Five Reasons NOT to Study Math

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I talk about five reasons NOT to study math:) Please leave any comments or questions in the comment section below.

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"You're gonna end up with a significant other that is little bit nerdy"

So you're saying I'll end up with a significant other?


The number 1 reason is, math is really hard and you will spend a good portion of your time convinced that you are stupid.


I study math because I want to work hard. I want to be confused and lost and I want to spend hours on problems and all of that will pay off in the end. It makes me happy and I hope I get to do it forever.


That part about people thinking you can solve anything is SO accurate.


The worst part is a good portion of the time you bring up studying math people respond by proudly stating how much they dislike what you do while also having very little actual idea of what you do.


The most annoying part of studying math is that
You have to read practice and rivise until it becomes normal to you or other ways
You will instantly forget what you learnt


I worked 60 to 80 hour weeks from the age of 18 to 30, then changed careers which currently has me working 15 days on 6 days off, at 14 to 16 hours a day, and alternating between day and night shift per “rotation” I am now 40. I’m here because my father recently passed away, and he was an avid mathematician, he never owned a tv or computer and only had a flip phone and an AM/FM clock radio. In his latter years he tutored college students at no cost. He dedicated his life to the study of mathematics. I didn’t have the knack for it as he did though... I barely remember algebra. Long story short, he left behind proofs (he said they were a big deal but refused to have published) and I am now in possession of his papers. I feel that I owe it to him to learn the language he loved so much, so that I may understand what he wrote. Wish me luck!


Your perspective as someone who's gone through the trenches so to speak is invaluable. Keep up the great videos!


2:44 Just tell people you're specializing in Algebra, and they'll probably say "Oh, that's not hard. I already learned that in high school!". 😆


Albert Einstein, despite struggling financially, made time to study physics and math before he got a low paying job as a patent clerk at the age of 26. At that same age he published 4 papers that completely turned the world of physics upside down. If Einstein could make time to study math and physics (or anything for that matter), you can definitely make time to study math.


I'm in my mid 30's and I started studying first-order logic over the summer, with the goal of trying to understand a bit more of the foundations of mathematics (philosophy major here). It's been incredible. And now I am at the point of my self-guided studies where logic and math proper seem indistinguishable (e.g. model theory & abstract algebra), and I love it! I may even go further into mathematical territory than I planned to. P.S.: a reason (not) to study math: you end the day with a headache! Although some headaches feel good, for some reason! :D


The Math sorcerer: people who study math use glasses but I don't wear glasses, in fact I have excellent vision so that was a terrible example"
That had me laughing so hard


reasons to study math: 1. it's a great excuse for introverts


we are so lucky, we can have math classes with Sir Isaac Newton himself!


People always complain about "no time". No matter how much time they actually waste.


So last year I started studying maths at University and I spent so much time working on my homework and lectures, since I've been always a hard working person. But I got mentally exhausted and cried every day after lecture. I just couldn't deal with the abstract theories. It was hard to realize that I might not be ready to study this so I switched my major to computer science this year and I'm super happy now (it's like the first time I actually like studying at uni)!! I really want to try maths again in a few years, maybe I'm ready then.

Lots of love from Germany!


Tell me this man isn’t Jeff Bezos with hair


I finished high school now in med college but the usage of maths is super low...which is sad cuz maths was the first subject that gave me hope that "hey maybe I am not so worthless afterall", contrary to what my family, teachers and relatives kept telling me...but maths will always stay in my heart no matter where i end up :)


Not the type of video one wants to see after being stuck on a proof for ages


4:59 I get a nerdy math gf if I study math? My motivation to study hard has been fully restored!
