Universal Background Checks Will Only Work With A National Gun Registry - Senate Judiciary Committee

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National Gun Registry

On March 23, 2021, public health and law enforcement officials and community advocates testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on ways to reduce gun violence. The hearing focused on ways to improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and implement other policies such as universal background checks, so-called "loophole closures", and waiting periods for firearm purchases.

I've been doing this long enough to know that the mainstream media will only show you the anti-gun side of these arguments so, over the next few days, I'm going to be showing you the other side of these arguments.

A Universal Background check would make it illegal for you to give or sell one of your guns to a cousin or friend without first making them pay to have a gun store transfer the gun to them after doing a background check. For Years, I've argued that this wouldn't do anything to reduce gun violence because the vast majority of mass shooters passed a background check to get their gun and that a national gun registry is the only way to effectively enforce a universal background check system.

In the following video, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri questions Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation on how would law enforcement know if a transfer or sell of a gun between to private people had background checks under the universal background check system.

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00:00 Universal Background Checks Will Only Work With A National Gun Registry
00:34 Universal Background Check How It Works
1:43 How Will Law Enforcement Enforce Universal Background Checks
3:25 Universal Background Check Effectiveness
3:46 National Gun Registry
5:28 Guns Used In Self Defense
6:26 How to Support Pro 2A Content
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