions and, more importantly, when it's better to ask nothing. A fantastic conversation, it is a little sad that Mick doesn't seem to grasp the importance of language and approach when researching this topic. It's not only about holding in your heart that you won't/don't judge, you must shape your language and persona to create the most conducive environment to collect data and come to the best conclusions we can.


Brilliant. Curt, you demonstrate empathy and non-hateful discussions with each podcast. Keep it up.


TOE Bingo for this week!

0. A lengthy discussion regarding nomenclature and definitions
1. Mick failing to understand Eric’s point and repeating his previous thought
2. Eric explaining GR in far too little detail for the sake of a grander point
3. Eric saying “phenomenon”
4. Mick saying “birds”
5. A disagreement about whether or not trained observer testimony can be considered ‘data’
6. Curt attempting to ease tensions by casting a spell with his eyebrows

Leave yours in replies :)


Mick West is absolutely on point here, as usual. Eric is a master of sounding like he is straight to the point but actually only talks around it.


What a fascinating conversation. Firstly, BRAVO to Curt for some outstanding moderation. The whole video is a model of two people with different positions being able to engage with each other in a civil and meaningful way.

In the field of UFO study, the approaches of both men are equally valuable: witnesses need to be treated humanely and not stigmatised. And then, their evidence needs to be rigorously stress-tested by a person like Mick West.


The conversation from 19:13 to 20:30 is telling. Mick was very clear in his initial assertion that he enjoys flexing his programming and math skills (not taking down people). Eric's reaction regarding the word "flex" (clearly misinterpreting Mick's statements) shows that he came in with a preconceived judgement against Mick's character. It goes to show how much even an intelligent person can misinterpret an unambiguous statement because of a prior bias.


Absolutely fucking phenomenal episode curt. I have to be honest I fell into the anti mick west camp for quite a bit, but seeing him talk and understanding his perspective makes me dramatically reconsider how my judgement effects my opinions. I’ve gained a great deal from this podcast, I deeply thank you.


36:08 This is classic Eric. He accuses Mick of "throwing out the outliers", and when Mick asks Eric the VERY direct question of "What outliers are being thrown out?", Eric absolutely will NOT answer.

Eric is very intelligent. Certainly intelligent enough to understand how to answer an extremely direct question. There's a reason he refuses.
