Anirban Bandyopadhyay: An electromagnetic resonance chain in the proteins

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In 2014, we proposed electromagnetic resonance chain connecting the smallest brain component to the largest organs [1]. Most importantly, the frequencies followed a mathematical relationship of primes, a self-similar triplet of triplet groups of frequencies. We have shown its experimental evidence in proteins, filaments and neurons [2]. The language of neurons primary filament microtubule has been patented as Geometric musical language, GML [3]. Microtubule synthesizes periodic events in nature into a clock, constructs a 3D spatial assembly of clocks to represent complex event, we call it polyatomic time crystal [4]. Microtubule harvests noise and creates a 3D hologram of electromagnetic field, that looks like a dodecahedron or icosahedron, such a 3D structure of fields engineers three angular momenta of photons to write invariants and variables of nature and send it as a hologram far away. We have found the existence of these resonance chain associated properties in more than 200 human subjects. Using dodecanogram, DDG a newly invented machine that looks like EEG but measures signals 1Hz to 6THz showed that sub-conscious mind of brain operates following space-time-topology-prime metric [5] of self-operating mathematical universe, SOMU [6], a new theory of conscious machines based on resonance chain, and thus far, using EEG or any other machine, such a technology was not possible to detect a conscious brain.
Edited by Emilio Manzotti
Edited by Emilio Manzotti