Teal Swan's Story Part 2

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On Your Side's Chris Oswalt reports one woman's claim that she endured years of ritual abuse in Idaho.
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People say that it's hard to believe on her story the same way that the most of them PRETEND that child abuse doesn't happen every single day. 


I am a psychological counsellor working with victims of abuse. My experience and knowledge tells me that this girl's experience is frighteningly common. Please don't take much notice of the comments suggesting her commercial motive for telling her story. Generally l have found that victims and survivors of abuse are damned if they tell and damned if they don't. Consequently they can't win.


Horrific child abuse has been going on for centuries. People just don't want to face it. There was the old notion that kids were meant to be seen and not heard. Children were thought of as property of the parents and they had the right to do what ever they wanted. What Teal talks about is 100% true and the problem is much bigger than everyone knows. I grew up in San Jose born in 1971. I was strangled and raped by my parents best friend that lived next door to us. My mom knew and she did nothing about it because she didn't want the truth out because then what would people think of her. People back then were more concerned about keeping up appearances and that lead to many children being abused and murdered. I witness this man that raped me murder a boy in front of me. In 1978 or 1979, I cant's remember the exact year, I found a dead girl in his barn and told my dad to call the police. He never called the police and no one would believe me. If only I had a digital video camera back then. Then they would not be able to deny it. This man never was convicted of anything and has never been to jail. He killed two children that I know of and I wonder how many more there have been. The San Jose police department is clearly in on covering up missing and abused children. In the 70's and 80's children went missing all the time. When I have tried to investigate and find out who that dead little girl was that I found in his barn, there is a span of a few years that the SJ police Dept. has no records of any missing children. How can that be? Also for many years I had all that happened in my childhood blocked out of my mind. I had to do this or I would have died. When I was 26 the memories came back like a flood gate opening. This is very common for abused children. The laws allow a person to press criminal charges against their abuser within 10 years of remembering what happened to them. It is not just within 10 years of it actually happening for the reason that most children block it out or don't understand how to tell someone what happened. I called the SJ police dept. to file charges against this person and they gave me the run around. They kept transferring me off to various departments and then I would be put through to an answering machine. I never got a call back guess it, 10 years later. They did this on purpose so that I would not be able to open up this investigation and press charges against this monster. There are people in positions of power that are involved and prevent child abusers from getting caught.


she dealt with that dim witted interviewer so gracefully. she rocks, standing up for women even when people don't believe in her.


How does someone ask another who had gone through 13 years of ritual abuse… Did you think it was all just a nightmare?


The media acts like they don’t know what’s going on. Bye


yeah hard to he means hard to stomach... have some courage. ..


I believe Teal, and I am greatful for how much she is helping The World now. Much love to her.


People dont believe this because they dont See their own darkness, incapable of seeing their own Shadows.


Some of the comments below are very dark and very telling. If someone wonders how ritual abuse can be going on, then just read those comments and consider the mindset they reflect.

If you are tempted to do evil, please resist. The person who will be damaged the most is you. You will pay, sooner or later. I suggest you pray that happens in jail and not in a place that is infinately worse.


I'm sure many survivors of chronic and complex trauma in childhood can identify with what Teal Swan says about how "Because you've been traumatised and you have no option. It's too difficult to talk to someone who has been in the space of freedom. You can't really explain to them what it's like to mentally be in the situation where you would do anything you were told to do. You don't have another option." I'm learning to know when those who say they support me are not supporting me because they deny the effects of chronic and complex abuse in my childhood from those who were supposed to be looking after me. They were either the abuser or complicit by not supporting my recovery after the abuser died. I'm finding out that friends are those who hear me and encourage what is healing for me and not suggest quick fix solutions just because they cannot bear to hear about the suffering. When I feel supported then I have no need to keep telling my story. Then I CAN put it behind me. . I was also told by relatives, friends and doctors "perhaps you just dreamed it". Thank you Teal Swan for your courage and honesty.


Why would you even think she is faking? Do people really think these things don't happen? I mean this is the first time I've heard about things like this and I believe it, our world can be cruel (not always!)


Her story has overlap with the stories of many victims of the in-home sociopath spousal predator though these predators do not necessarily have any religious reason for their abuses. The isolation, fear of telling, the reality no one will believe the victim and the entrapment are common realities... I believe her. If ONE predator can do so much deranged abuse right in the middle of a major city with his or her flying monkeys (enablers and empowers) ensuring the horror continues then a cult can surely do it and get away with


amazing how they put it like her story MIGHT be true. Is it because it's too hard to believe that human beings are capable of such things? I wish they would show her a bit more respect by taking what she's saying for true. Respect her pain douches


Thank you for your courage in telling your experiences, Teal.You are a strong, beautiful soul, and I wish you continued healing in your future.God bless you.


People talk about her energy being off. It could be noticing dissociation-the mind separating from the body. Like she mentally is taking power, but it’s similar to other abuse survivors that haven’t “felt” the pain of how the abuse fully affected them.
There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s the body’s way of protecting a person from more than they can handle.
Just one possible reason why she seems a bit off still.


Her story is true and finally, in 2020 people are starting to become aware and talking about this stuff. I hope everyone makes effort to protect children near them! We cannot let these horrible monsters win! #Awakening2020 #savethechildren2020.


Teal is helping the world heal and has such balanced compassion and such awareness. chris oswalt can seriously do one with all this 'hard to believe, hard to believe" BS while they interview a victim of abuse. absolutely outrageous.


"Claims" and "allegedly" is so damaging so shame on you. "It's hard to believe" how??? There are thousands of people that have come out at RA. It's in the media all over. We KNOW it exists. There are therapists trained specifically for it. The reason It's so widespread is BC of people that say stupid shit like "claims" and saying it's hard to believe. She was so brave for coming out and speaking her truth


There are worse things than this, happening in families and communities. So many sheltered people, so many who do not believe, what people are capable of.
