Dr Anirban Bandyopadhyay sound frequency prime numbers: Alain Connes Dance of the Primes=Three gunas

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Hi Dr. Anirban Bandyopadhyay: The enharmonic overtones that you, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, refer to actually originate from noncommutativity that Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes calls simply, "two, three and infinity." It's not the same as the Western Harmonic Series. In traditional Indian tuning they know that a drone with a Perfect Fourth overtone is actually creating a NEW fundamental tone root tonic as the noncommutative Perfect Fifth undertone "quantum beat." This is from the older "three gunas" philosophy - very simple yet very radical. See Alain Connes "Music of Shapes" lecture for details:
For the origin of prime numbers from noncommutativity nonlocality see
Dance of the Primes
all the best,
drew hempel
Hi Dr. Bandyopadhyay: "In the traditional way to look for an interpretation of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, one looks for them as energy levels of a quantum system (see for instance [2]) and what was strange is that in my own approach however the zeros appear naturally as "time onsets" i.e. in a dual manner (see [4]) A. Connes, Trace formula in noncommutative geometry and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Selecta Math. (N.S.) 5 (1999), no. 1, 29–106. Motivic Rhythms Alain Connes August 28, 2020
This is the same as Roger Penrose's noncommutative "palatial twistor" model (that you disagree with?). hahaha. Basil J. Hiley has corroborated this noncommutative physics also. Larry Domash argued that noncommutativity is the secret of the Vedic Mantras also used in Maharsishi Yoga meditation (TM) squared to the TM since it's probably trademarked. haha.
drew hempel
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I begin to read "nano brain" the book of Anirban.... You are spot on about the importance of non commutative intuition to develop the larger intuition.... But Anirban is a genius too...But i think he does not study Connes... Thanks for your recommendations about all that... I am not a scientist just an intuitive reader interested in maths and philosophy.... the only idea i ever had i pick it in a book about egyptology, by Schwaller de Lubicz... ( he is the FIRST who identify the rain erosion pattern of the Sphynx not Schoch who learn it from West who read Lubicz) He described in few paragraphs the way to create a sieve more potent than the Erasthotenes one, inspecting the floor of the Louxor temple... I did not sleep...I was 24 years old 50 years ago and i realized that the prime distribution is the static structure reflecting the cosmic memory....Then in 2021 i discovered the book of anirban and he thought the same but being a physicist make something with it.... myself it convince me that the universe is music ... I dont think that we can create "artificial consciousness" because the human consciousness is rooted in cosmic memory then in the infinite set of primes... Then Anirban had great ideas but creating "artificial consciousness" as human consciousness is will be impossible because it is possible to only use a finite set of primes to do it ... A captive A. I. with the characteristic of SELF -GUIDANCE in the real world is possibe with Anirban mathematic way over neural network maths and integrating it.... But it will be like the film "blade runner" in a way...I.A. is not and will never be rooted in the universal flow which begin from the source and is flowing in only one inward direction... Am i wrong? it is my intuition... Thanks for your ideas...


I got my master's degree in interdisciplinary research at University of Minnesota in 2000. So we are currently emitting CO2 at 100 times the rate of any time since 500 million years ago. The arctic is about to go ice free for the 1st time in 3 million years. There's a 1200 gigaton reservoir of pressurized methane in the East Siberian Arctic shelf, the world's largest ocean shelf - that is highly likely to have an "abrupt eruption" - just a 5 gigaton release will double global warming. The Aerosol Masking Effect means a 40% reduction in coal pollution will heat up earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. So "civilization is a heat engine" to quote Tim Garrett - or see physics professor Albert Bartlett's lecture he gave over 1000 times in person, "Arithmetic, population and energy." It's all due to the exponential function since Platonic mathematics. Marx was critiquing the exponential function with his surplus value analysis - but he still relied on the exponential function. that's the problem - eversince Plato. haha. thanks


vastly by their experience." I just told you that I Personally visited the most traditional Berber village in Morocco - it was in 1997 - they lived off Humanure Composting to grow their food as a self-reliant village with adobe mud huts for thousands of years! Same in Asia also. Asia and Africa and the indigenous people know how to farm. Westerners with the males and plows? Nope. Ever since the Roman Empire Westerners have not known how to use humanure compost to grow food! I just spread 500 pounds of humanure compost into our grass here - 1 acre of grass for 20 houses. hahaha. It's produced by the pallet in Minnesota - the product is called "Superior Natural Fertilizer."
"at the expense of great labor, composted with organic refuse and
often afterwards dried and pulverized before being carried back and used on the fields as home−made fertilizers.
Manure of all kinds, human and animal, is religiously saved and applied to the fields in a manner which secures an efficiency far above our own practices. Statistics obtained through the Bureau of Agriculture, Japan, place the amount of human waste in that country in 1908 at 23, 950, 295 tons, or 1.75 tons per acre of her cultivated land.
The International Concession of the city of Shanghai, in 1908, sold to a Chinese contractor the privilege of entering residences and public places early in the morning of each day in the year and removing the night soil,
receiving therefor more than $31, 000, gold, for 78, 000 tons of waste. All of this we not only throw away but expend much larger sums in doing so.."
read the free book "Farmers of Forty Centuries" by F. H. King
:"The boat standing in the canal in Fig. 41 had come from Canton in the early morning with two tons of human manure and men were busy applying it, in diluted form, to beds of leeks at the rate of 16, 000 gallons per acre, all carried on the shoulders in such pails as stand in
the foreground. The material is applied with long−handled dippers holding a gallon, dipping it from the pails, the men wading, with bare feet and trousers rolled above the knees, in the water of the furrows between the beds. This is one of their ways of "feeding the crop, " and they have other methods of "manuring the soil."
"The human waste must be disposed of. They return it to the soil. We turn it into the sea. Doing so, they save for plant feeding more than a ton of phosphorus (2712 pounds) and more than two tons of potassium (4488 pounds) per day for each million of adult population. The mud
collects in their canals and obstructs movement. "
"From the analyses of mixed human excreta made by Wolff in Europe and by Kellner in Japan it appears that, as an average, these carry in every 2000 pounds 12.7 pounds of nitrogen, 4 pounds of potassium and 1.7 pounds of
phosphorus. On this basis and that of Carpenter, who estimates the average amount of excreta per day for the adult at 40 ounces, the average annual production per million of adult population is 5, 794, 300 pounds of nitrogen;
1, 825, 000 pounds of potassium, and 775, 600 pounds of phosphorus carried in 456, 250 tons of excreta. The figures which Hall cites in Fertilizers and Manures, would make these amounts 7, 940, 000 pounds of nitrogen;
3, 070, 500 pounds of potassium, and 1, 965, 600 pounds of phosphorus, but the figures he takes and calls high
averages give 12, 000, 000 of nitrogen; 4, 151, 000 pounds of potassium, and 3, 057, 600 pounds of phosphorus."


Dear Dr. Victor Toth:
"information does not travel faster than light. Information is carried by way of some disturbance altering the material properties of the medium or field that represents that information, "
You say the above. Oops! My quantum physics professor designed the superdense quantum teleportation coding system - it uses a noncommutative torus model via nonlocality. thanks,
In this video, we will discuss superdense codes: an application of entanglement that allows for the transmission of two classical bits within a single qubit.
drew hempel


native indigenous peoples lived here for over 10, 000 years - no problem. Their wealth was natural ecological wealth. Modern farming "civilization" has spread genocide and "progress" in 500 years and now we have about 5 years left before global biological annihilation. The Arctic is about to go ice-free for the 1st time in 3 million years! haha. there's 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane in the world's largest ocean shelf in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - just a 5 gigaton "highly likely abrupt eruption" will double global warming temperature. Famine and drought are spreading fast. Enjoy.


According to the EPA all livestock animals in the U.S. emit 3.9% of US greenhouse gas emissions. Growing Corn and soybeans represents another 4.7% of GHG emissions. So clearly vegetable farming is worse than livestock farming. 60% of agricultural land is too rocky, too steep or too arid for crop farming - so it's used for pasture. 86% of livestock feed is not from human food calories. So being against livestock farming doesn't increase calories for humans. Transportation is 14% of the emissions from livestock - so the livestock does not directly produce much for emission so that if livestock were not eaten in the U.S. GHG emissions would only reduce 2.6%. So the methane belched out by the cows turns into CO2 which is then sequestered back into the soil via the regenerative agriculture.


Mother Nature is taking revenge. No one needs to do anything. The Aerosol Masking Effect means a 40% decrease in coal burning will heat Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average since there's less sulfur pollution to reflect solar radiation. The largest ocean shelf on Earth is in the Arctic - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf with 1200 Gigatons of pressurized methane. It's already accelerating out into the atmosphere. A highly likely "abrupt eruption" will double the global warming temperature. There's already over 250 Zettajoules of heat in the oceans - accumulated since 1995 while the current atmosphere heating is only 30 Zettajoules from abrupt global warming. Our current CO2 emissions rate is 100 times higher than in the past 500 million years. So we have about 10 years till the Arctic is ice free for the first time in 3 million years. enjoy life while you can.


"so two ecologists from La Selva developed an innovative program to train local people to be natural history guides (Paaby et al 1991, Paaby and Clark 1995). The course, funded by the World Wildlife Fund-U.S., met for 12 Saturdays in 1989 and 1990. The course targeted local people who needed employment; its purpose was to provide a broad environmental education that would open a number of employment opportunities and create a vested interest in preserving protected areas. All of the graduates of the program immediately found jobs, including several at La Selva; one of the graduates went on to become the station naturalist (O. Vargas, pers. comm.; OTS Liana spring 2002). Led by Pia Paaby and others at La Selva, the project produced a long report on their approaches; this report was sent to other areas of the country where it served as a model for training local people to be naturalist guides. The one flaw in the program was that there was not time to teach English and most of the visitors spoke English (P. Paaby pers. comm.). Some of the guides learned English on their own; others participated in a subsequent program in 1994 that stressed intensive training in English in addition to natural history (Laing 1994). La Selva required all natural history visitors to have guides, thus ensuring employment for a number of guides in addition to those who already worked for La Selva.

Because of tourism s profitably, OTS established a Marketing Program to increase the number of visitors by offering guided tours and working with tour companies. These tours are publicized in a variety of ways, including on the back page of Liana (see, for example, Liana fall 2001 and spring 2001). In 1999, OTS established a new program, BioCursos, for Costa Ricans. These weekend excursions to locations all over Costa Rica stress environmental and conservation education and activities and deal with topics ranging from Costa Rican frogs, to medicinal plants, to sea turtles, to birds found in different parks, to diseases of orchids. These mini-courses are widely advertised, including on OTS s web site; they have been very popular, with 74 courses, 2100 participants, and 25 themes in the first six months of the program. In addition to promoting ecological and conservation awareness, these courses help to create a favorable image of OTS and, along with the other programs for visitors, generate funds for OTS (OTS Annual meeting book 2001, Annual report 2001). Since Costa Rica taxes tourist activities, OTS set up a company, ESINTRO to collect and pay taxes on these activities and on profits at station gift shops; whatever money is left is donated to OTS (R. Sheck, C. Schnell, pers. comm.).

Finally, OTS has prepared, printed, distributed, and sponsored (or financially contributed to) many educational materials ranging from a variety of guides to the stations (including maps and species lists), to newsletters, brochures, workshop proceedings, and books, including Costa Rican Natural History (Janzen 1983) and its subsequent Spanish translation (1991) and Sistemas Agroforestales (Montagnini et al. 1992). In recent years, OTS has expanded its public relations efforts to distribute information about OTS to the print and television media in Costa Rica and the U.S. OTS even sponsored "The Ecological Minute" on Costa Rican television and, in 1996, La Selva hosted a live television broadcast on "Science in the Rainforest" for the Turner Network Adventure Learning series for children (C. Schnell, O. Vargas, pers. comm.)."
Dr. Pia Paaby was my conservation biology professor at School for Field Studies, Costa Rica, 1992,
Training Rural Residents as Naturalist Guides: Evaluation of a Pilot Project in Costa Rica
Pia Paaby, David B. Clark and Hector Gonzalez
Conservation Biology
Vol. 5, No. 4 (Dec., 1991), pp. 542-546 (5 pages)


yep "land that is perfectly suitable to grow human edible crops" that need animal manure! Hilarious. That 16.5% includes the diesel-natural gas intensive fertilizer corn-soybean emissions as most of it. The mass deforestation is subsequent of World Bank policies to convert land via road building projects, dams, etc. I did a semester certificate in sustainable development and conservation biology at the School for Field Studies in Costa Rica, 1992. So I'm well aware of the situation. For example I personally interviewed poor campesinos living NEXT to the "protected wildlife forest" that our school was next to. These campesinos openly bragged to me that they hunted in the forest for FOOD!! haha. Why? All the best farm land was taken by big corporate farm projects - a legacy of Spanish colonialism and US-USAID-World Bank development projects. So I argued that the people living around "protected forests" need to be PAID to protect said forests and in fact our biology teacher there, Dr. Pia Paaby, did get this policy passed as a national Costa Rica program.


Have you ever even grown vegetables? Netflix had an organic Community-Supported Agriculture farm doc about 10 years ago - the farmer's land lost fertility! He had to TRUCK IN ANIMAL MANURE!! hahaha. You're claim that just growing vegetables is farming is hilarious. I worked on a vegetable organic farm - full time - for a summer. We trucked in Chicken manure so we could sell vegetables! We ate huge green salads every morning. It was awesome. I was vegan - not "officially" - but I was very healthy - from ANIMAL MANURE!!!! hahaha.
I visited the most traditional Berber village in Morocco - for thousands of years they grew their own wheat and vegetables - as a self-reliant food production from HUMANURE compost!! I just spread 500 pounds of animal humanure compost on our grass - for an acre of growing lawns. No synthetic chemicals used. If we composted our humanure then yes we could grow vegetables for food - I agree with you. Humans are animals. What happened is Rome had shallow street sewers and so polluted the roman drinking water supply - and thus HAD to build "aqueducts" that everyone admires as amazing "engineering" - they did NOT know how to compost their ANIMAL manure! We have the same problem today. There's a great book called "forty generations of farming" - a person visited Asia and he documented in detail how the farming system relied completely on humanure composting - and so they did NOT need synthetic petrochemical produced fertilizers to grow their grains. hahahaha.
The animals using land are still dependent on being fed corn to "finish" off the animals - that type of animal land use is NOT regenerative farming. Regenerative farming uses "intensive rotational grazing." This means the grazing leaves the grass eaten to ONLY half its growing height!! The grass is left when it is a couple feet long still!!! You NEVER see that on a typical animal grazing farm. Renegerative farming techniques are still very rare in the modern world. haha. It's not anything like current animal land production use.
Vegetable farming doesn't "store" carbon because they are not perennials like Grass - a perennial crop whether grass or trees will STORE carbon - that's based ecology and basic arithmetic. Unless you are storing carbon then you are not being a productive food producer. End of story.


My book is free. haha.
see page 177. Source:
oops that link no longer works.

Of the intervals studied (1, 4, 6, 7, 9 semitones), they found that in all cases the evoked potentials were at their highest (in terms of voltage) for two pure tones separated by a perfect fifth (7 semitones) when compared with other intervals. These results provide electrophysiological evidence that matches behavioural preference for simple frequency ratios (Lots & Stone, 2008).

I'm not trying to convince you - just pointing out I have the EEG data to back up my claim. hahaha.

I'm glad I understand your claim better though.

thanks again,



There's no difference between development and Nazism for me: “let’s get rid of us indigenous people, we don’t need these monkeys, let's burn down the Amazon forest".
Richard Muller

· 7y
I wouldn't say that science has "defined" time just because it uses the term. It is, rather, an undefined term, much as "point" is undefined in Euclidean geometry.


telling other people to join a union is cheap talk. John Menards has a $20 billion net worth and apparently if anyone had any previous job that had a union then that person can not work for Menards! The U.S. enables corporate lawyers to easily fire union activists or else make their lives hell - any union campaign has a very hard time of it. I was a union steward and I was constantly called in for "disciplinary" meetings for no reason at all - it was just pure harassment. I never did any work with my coworkers as an actual steward - I only was constantly punished by management. haha. Real wages in the U.S. have been stagnant and this is the true cause of violence in the U.s. - the huge disparity of wealth. Globalization means U.S. corporations make more profits in other countries! But U.S. corporations are still way more powerful than any other type of business structure! The Military contractor CEOs make $300 million a year as tax subsidies for genocidal wars! We don't have long for life on Earth. Most of us barely make it to afford a "living facility" - and it's illegal to live off the land with no expensive "facilities" haha. "Savages in the forest" inherently have NO sovereignty! That's from Platonic eugenics. This issue goes way back but luckily Mother Nature is taking revenge.


corn IS grass that was "domesticated" to be an annual grass as food. The Mayans collapsed their ecology from overuse of corn production and the Aztecs invaded the Mayans! These ancient Pyramid Empires were not sustainable but based on patriarchal military evil plowing of land. The village farming was better - before the pyramids.
Animals don't normally eat corn - only humans. Corn requires a huge amount of oil to grow - diesel fuel and propane (natural gas) for the fertilizer. That's the real calories from corn! Perennial grass stores carbon, Corn does NOT store carbon.
You're fixated on the "calories" to feed people but that's ignoring that corn is not a sustainable food crop without animal manure. Maybe fish is used for fertilizer - as was done traditionally. Yes the "three sisters" as Milpa - the nitrogen fixing beans and squash (to cover up the ground against weeds). These things HELP but they are not enough nitrogen on their own to grow corn! Corn requires a lot of nitrogen. That's why corn "grows more calories" than grass. hahaha. Humanure compost produces more calories - yes and so animal manure can grow corn indeed.
You're fixated on calories but not fixated on storing carbon. Forest farms grow food from also storing carbon. You can grow nut crops - like chestnut trees. Or fruit trees. Those also will STORE carbon because they are perennial crops. Spirulina - huge vats as farms growing spirulina as food - that also will store carbon and produce food. You don't need as many calories to eat as food from spirulina because spirulina is the oldest life form on Earth - so it powers the mitochondria directly.
Corn syrup is a big problem from corn - it increases the calories as sugar that is synthetic and causes obesity even in babies when corn syrup is put into milk! "On average in the U.S., about 45 percent of corn is used for animal feed, 44 percent is turned into ethanol, and 10 percent is used as food. Within corn used for food, about one third is converted into high-fructose corn syrup."
So the SAME amount of land use for animals WITHOUT feeding them corn will reduce the calories need to feed the same animals - only the land management should be "intensive rotational grazing." That's why there were 50 million bison in the U.S. before. The wild grass-fed ungulates have less fat since they are not "corn-fed." The animal manure stored a lot of carbon. Humanure composting can grow a lot of vegetables also.
Soon it will be too hot to grow food "at scale" - in the interiors of the continents. 22 million people (TWICE as many as last year) in Horn of Africa now face "severe food shortage"!! That level of drought and famine is spreading around the world. Five to ten years at most - since the Arctic will soon be ice free for the first time in 3 million years. Current CO2 emissions are 100 times faster than in the past 500 million years!
And so maybe humans "inventing" farming was not a good idea - we switched from the natural Lunar calendar that controls life on earth - into the "seasonal" solar calendar based on patriarchy. The lunar is female psychic energy that regenerates life on Earth. The females were the original farmers as gardeners. Farming with diesel is for males plowing the land as destruction and emitting the Carbon back into the air!
As my regenerative farm buddy says of typical commodity crop farms, "Liberate the Carbon!" hahaha. We just had a HUGE pile up of cars in farm country (Illinois) - why? All the dust from plowing the land! oops. Perennial crops would stop that problem to then store up the carbon again via mycelium. thanks


"The evidence speaks for itself" Meanwhile there is a large scientific consensus that changing toward a plant based diet is essential to tackle the biodiversity crisis and to keep global warming beneath 2 degrees of warming as well as that regenerative animal farming is just another form of greenwashing.

4 minutes ago (edited)
@ab-td7gq a "large scientific consensus" about what? If you farm you need fertilizer. It's not something to debate about. hahaha. Green manures from plants do not provide enough nitrogen on their own. India uses animal manure but it's the switch to Monsanto and synthetic fertilizer that has pushed farmers into mass suicide! In both cases they are "plant farmers" - so obviously the animal manure is better than relying on petrochemical synthetic fertilizers. Your vegan agenda has blinded you to reality. "India's farming community averaging 28 suicides a day... But it is particularly acute in Punjab, where farmer suicides have increased more than tenfold in the past five years... the government introduced subsidies to encourage farmers to grow high-yielding rice and wheat varieties that eventually led to the country becoming self-sufficient in those grains. But over the years, problems started to accumulate. All those water-intensive paddy fields led to the depletion of the area's groundwater. Many farmers poured money into digging deeper wells and into pesticides to protect their crops, but their costs spiralled, leading to crushing debt for many...He said up to 90 per cent of India's farmers can't cover the basic costs of fertilizer, seeds, pesticide and other equipment. "


"The point is the rest mass has changed ... and de Broglie was told to, in no uncertain terms, to drop dead which he did very shortly afterwards " Basil J. Hiley
You wrote on Quora: " the intrinsic (and unchanging) inertial mass"
No comment? Why the discrepancy? I think Professor Basil J. Hiley is correct.


This idea that growing vegetables is somehow superior to growing animals for food is hilarious. 45% of corn production in the U.S. goes to ethanol - that is not carbon neutral. It still uses a lot of CO2 emissions. The Amazon rainforest and Pantanal wetland got taken over by Cargill to grow soybeans! Those soybeans enable China to eat more pork and Europe to eat more chicken. But that's what "vegetable" farms do - they grow commodity grains!! You really think growing commodity grains for animal production is better than regenerative agriculture for animals? Eating animals has been part of what created humanity since over 100, 000 years ago. Sure we were hunters until just 10, 000 years ago - I agree that hunting animals is way better than "farming" them. But if we are going to grow vegetables as commodity crops then we might as well grow GRASS that stores carbon - and then just eat less animals. Eating animals is not the intrinsic problem here despite all the Vegan propaganda. Animals that are managed via regenerative agriculture actually store up carbon - do you realize how deep the prairie soil is? That's precisely how the modern farming system has been able to grow so much grains - because of the tens of millions of animals that grew deep roots of prairie grasses. It's the mycelium that actually stores the carbon - working with the grasses.
So yeah our current population problem would not have existed if we had not converted all that animal storage of fertility back into the soil as carbon sequestration! The human population exploded due to the invention of VEGAN VEGETABLE FARMING!! Vegetable grain farming created the human population explosion that led to Western colonialism using coal power and oil, etc. oops. Who cares how many animals are eaten or not? Humans are predators and as part of the food chain we help a healthy large animal population to exist - just like when Wolves were brought back to yellowstone the rest of the animals thrived. Currently the Wildlife population on the planet got decreased by what? 50% in the past 40 years? Earth has lost half of its wildlife in the past 40 years, says ...
Sep 29, 2014 — The number of wild animals on Earth has halved in the past 40 years, according to a new analysis. Creatures across land, rivers and the seas ...
And do you really think that was all due to eating animals? It was due mainly to Grain vegetable farming that was used to feed animals. I agree with you that Farming is the problem - not just farming for animals but Vegetable Vegan agriculture is the problem. So the closest answer to fix that problem is to RETURN to how animals used to be hunted in the wild. thanks. That type of regenerative farming actually stores up carbon - whether it does so "slowly" is another problem. It works in the correct DIRECTION as part of the solution to abrupt global warming.
I'm sure Mother Nature will soon wipe out all of life on Earth since our current CO2 emissions are 100 times greater than any other time on Earth in the past 500 million years. haha.
