Near Death Experiences

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I consider myself a complete realist, and I was sceptical about near-death experiences (NDEs) until one happened to me. It took me six months to fully process what I went through, and I feel like I'm an entirely different person now. Initially, I thought my experience was just a chemical reaction in my brain, but the encounter on the other side was too vivid to dismiss. I struggled to adjust to this life’s reality after experiencing something so profound.

During my NDE, I sensed no concept of time; it felt timeless. It seemed like an eternity until I was told I needed to return. I would have questioned everything if it weren't for two specific things I was shown during the experience. It was surreal.

One of those instances involved a friend who had lost an important item. During my NDE, I was shown the item's exact location, 400 kilometres away. He found it exactly where I described it.

The second thing was very personal: I was informed that a close relative would be crossing over soon. I was reassured not to be sad, as it was the right time for them to go home. I have so much more to share, but there isn't enough space to write it all down.


I died a few years ago from myxedema coma in my own bed from hypothyroidism and I had to be brought back. I was never brought up to be religious but I was able to see what Heaven was all about.


I saw my body under me at age 6 when my tubes were put in my ears and my adenoids were removed. I was floating on the ceiling above my body. I remember trying to cross over to heaven. I returned to my body near the end of the surgery. I awoke in recovery and was spitting up blood and coughing. I was wheeled out in a wheelchair to the car for same day release. I had to be out of school for 2 months and be home schooled by my grandmother. It was a major surgery and a shock to my body and I should have at least had an overnight stay. I was really sick up until the surgery and the doctor told my mother I would have died within 2 weeks without receiving the surgery.


My surgeon obviously forgot that last step. I described my surgery. Told the doctors how many were in the OR with both teams (one for my son and then mine- to save me). I repeated medical terminology AND that I had floated above to a corner in the OR where I watched children playing ring around the rosy below me and the names I told were my mother's cousins who had died before I was born. Some, in her childhood.
The Lords bright, warm light was blissful...but I asked for more time on earth to raise my newborn and his brother. Then boom! The harshness of the staff screaming at me and massaging my heart ended that blissful experience. The hospital sent people to interview me because I knew crazy details like exactly how many people worked to save me and their conversations.


It's wonderful to be at the edge, never felt so good, stress and everything you ever worry about is lifted off your shoulders.


I love that a doctor is acknowledging this. Often medics deny NDEs happen.


I was dying years ago from the drug extacy. I started going through a brick tunnel rapidly. I didn't look ahead. Just to the sides. I fought it. I said no. I begged and said please don't let me die. I promise i won't do it again. I rapidly reversed and came back again. I cried for 2 weeks.


It’s not easy going to the other side and having no choice but to come back. It’s profoundly impacted me in a way that I never imagined. I didn’t know what to believe before I died.


Nor sure if I had a near death experience, I had open heart surgery ( heart murmur repair). I was on a heart lung machine so heart was stop( 45minutes I got that # from hospital final bill). I seen a bright tunnel with relatives telling me to go back , then I remembered floating kneeling over the upper left corner watching the whole room then my surgeon lean over with these long paddles then I went out. Any other surgery I don’t remember a single thing


Not true. I had NDE during surgery and I remember it. I was walking in a beautiful green meadow full of light and Jesus was standing there looking at me with such love as I was talking. I never realized how much anxiety I carry until I was with Him. It was the most peaceful I have ever felt in my life.
I am not a high anxiety stressed person here on earth. I am pretty mellow and relaxed so it shocked me how different I felt. No fear, no anxiety just love. ❤


I no longer fear death because I believe in what I saw with my own 2 eyes when I died. I don’t normally talk about it because it’s crazy and hard to explain to people and to get them to believe you!


Its true. I remember waking up from anesthesia blissed out of my mind, not remembering any detail of where I went but knowing I went to a phenomenal place outside of this world. Again, I don't remember the details but I do know that I was surrounded by angels, huge angels who felt like they were my closest friends. I even came back with a message to give one of the nurses who attended me. I don't remember anything but darkness, but at the same time, I know I experienced something that goes beyond explanation.


I remember it all. I watched the operation from above and then I even had discussions with him about it. He was shocked I knew what happened. But I didn’t feel ANY OF IT.


I think it’s a bit scary/violating to have my memories erased of something. I understand why it’s done obviously! but it will always freak me out a bit that it’s possible in the first place to have a complete blackout like that…
I have never not been in control ya know, even with alcohol or mild drugs. So that’s my two cents 🤷‍♀️


A few weeks ago I experienced an NDE.. The experience was very realistic. But I feel it was mostly because of anesthetic and hallucinations. But during that experience I was in heaven. I saw heaven❤


Been under 20 times in the last 6 yrs... I'm super energized when I c come back to.


i am walking on the edge
Had quadruple bypass open heart surgery a few weeks ago
now my blood pressure is ar a dangerous level and has been for 4 days non stop ... . the doctors know but there is not much they can do i am on lots of medication . i am trying to walk in peace but i still would like to do a few things before i go


The last surgery I had in 2023 I woke up & immediately started crying. I guess my soul wanted to go further than the edge 😅


I hope these visions people are having are real and not just your brain pumping hormones while your subconscious comforts you. I'm terrified and sad at the concept of eternal non-existence, or the idea that those i love, animal and human, are forever gone, and we'll never meet again. I hope you're all right and there is something else when we close our eyes for the last time. But thank you to everyone who left a hopeful comment. The closest i ever got to death was being under anesthesia during surgery, and i saw nothing. No light, no loved ones, just oblivion. I'm scared and hope i make peace with the unknown or non-existence before my end.


I remember my doctor saying give her more Versed so she doesn’t remember this. Yeah it didn’t work lol.
