STOP Emotional Overwhelm In Its Tracks By Following These TIPS | Lisa Bilyeu

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Losing your cool has probably never ended well for anyone. Whether you are in the workplace or home with your family, there never is an ideal or acceptable time to lose control of your emotions. But how can you keep it together when everywhere you go there is someone or something there to trigger you?
Lisa has had lots of practice doing the inner work needed to gain control of her emotions, but she will also be the first to admit, it’s a process and no one is perfect, We all slip and fall short. Being dedicated to being empowered, successful and strong has taught her so much that in this episode Lisa is sharing tips and dropping gems on how you can take practical steps to control your emotions and start making progress everyday. Staying cool when someone has trigger you is far from easy and you may fail the test 100 times, but assessing the situation, your reactions, your feelings, and learning how to rewrite the script is going to set you on the path to self mastery, and it begins now.
Discover Your Triggers | Lisa’s steps for discovering her triggers when emotionally sober [0:34]
Take a Step Back | How to make decisions when you are in an emotional state [11:05]
Overcome Jealousy | Lisa shares tips on how to acknowledge it and determine if it’s real [18:09]
Let Yourself Feel Emotions | Steps to uncovering the emotions you’ve been suppressing [29:58]
How to Handle Arguments | Lisa 2 rules she has to not allow arguments to go too far [42:04]
“I haven't seen any situation from my own experience, where I made a decision that I was proud of making in an emotional state.” [17:55]
“Actions speak louder than words, they're showing you time and time again that they're saying, ‘this is on you, [...]. This is your problem.’” [27:24]
“There's no room for jealousy in a relationship. So you have a choice, either acknowledge it, [...] or identify that the jealousy is actually very warranted, and they are totally disrespecting you.” [28:00]
“I want to make sure that no one ever feels shame or embarrassment or any type of emotion around seeking help.” [30:35]
“I can only assess why I acted the way I did once I look back without the emotion.” [34:07]
“Giving yourself the freaking grace to get there over time, to put the work in, put a plan in place, and then every day make incremental steps to get there.” [40:37]
“I can't control what the other person says to me. But you better frickin believe that I'm never going to lower myself to their level.” [43:16]