How To Learn Faster - Read 5 Books Simultaneously - Tai Lopez

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Check out the 67 steps to getting anything you want out of life: wealth, health, love, & happiness here.
If you want to learn faster you have to experiment with different 'modes' of reading and learning. One of my favorites is the 'gulping' approach, where you bounce around between 4 or 5 books all in one sitting. This takes advantage of what Steven Johnson in his book, "Where Good Ideas Come From," calls "negative quarter-power scaling." This means reading twice the books doesn't just give you twice the knowledge - it's exponential - it gives you 3 or 4 times the mental growth...
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I've started doing this and i can honestly say that i've gotten so much faster and better at reading.
Its is true what he is saying about the ideas bumping into each other.


I wish I could put a book to my forehead and just absorb all the facts in a matter of seconds.


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi


1. how to win friends and influence people
2.48 laws of power
3. the art of seduction
4. the road less traveled
5. choose yourself


Just ordered 5 more books 5 mins ago.
1. Get Rich with Dividends
2. The Art of Raising Capital
3. The Lessons of History
4. Contrarian Investment Strategies
5. What Works on Wall Street


Well finally, someone who is not afraid to call people stupid.
Thanks, very refreshing
Keep it up


I have always done this glad to see I am not alone in learning this way. I have read a chapter of a new book thought it was doing nothing for me and then months later I am reading a new book that I enjoy and it relates to the previous book I put down months ago, so I go back to it, enjoy it in a new way, and learn from it. It reminds me of the quote, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Keep reading and keep learning!


Hey tai, like many others I found from your Google ad, then I watched your tedx talk, and now I've watched almost all of your videos. Thanks to you I've started reading as much as I can. I'm only an eight grader, so I'm just starting to read high school level books like grapes of wrath. As I get in to high school though, I want to start reading more "helpful" books, because it seems like that what you usually read. Although grapes of wrath as I'm currently reading is a sort of inspiration from hard work. Idk why people are calling you a scam, I plan on buying your book myself in a few months or so, but I've seen your Instagram and your YouTube videos seem legit too. Anyways your kind of an intangible mentor for me, since can just go on your YouTube. and it's awesome that your putting this stuff out so thanks


This video is so beautiful. What a fresh view of reading and learning. Thank you!


Hello Tai, I use to read books fast like that back in 2009 and I stopped because I went through a horrible divorce. I would live in the library because I was studying for my Master's. It was so boring with text books that I would just start pulling books off the shelf that interest me. I had so much fun and was so bright and happy. My husband couldn't take it and got very insecure because my level of conversation went way over his head. Eventually we got a divorce in 2011 I lost myself to a job and forgot who I was. I am at the point like you were before you discovered the key to getting wealthy. The only difference is I have a 12yr old daughter that I homeschool and trying to shake the public school programming has finally come to an end. Alot of the things that you have conversed in your video so far I now realize I did to make other people rich. Why does it take almost loosing everything for the light switch to come on? I am running out of time and now its time for me to turn on the SUPER INTELLIGENT SWITCH. Thank you so much ny brain fog has been lifted. After being stuck for almost 2yrs the feeling of knowing where to start again feels my heart with joy. When I write my book you will be in it along with a few others but you took the ball and scored a three pointer. Trust me I am not just saying this its true. I was very bitter and hurt by alot of things. AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH💕🌇🌺🌹😅🙌SHALOM!#LoveJunkie


Hi Tai. I just was linked to your channel recently and this is my second video. You have already made a life-changing impact on me. I have struggled with various addictions and anxiety issues over the past few years that have prevented me from reaching my potential and you have given me another source of inspiration to push forward and get the things I want. I have consistently held myself back through things like drugs, video games, food and anxiety. I have not been able to break out of who I was and become who I am. After watching your videos I am convinced reading is the solution, It's almost like a mentor without having to actually find a person willing to spend time on you. From this point on I vow to never waste another minute of my precious time.



he was very blunt and bruque when he called people dumb and stupid out there I fully believe this I hate to just sit and read pointless stuff I want to get to the goodies spare myself time. Because like you said we dont have time, , energy, and health those things aren't static they can change at anytime, no time to waist, im only 14 but reading like this has helped me in more ways than one, one being reading, I didnt like to read till I did this thanks to TAI LOPEZ the guy who went from couch to Lamborghini, trailer to Hollywood hills, guts to glory!! :-)


Alongside reading 10 books/week, I also enjoy gulping audiobooks. I read somewhere that if you listen to audios at double the speed, the comprehension is greater. So using GarageBand, I've been changing the tempo of my audiobooks from 120 to 200. So I'd listen to 1 hour's worth of content in about 30 or 40 minutes.


Been watching this since 2015. Now at 2024, still as relevant as ever! Tai, you are the only person who got me into reading books🔥


Thanks Tai, your videos and lectures helped me a lot! And I also have a love for books. I always love videos like this because they motivate me to read even more and spend my time with quality.We need to motivate people to read more and the best way to do that is by doing videos like this. I also wrote a book called:, ,Investing in books: How reading can make you money" with a mission to motivate more people to change their lives with reading.


Thanks man I really appreciate this! Life really is too short to waste the prime of our life, I'm gonna start reading more starting today! My favorite 3 books are:
1. The Book Of Mormon
2. The Bible
3. The E Myth


Exactly 4 years ago. One of my favourite Tai videos from back in the day 🔥🔥🔥


One thing I've found myself doing lately is listening to audiobooks while reading a book, while listening to binaural beats. No idea how effective this is yet, but I've been taking notes on my ideas and then recapping how I can include them into real life or business. A time I've found myself learning as much as possible is when I was in college with no friends and I stayed in the library for 10-12 hours at a time and read textbooks/nonfiction books on whatever I was interested in at the time.


Today im reading; Brain Fitness by Robert Goldman, The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley, and A History Of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell


Tai- You win the internet every day.  Thanks for your awesome videos.
