Blender Tutorial: Quick and Easy 3D Modeling Method

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In this Blender video, I demonstrate a method to make a complex 3D model quickly and easily. This video uses Blender version 3.3.

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Essentially, this modeling workflow is useful if your project remains in Blender through to the render. The Bevel is a shading trick that only appears in rendering, and cannot be exported as geometry. If you plan to animate this model in Blender, the extra geometry can slow down movement and playback time. Carefully consider your project requirements before choosing an appropriate modeling strategy.


A really great tutorial. I love that you dont skimp on the basics that are often just assumed to be common knowledge. I learned quite a bit from this.


This is the best Blender tutorial I have seen on YouTube. You speak clearly and slowly, never forget to mention a keystroke and explain things simply without random off topic comments like "we could do this, we could do that." Thank you!


As a long time viewer, the "he's back' seems odd because you never left.
Tutorials take time, the ideas, what to teach, how to teach, what to modal, how to modal, plans change, life changes.
Always a pleasure to watch one of your videos. I'm an sure I'll learn something new that I never knew.
Thank you 😊


One of the best tutorials ever! Crispy and important.


Such an incredible technique, have been using Blender for a year and watched countless videos but first time hearing this. This is gonna be super useful!


As usual…LOVE IT! You are by far one of if not the best tutorial maker and teacher out there. Thank you so much.


Abolutely perfect. Very good language, good tempo. I am amazed how complicated the valve appears to be, and how "easy" it is to make. I learned a lot from this tutorial. THANKS A BUNCH.


This was very nicely explained. It takes its time and isn't frantic like so many other such tutorials. Thanks!


missed you my blender favorite teacher. thank you for showing me the way to blender. thank you for teaching me how to use blender. your long time fan


This channel helped me a lot when I was starting out. Good memories ^^


Amazing tutorial, as always! Thank you!


babe wake up new tutor4u post just dropped


Great tutorial! It covers many tips for modeling almost everything!! Great work!


This gives beginners a real roadmap on how to model. Thank you!


The best blender tutorial video maker. Easy to follow everthing. Thank you for sharing.


Dunno, I got many issues with this one:
1) Number of screen polys makes these kinds of assets impossible to use, as it slows down the viewport too much in a really crowded scene.
2) I prefer modelling everything to real sizes. At least scale it down and apply scale once the general shape is set, to get proper shading parameters into it.
3) Adjust Bump **DISTANCE** rather than bump strength, and similar to bevel should have something that is suitable for the model/material scale.
4) Don't use "full white". Even snow isn't this reflective, and it's about the most reflective (diffuse) surface we have. Lookup proper albedo values instead.
I don't mind informing of alternate modelling strategies, but also state the drawbacks and the reasons why should *NOT* use them. I can't think of a single use-case for this approach in my professional life. I'm not a hard surface modeler and I frequently "cheat" using bevel node (with means to control radius) especially for imported CAD models, sometimes suppressing modeled bevels first prior to export. And there are cases where I just don't care the geometry is kinda messed up because it will only be rendered with few pixels and never be a main actor in the scene.
As bump distance go, use the displacement height you get from true microdisplacement (displacement only) for testing as bump distance - normals will remain the same. Previewing with true microdisplacement will ensure peaks and valleys go the intended way and that there are no unintentional discontinuities in the math driving it. Not a problem if only using noise though.


At the outset, I would like to inform you that we are very eager to watch your educational videos. Secondly, please do not wait too long. As for the end, I would like to thank you very much because you opened the door for me to learn Blender .. Your style is wonderful, rich and easy to help in learning .. I thank you very much and I would like to see your beautiful videos. Thanks


One of the best video in which I didn’t found any pblm while working thank you so much love ❤


Thank you very much for this!! you explain very well, please do more of these!
