5 Reasons Not to Study Biomedical Science

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00:00 Intro
01:06 Unclear Job Prospects
03:03 Unclear how to do well
04:56 Hectic exam season
06:32 A lot of coursework
07:59 Unclear why you are studying it
10:04 Very specific field



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What's up guys! My name is Kenji and I am a doctor working in London. In this video, I talk you through 5 reasons to consider if you are thinking about studying Biomedical Science.

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I can give you 10s of reasons TO DO biomedical science, if you're not afraid of hard learning. Without biomedical science, medical staff would be useless and no research would be undertaken, no medications, no equipment, no medical advancement, do directly dealing with coughing and spurting patients, great discoveries.


Hi Keji thank you so much for this video :) I also wanted to ask you if your medicine degree was a GEM course or was it an undergraduate degree, since I've seen that you say that it was five years (GEM courses are generally four years), and if it was undergrad how did you fund it?


Since you just uploaded this video I've decided to comment about my current situation of ucnertainty which is driving me mad and I'm trying my best to stay calm. I basically was originally focused on computing but lost interest in it completely and though I did get it's O level I also did the biology O level by myself and did very good. I also had chemistry O level which I also did very good in. I recently got B in both chemstry and biology as well as met almost all the entry requirements to start the degree: Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Basically I needed to get a minimum of B in all 6 subjects I was studying no matter what they are, and I got a C in geography as I didn't have time to study for it. I'm honestly still surprised I got a C with only 1hr studying the morning of the exam (no cap). 

Anyways when the applications opened for uni I still hadn't made up my mind whether to go for applied biomedical degree or doctor of medicine and surgery degree, and here's the confusing messy reason for this: my dream job is to be a pilot, I'm already doing flight training and can't imagin myself doing anything else, that's something I'm certain on and fully committed towards, so I won't bore you with my passion for flying. As you might now though, flying is very fucking expensive, often 100k and I don't come from a rich family, I'm the 2nd person ever to go into uni frankly. So while my parents are trying their hardest to help me get through school like buying me a laptop etc, the funding for flight training is all on me, hence why I need a temporary job that I'm happy with but with a high salary. 

Now, since applied biomedical is a limited course in my uni where they only accept 24 students yearly, I had only a 1 week chance of submitting my application after the results came so I applied for that. But something keeps pulling me towards medicine bro. I'm not sure and I wish I had done more research as only as of a 6 months ago did I even CONSIDER medicine. Looking at what they teach during the course I feel like it interests me more though I don't think I necessarily want to be a doctor meeting patients all the time. I kind of prefer being in a lab working on stuff. So it's mainly due to 2 reasons that I'm still wondering about medicine:
1. I got the grades that I need to enter (can still enter by probation and get geography B later) while many of the people I know really wanted to get into medicine and this year's exams were hard and many people got a D or an E so I feel like I'm wasting my potential as I know that I'm a very hard working and dedicated person and I have no doubt that I can finish medicine (with a few ok many crying sessions in the shower throughout the course)
2. The material that is taught interests me more
But as I said before, not really looking for that doctor-patient interactions nor surgeons etc and here is the main reason that I picked biomedical over medicine:

It takes 12yrs to become a 12yrs of tortorous studying to become a doctor where I'll be 30 by the end of it, just so I quit a few yrs later once I have the money to become a pilot. I'm not going into details of what will happen in another decade cause noone knows ofc, but it can't be worth studying for 12yrs to be a doctor for MAX 2/3yrs right?

I don't know...I just wanted to spill my story here in case anyone is going through something similar. A close friend told me to start the biomedical degree and see maybe I'll like it more than what I'm giving it worth. If not, I can always stop and take a gap year and the do something else. I just have no clue what other course is good for me tbh.

It's 5yrs long and to become a doctor you ofcourse then have to go to medical school but is that NECESSARY? Like if I stop after I have graduated with this degree, what jobs are available? I know it gets even more complex cause it also matters the country you're in, but I just want to know if there even are job opportunities with just that degree.

Thanks to anyone for reading to this :))


Did you have to fund your medical degree yourself after biomed or was it covered by the government?


Always find your video informative and relateable 👏🏽
Just wanted to ask that does gov give you loan for both degrees first biomed and then medicine also...?
Im in second year of btec applied science


So if I understood it well. You have to specialise in a particular field, ultimstely determined by the pathway of your PhD, and study that the rest of your life? Or are there allso jobs that cover more biomedical topics?


How many time duration spend to complete medicine degree ....


Hi there, I’m about to study biomed with the intention of doing undergrad or Graduate entry medicine. Unfortunately I didn’t do A levels, I did btec applied science and have 4s and 5s in my gcses. Would I have a chance in the future to study medicine and become a doctor?


What the difference between biomedical science & biomedical engineering? Also can I enter medecine with Biomedical science/eng undergraduate


Honestly, if one is clearly interested in research and teaching then BSC.BIOMED is the best option but if u see it as a pathway to med then you will keep finding cons of it and is there ever a med student who said they like biomed?? NEVER


Hi what was you age when u started med school??
