Create A Low Poly Well | Beginners Tutorial | Blender 2.8 | Easy

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Learn the basics of Blender 2.8 :

recommended graphics tablet:
I use a graphics tablet to paint with and my recommendations are written below:

Normal Graphics Tablets
Normal Graphics Tablets
*Cheapest + FAVOURITE:*
Veikk a15 £40 or $40

Veikk a30 - great alternative is a15 not available

*Most sturdy and with tilt:*
Huion h610 pro v2 £55.86

Display Tablets
*My Favourite*

Heard good things:
Huion Kamvas GT

*Money no object :)*
Cintique 22”HD

*What I use*
Mobile studio pro

Learn the basics with this playlist 2.79:

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Really enjoying your course especially the homework. It stretches the mind of a 78 year old .Thanks


As strange as it seems, I really appreciate you just being like, "here's some homework". Forced me to use the tools you've given me to do something myself, rather than having my hand held. That's where I really started to make the skill my own. It helped cement the ideas in my head. Thanks for such awesome tutorials!


I just watched a tutorial where the guy was saying 5 words a second and didn't explain anything. I nearly had an aneurysm so I looked and found this channel. Much... Much better


For anyone struggling to set the origin to the middle in v2.9 make sure you apply the modifier. The apply button is “hidden” in v2.9 and accessible by hitting the triangle shaped down arrow in the modifier menu, then hitting apply. This made centering it impossible for me.


Grant: "I'm gonna use the default cube this time"
Cube: *starts crying silently in vertex*


Srsly cannot express enough how thankful I am that your tutorials are free and accessible. It's so so SO important, so THANK YOU!


This video is the reason why I am now a pro at modelling 3d. Thanks Mr. Grant, you're my best 3d modeling teacher ever. 😊


Note for 2.9: there's no Apply button anymore, instead click on the Modifier down-arrow and click Apply (or Ctrl+A)


Hey, For everyone that has the same problem as me which is having trouble with setting object to origin in the latest version of blender here is how to fix that:

When you get your simple deform modifier on your cubes hit the little arrow on the left of the camera icon in the modifier setting thing and click "Apply" and then you can set your object to origin

Sorry for my english this isnt my native language :)
Hope it'll help people !


To everyone:

I struggled with moving the center point so I could rotate things the right way. For some reasons it would move the whole thing when I would press "Origin to geometry' and the only reason for this is because I didn't apply the "Simple Deform' bend effect. So if you don't apply it, the center point will never go in the center of your object rather, it will move your whole object in the middle of your object as it is in the 'edit mode'. Hope this makes sense.


If the bending doesn't work:
1) Make sure you applied the rotation and scale on the object if you made changes in object mode. CTRL-A -> Apply Rotations & Scale.
2) If the bend on the z-axis stretches in a triangular form, enter edit mode, select all vertices and rotate them around the z-axis until you see the bending of the modifier working.


I haven't quite finished part 1 of this tutorial yet, but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your calm, soothing demeanor and the way you briefly but efficiently explain what and why you're doing the things you do. Thank you for your work, it's greatly appreciated!


Niceee, I'm going to become a pro in no time.

Love how you explain every click you do. I tried blender a few years ago and got frustrated because I didn't know all the hotkeys and what each feature did. With your tutorials I've learned so much more and can actually create some cool stuff!

From a beginners perspective the hardest part for me is learning what a feature is used for. For example "bevel" is used to bevel the sharp edges and I know that now because of you.

This is a long comment but I appreciate the way you create tutorials for people like me who need to know every detail on what you are doing. Thank you.


You’ve raised a whole generation of blender artists


Having the finished model rotate around as a reference is an awesome and innovative idea! :)


This is so far one of my favorite lessons, many tutorials ive gone to so far have either been way to fast or had a face cam blocking half the tools making it hard to work with. You've been very clear and informative with no distracting nonsense, which is making following along a breeze. Thank you very much! I'm new to blender so these videos are key to me figuring it all out.


This tutorial has everything:

1. great explainations
2. easy to follow
3. not to confusing or fast so I have to pause all the time
4. nothing that led me into struggles and problems (tbh, I have problems in every blender tutorial I made, that took me almost hours to fix)
5. A calming voice that isn't hurting my ears (I'm not gonna call someone out with this xD)
6. Homework that is forcing me to do something on my own (I honestly hate homework like this, but it is helpful to do it, so in the end, I'm thankful for that)


Quality of your tutorials are amazing Grant 😊 you're an awesome teacher.


Wow, been trying out a few blender tutorials but they always ended up in me rage quitting the program. Thank you SO much for this clear, and good tutorial. Getting homework really kicked me in the butt to actually try to understand the commands and what they do, and I've ended up learning so much the 3 hours I've been sitting here modelling this well.


I like this kind of tutorials very much. For me, even I'm an advanced user, it helps me to remember some techniques and hotkeys if I paused working with blender for a longer time. It's really helpful that you always show alternatives to perform a specific task. Thank you Grant for your excellent work.
