21 GREAT Frugal Living Tips By Our Viewers To Save You Money!

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Save Money! Frugal Living! Inflation is here and prices are rising! 21 awesome Money saving hints and tips from our viewers! Early retirement debt and mortgage free couple shows you how you can have an abundant and full life with less money! Living a debt free life is possible by simple budgeting and not over spending! Debt free living is within reach!

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Frugal Money Saver
P.O. Box 256
Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
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My local store just had 5 oz, bacon wrapped beef fillets on sale for $1.99 each with a limit of 4. I bought 4, removed the bacon strips to have for breakfast with an egg or pancakes, cut a slice off each fillet (4 oz serving is plenty) to use in beef tips over rice, and put the remainder in the freezer. So, for $7.96 I have 4 steak dinners, one beef tips on rice and 2 to 4 breakfast meats.


Normally spend LOADS on sweets, chocolate etc for Christmas - not doing it this year - do I really need to give the grandbabies enough treats to last them 6 months - don't think so. Instead, they will be given vouchers to cook with nanny and we'll make treats throughout the year. My granddaughter is a popcorn addict and my grandson is a marshmallow addict - both can be made at home with care and alot of love. Both LOVE cookies and traybakes and it gives them time with me and their mum a little break.


You know why I enjoy your channel?? Your discussions are never regarding on how bad things may get, it is about how good we can overcome challenges. It is not easy for anyone when prices get higher, and the world seems like it may be falling apart. But, when you have a format that brings people together, helping each other in common goals and support with wonderful ideas, well that is a win and you all should be commended. Good job!


Yes. In fact today I was going to order pizza for dinner but I said to myself you have food at home. You don't need that pizza. So I made some leftovers.😊


You're like a shining light of joy, and it really hit me when you call your subscribers your family! I wish you were my mom. My mother was abusive, manipulative, controlling, and wasted money to the point of filing for bankruptcy twice. Thank you for teaching me things she never did!


I found a pressure canner at Walmart for 225.00, my husband said I should get it. I thought it was too much, waited a few weeks and looked for it again, I got it for 78.00. It works great I’ve been canning up a storm!😃


Mine is soda. When I shopping and looked at the prices of my favorite soda. I decided no bought a water picture and added slices of lemo. And lime.. Very refreshing found a new beverage.


One of my purses broke and I had to throw it away. I went to the store to look for another purse when it dawned on me that I really didn't need to replace the purse. I already have over 10 other purses in various colors and sizes. What was going to be an automatic purchase was stopped by just thinking about if it was necessary. So, chalk up one win for me.


Dixie fell into a good place with you, and you found a sweet soul to greet you every day with joy and love. Happiness all around.


Thank you for rescuing Dixie and not buying a puppy from a breeder. I just don't understand people that buy from breeders! There are so many wonderful pets out there that are being put down for no reason. So sad!!


I just made some macaroni and cheese balls from leftover mac and cheese. Just used a small melon scoop and rolled them in panko crumbs. Great appetizer or side dish. I saw them in the freezer section for $5.99 a box. Also made a quiche today with a leftover chicken brat and some bell peppers that were getting a little soft. Yesterday I made bolognese, one for dinner and another batch for the freezer. I feel so good eating healthier food without the presevatives and added sugars and salt. We have been able to maintain our food budget even with rising prices by using the pantry and freezer. I think is also important to learn to say no when friends want to eat out too. Invite them over instead for homemade soup or tuna salad and cut up veggies. It really is more about the comorodory than the place. Just my humble opinion.


I love how inclusive you and Paul are with your viewers! No arrogance or judgements. Just warmth and down to earth tidbits of good information. Love ya!


Great ideas. I use the Amazon boxes in the garden. Soak the cardboard before laying it on the garden beds before topping with mulch. This saves weeding as the cardboard suffercates the weeds then it breaks down and becomes compost. Cheers


Wanted to stop and buy a coffee but I waited till I got home and made one.


I always have a freezer bag with ends of bread that my kids don't really prefer for a sandwich. When full I make into breadcrumbs. Just did a batch the other day. My mom was a SAHM and worked hard for us to live on 1 income. She taught me so much. Yet when I was young I used to think it wasn't such valuable advice. Today, both my husband and I have been blessed to have good careers. I've worked hard to teach my children that just because you may have some extra money you don't frivolously spend it. Yes, we could of had a maid weekly, , eaten out alot, taken more vacations, etc but why. It wouldn't teach us to work as a family or know the value of a dollar. Our best vacations weren't things like Disney. Although a great time they remember trips with a cabin enjoying small attractions and being together. Now the older kids are realizing how lucky they are with college saved for and the extras they truly have. My best advice for anyone would be to never live above your means and try to save for that rainy day.


Not only is this community kind and receptive, but they really demonstrated their own cleverness in this video. What a great video, packed with practical ideas that are immediately able to be put into use. Yay for Frugal Money Saver!!!


I save money on shower curtain liners instead of buying plastic I buy the fabric ones because I wash them.i have my shower curtain liners for ten years so I save money


I was going to buy a new blender because the one I have is not fancy and I use it to make smoothies. I thought about it, and then I realized I don't need a new one! This one is very old but it was free. A friend gave it to me. It makes smoothies just fine. It's not pretty and it doesn't look fancy, but I realized that getting a new one was a want and not a need.😂


Love all the tips from our awesome viewers, we stopped eating out all together. I make simple, hearty and satisfying meals. The hubby and I eat at our dinning room table for our meals.I dress the table up at each mesl. I learned that from watching your videos and you are right, a dressed up table makes our simple meal feel special on an ordinary day. I to love meal time with my husband, of late I noticed he doesn't scarf his meal down as fast had he use to with our table dressed up. Thank you for the great tips.


I have a wedding to attend soon. I went shopping for a new dress to wear a few weeks ago. I found a couple I liked but they were so expensive! I did not buy anything. I went home and started looking online. Again, prices were just more than I wanted to spend. I started going through my closets and drawers and found a beautiful dress my sister gave me almost 2 years ago. It was in the back of my closet, I had totally forgot about it and have never worn it. I also found a handful of cute tops and a pair of jeans that I had but have not worn in awhile. I ended up putting some clothes I no longer want in a Goodwill donation box and moved the "new" ones up front so I will wear them. We should go through closets and drawers more often! I set up a reminder on my phone calendar to do it again in 6 months. Thanks for all the great ideas today!!
