Eric Weinstein & Michael Shermer: UFO DEBATE!

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What is the nature of the abundant accounts of unexplained aerial phenomena? Are they harbingers of advanced extraterrestrial engineering, math, and physics, beyond our standard model? Or is there a more prosaic, though no less significant explanation, ranging from military operations, unreliable witnesses, or confirmation bias? Is our government sharing all it knows? Or is there really anything 'there' there?

Beyond wanting to believe, do we have any evidence for our beliefs?

00:00:00 Intro
1:00:00 - Technology
1:02:50 - Antigravity Programs dating back to the 1950s & Feynman?
1:18:36 - Centralized Narratives!
1:28:15 - Science funding and obligations

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Why is it that all the footage of Michael Shermer in this discussion is so grainy and blurry? I can't take his existence seriously until I see some HD footage.


the irony of Shermer complaining about an image being blurry


1:00:00 - Technology
1:02:50 - Antigravity Programs dating back to the 1950s!
1:18:36 - Centralized Narratives!
1:28:15 - This is key! Well said!


I'm so glad Eric is talking about this subject. When I first read the Times story and saw the military videos, I was shocked that it was business as usual the next day. What? How can we not be investigating this. No matter what this is we need to know. We should be getting our top SCIENTIFIC people on this.


I came here for EW, his combination of intelligence, wisdom and empathy is something I, personally, have never experienced. But I subbed for you and your content Dr. Brian. Please keep producing and Thank you.


Having watched academic freedom as a mere high school English teacher steadily erode over the course of my twenty years in profession has been the worst part of my job. Hearing Eric rant against the like at the university level is always inspiring


“Brian, you are doing stuff that nobody is doing.” Eric put it so perfectly, and he I am sure intended this compliment on more levels than just the obvious one. Thank you for what you are doing, what you do matters!


The zoom function on the FLIR pod is NOT like a normal camera! At no point does the POD lose track of the object when zooming x2. This is a misconception by Shermer and Mick who know little about how these systems work. Speak to fighter pilots or technicians who work with them. Alternatively, load up DCS World Sim and fly the F/A 18 Hornet and learn to use the FLIR pod.


I'm a retired Navy cryptologist. In July of 2000, I was outside just after sunset when a "tictac" UFO passed over my parents' house at a slow jogging pace about 10 feet above the roof ridge. It was a cylinder about the length of two mini vans bumper to bumper and had rounded ends. There were no wings, engines, windows, or seams. It made no sound and gave off a soft bluish light, not unlike neon.

If it was one of ours, it is some next level $hit.


I found it appalling of the arrogance here…. They specifically stated that they’re frustrated that “the smart people in the country“ are not given a private meeting and explanation by the powers that be. We all pay our taxes regardless of IQ! I appreciate the skeptic society but sometimes your pompousness undermines your mission.


I gotta say, Eric Weinstein made a really powerful argument as to why this issue needs to be taken seriously. Bravo.


I'm just s humble retired wood worker who was lucky enough to raise some very exceptional children and whenever I get to listen to your show with Eric I leave smarter and more hopeful that the world isn't going to burn down tomorrow.


As a skeptic I'm getting really tired of the 'cameras wre everywhere but why are the images always blurry' argument. Have you ever tried to snap a picture of the moon with your phone? It usually comes out to be a low resolution blurry mess. The moon subtends about 0.5° in the sky, and it is still a few orders of magnitude larger of what these supposed UAPs are said to be. Just because there are cameras everywhere doesn't mean the resolution or capture quality is very high. Sure, phones are everywhere, but how many people do you see with a Nikon P1000 in their pocket?


Brian, this is a marvelous debate. One remark about the technical aspect, a simple but important one: Please be sure that the volume of the sound of each party is at the same level. Thank you!


"Nobody has really figured out what generates the majesty of Jimi Hendrix"- what a fantastic statement, thank you Eric Weinstein.


Since you've had Mick West on you should do an interview with Chris Lehto, a former fighter pilot that has debunked Mick West's simulations. Perhaps having both of them on the podcast and debate each other would be interesting.


Eric was brilliant and he was speaking plainly enough for me to follow him this time.


Eric "Let's not let Mick drive the bus unless he wants to come on right now" Weinstein. Made my fucking day. Love you, Eric.


Eric = 720p
Brian = 4k
Michael - 120p


Shermer, like many people, points to cellphone cameras. If you have ever tried to take a video, zoomed in, of a distant object you will find they are all blurry and of poor quality. These cameras aren't not made for such things. They are made to take photos and video at relatively close distances
