Jordan Peterson: The worst thing a creative person can do

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This video clip comes from professor Peterson's: "Bible Series X: Abraham: Father of Nations"
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"You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you." - Alexander den Heijer


"The worst thing for creative people is to not be creative, cuz they just die" I spend all my life waiting for someone to say that... I Love JP


"An artist who stops making art is committing emotional suicide. Get off the couch and start painting again." ~ Unknown


Jordan Peterson: buy art
me, an artist: yes, buy art


He's so passionate about what he's saying, not just a talking text book like some. Entertaining.


To those in their 20's and 30's- PLEASE learn from my mistakes! I'm 54, and I finally established a true "career" path some 15 years ago when I became a public school teacher. To most outsiders I would appear to be successful, but I'm a living embodiment of the price one pays for staying in a profession when it brings very little true fulfillment. I'm a talented writer, musician, song-writer, and artist, but I've been so weighed down by constant indecision my entire adult life that I've settled for the paycheck, in spite of knowing the awful example I'm setting for my sons (20 and 16). I'm begging you to not let that happen to you. Pick something that you really care about and get after it. Life is hard enough; you don't want to be where I am at my age. I'm losing hope that I'll ever get it together enough to make a substantive change.
UPDATE: I took early retirement at the end of the '21-'22 school year. It's a massive pay cut, but we'll be fine. My wife will be retiring after this school year after 34 years of teaching! I've spent much of the last 6 months creating ART, and I just signed a 6 month contract to show my ART at a gallery in north OKC. I'm nervous and I keep finding myself looking for a way out, but I'm forcing myself to ignore those voices of fear and lack. Wish me luck! I'll post future updates. I appreciate all the support.


Art is the most underappreciated and most valuable thing humans do.


As an artist I am heartened that there are educated people who truly do understand the artists role in society, for once someone who doesn't relate everything and everyone's value to money


I'm an introverted creative person. I am deeply fortunate to have a loving wife. I create lessons as a private school teacher, write screenplays and novels, and play guitar and write songs. I don't make any money outside teaching but I have to keep pursuing goodness, beauty, and truth, even though I get almost no encouragement from the world out there. I'm not complaining.


Art shows you the transcendant, because good art is made when artists are "in the zone". The Greeks called this state of mind "amusement". It's when your conscious thinking, your ego and your critical faculties turn off, you begin to operate automatically, and the work comes out perfectly of its own accord.

It really is a kind of divine experience, to let the the collective unconscious pour out of you onto the page.


true, remember that rejected austrian art student? he really needed that


A creative person is always creative in their mind it never stops it’s more of a curse than a blessing, but the works of art produced by such people are an extension of them selves physically manifested into the world.


That's so impressive that in comments there are a lot of creative people, who really do care. Guys, wish all the best to you. To us


Now I understand what's wrong with me. I died.


I was very unhappy until I took the plunge and gambled everything on becoming a professional graphic designer. Now that I can support myself doing something that I love, I feel like I've won some kind of significant battle. It was a rare moment of clarity for me. It truly felt like I cast an anchor down to my soul and figured something out about myself. And if I never make another breakthrough like that for as long as I live, at least I'll have that.

And to anyone else wondering if they should follow their creative passion, my heart goes out to you. Never stop listening to that pleading voice inside, because if you don't feed it, it will die.


This is why I stopped trying so hard to monetize my creativity. I'm happier just enduring my day job and creating during my free time without worrying about making it a "business".


"Buy a damn piece of art, you know?" I love it


Its so difficult being creative. Im a singer song writer, and the need to create and not be held to a 9 - 5 is so strong. Sometimes i have this deep feeling of pain, and yearning for something that I feel like I can't obtain. I crave so much more, and it feels out of reach.


So much passion so much emotion in his voice, what he says, he believes it. Or better: he knows the importance of creativity, the depth of creating. Art is so much more than what we think it is. Beauty and aesthetic are so important for the soul. Look at nature. What a creation. The most beautiful art work on this planet is the planet and nature itself. We live in a painting. In a creation.


"a real piece of art is a window into the transcendent..."
