21 of the *GREATEST* Frugal Living Tips Out There (Save A Lot of Money With Frugal Living)

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This is a list of 21 of the best frugal living tips that will make a HUGE impact on your budget (in my opinion). You don't have to do more than one or two of these to see a big difference in your monthly expenses. Number 20 is by far the one that will make the biggest impact on your mindset around money and life in general.

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- Information on this channel (Jennifer Cook) represents my thoughts and opinions only. I am not a medical doctor, medical professional, financial expert or any other kind of certified expert. I have no professional training in life coaching. I discuss things I’ve learned that have personally made my life better. All content found on this channel (Jennifer Cook) is intended for informational & inspirational purposes only. Please be sure to do your due diligence and contact a professional with any questions you may have regarding any information you have seen or heard on this channel (Jennifer Cook). This video and all videos on this channel are a means of social support.
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For years, I have cut open lotion, conditioner, soap, etc - used a spatula to scrape every bit out of it. I learned it from my mom. Its amazing just how much is left in the bottles and most people throw it away..


My husband died 2 weeks ago. I was his caregiver for a decade. He was totally dependent making it impossible to move. Never time for me. I now have half the income. I accidentally found your channel. I must rethink my entire life.


Put your veggies in the fridge in cloth bags as this absorbs the ethylene and makes them last longer


I pay the bills first, especially RENT then utilities.
Then I divvy the money up between 4 weeks of what i can live on.
Then the rest is saved up and put away..Whatever the target or need is.. Paying your Bills first especially rent or mortgage means you can relax having a roof over your head.
RENT, FOOD & UTILITIES are a necessity to survive.


The maintenance part also applies to your health. I wish I cared more about my health because medical and dental bills are no joke. If I stayed away from junk foods and even processed foods and exercised more, I would look and feel amazing and save thousands. I have great genetics so I never paid attention in my 20s about how I eat. But now that I'm 37 I've noticed that I've had lots of medical and dental issues that I paid thousands to correct but could have easily been prevented. So yeah maintain your most expensive possession which is your mind and body.🖤


I love, love your channel. I was raised the same way...frugal frugal. I got away from it because I thought there was a better way to live life. I was wrong. I'm 48 now and to be honest I enjoy the challenge of being frugal.


I was leaving frugal for the first 33 years of my life. Then I lost control (because of depression) for 3 years. I came back to track, but covid hit and I lost control because of my work (I lost a lot of money that i worked and never got paid, more than one year salary lost ). Now at 40, I put my self back in track, especially afrer Easter Im in a good position. Now I spent a lot of money on education, but that is an investement...
Learning a lot and look the best option. E.g. I make my marmelade, sauses, kimtci, everything home made canning, even meat. Im ok! Thank you!!!😁


I would love more budget videos! More details! Also, it would be awesome if you talked about how you know how much to save first before paying bills and finally spending. In my experience, I've always been taught you pay your bills first and whatever is leftover to save and spend. I have heard on multiple frugal living channels to save first, but it feels backwards. It would be nice to hear how to budget taking this into consideration and also budgeting when you're not in CC debt, and the only "debt" you have is your mortgage. I'm looking to get ahead on bills, save for new items and have a budget that is LIVEABLE and DOABLE not unrealistic!
By the way --- love your channel! I've watched you for a LONG time and never commented. You are so sweet and sound so down to Earth!
Keep the content coming!


I started reading last year and this year joined a reading bookclub. I get books from our library recycling books for $2.00. When I've finished the book I mail them to my friends


My friend came to visit for 2 weeks and we had breakfast & dinners home. We packed sandwiches & sparkling waters & snacks.


Great color on you, Jennifer! I love that color too 😂🤩 Your analogy about keeping your finances organized akin to your pantry organized was SPOT ON!!! There are too many times when I buy another container of mustard or pasta sauce and have 6 at home already!! 😮 Financial management needs to be made a priority not an afterthought — bravo!!


Great video Jennifer
We have saved so much on groceries doing all the things listed ⬇️
We have turned in a extra bedroom in to a mini store.
1) we tracked what meals were our favorite, what meals we liked and added some special on occasion meals.
2) then we saw sat down and made a list of all the ingredients it would take to make each meal.
3) we started to purchase extra ingredients on our shopping trips. More if there was a sale.
4) over time we have saved so much money not purchasing something on a impulse. Our money we would have spent has gone towards build our supplies.
4) we saved enough to purchase and extra freeze to perserve all those sale items.
5) we dehydrate and pressure can items from our small back yard garden or that are purchased on bulk sale.

We are trying to keep at least 6-12 month supply stored.

We enjoy in season fresh fruits and vegetables.


22. Cancel your internet phone subscription, get the Wi-Fi from your house, work or public places.


I wish i had found videos like this when i was at least 30. Thank you for the advice! I have been living on a budget since i was 40. I track every expense i ask myself do i really need what i want to purchase, i still take my Cruise vacations what i do in order to be frugal with my vacations is that i look for the slow season Witch are always cheaper and on that month i look up what week is the cheapest and i book up that date. Another thing i started to do is to live below my paychek and pay myself first. I save for the future, and for emergencys first. I save for my vacations and rest is for food and bills. Look foward to see more of your content.


Another fabulous video, thanks Jennifer!


I always finish the shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen...


So happy I found your videos, looking forward to making changes and not making as many poor choices with money. Thank You


Haven’t had cable or internet for six years and don’t miss it at all. Don’t eat out and always have a meal plan


I’ve watched lots of frugal living videos in the last while, and this is the best one yet!


I have foaming hand soap bottles that I refill with 1 part soap to 5 parts water. My refill bottle lasts a very long time.
