Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster | Jim Kwik

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If you’re looking for tips on how to learn faster and boost productivity, you’ve come to the right place. Jim Kwik is one of the world's most famous brain training coach who shows you how to tap into your very own mind power.

In this powerful presentation, Jim Kwik, talks about unlocking your Super Brain by incorporating effective productivity tips that will help you learn faster.

In this video, Jim Kwik explains six tips on how to learn faster and how to use the “FAST” technique as part of your daily brain training regimen.

01:55 All learning is State dependent
08:15 Why it is important to “Learn How to Learn Fast”
19:30 6 Quick tips of fast learning
29:10 Two super-villains: Digital Overload & Digital Destruction
33:15 Digital Dementia - How modern people are losing simple memorisation capabilities
40:39 The Success Mindset - All behaviours are believe driven
47:26 Learn any subject faster - the “FAST” technique
50:35 A Story of Jim Kwik about his childhood and learning quickly

This video with Jim Kwik is so much more than just about productivity tips. It’s about working with your brain waves and treating it like your very own superpower.


Once labeled “The boy with the broken brain,” Jim Kwik is now the world’s leading expert in memory improvement and brain performance. He is a powerful Brain Coach for Hollywood superstars, top universities, Fortune 500 organizations, and big-time entrepreneurs like Peter Diamandis, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk.

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3:41 Key to long term memory
Info + emotion = long term memory

4:44 All learning is state dependent
29:02 Monitor your self talk
29:10 If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them.
29:26 Badge of Honor
29:39 Mind is always eavesdropping
29:50 (Game) belief that Memory nt as good as it used to be.


Don’t forget… the fact that you showed up and watched this video is the first step that you needed to take. Keep going!


Important point of the speech:

When we required to chop off a block of wood with dull axe, sharpen it first so you can chop them easier than trying hard to chop them with dull axe.

*B E. F A S T*
*B - Belief*
Believe that we could

*E - Exercise*
When your body moves. Your brain grooves
Physical exercise
1. Stand up
Right elbow touching left knees
Left elbow touching right knees
2. Stand up
Right hand massage left ear lobe
Left hand massage right ear lobe
Squat while inhale
Stand up while exhale
Repeat two times

*F - Forget*
Empty our glass of wisdom so we can input other wisdom into our glass

Mind is like a parachute, it's useful if you open it

*A - Active Learning*
Human mind don't learn by consuming information, but while create or co-creation of the information

When attending a seminar, ask, take notes, be active

*S - State*
Never learn in bored state to learn efficiently

*T - Teach*
With the intention of teaching, we have the responsibility to convey the message as accurate as possible. Like what i'm doing in this comment.

We learn twice as we teach.
First, when we acquired the subject
Second, when we formulate the subject to be conveyed to teaching target


The talent of being able to speak for so long and still engage my horribly distracted mind! Thank you Jim, keep spreading your message and wisdom.


I pray whoever reads this become extremely successful!


"The art of learning is the art of attention". "Show Up". "Children are the fastest learners". "Trade your cleverness for bewilderment"-rumi. "Information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory". Unlocking your super brain... All learning is state dependent.a) Data State of Creativity (Think of the state you're in while Showering). Learning skills fast... Be Fast. "1. Believe 2. Exercise (Physical Exercise) 3. Forget (A lot of people don't learn because they feel like they already know). 4. Active (your mind learns thru creating, ie Take Notes, Ask questions) 5. State (control your state. All learning is state dependent). 6. Teach (Learn with the intention that you'll have to teach the information to someone else)"


“Memory is not something we have, it’s something we do... “ simple, but seriously effective.


*When you invest, you’re buying a day you don’t have to work*I pray every one reading this becomes successful*


Information+Emotion= long term memory!


B...BELIEVE...believe u can or believe u can't u right
E...EXERCISE...as your body moves your brain grooves
you mind is like a parachute only works when it's open
A...ACTIVE...learnig is not a spectator sport
S... STATE...all learning is state dependent
T... TEACH...when u teach something u get to learn it twice


I really wish they would teach us things like this in school. It’s sucks how our society now a days doesn’t even get taught any of this.


B - Believe ( have belief in your ability )
E - Exercise (exercise to keep your brain in a learning state)
F - Forget ( your mind works best when its open)
A - Active ( Be an active learner, dont be in a bored state)
S - State ( learning is state dependent, you should be in an active mindstate when you are learning)
T - Teach ( Teach others what you have learnt to retain what you learn )


I was thinking shall I watch this one hour long..Never heard about him..
"Where is your chin...? Fist was on my cheek. Outsmarted me within 1.12 minute.
Now 4 mins in.. already feel like I will upgrade my mind level after this video. He talks to clearly and nice. I just had to comment my thought, so I can focus back on this video.


Great video, I am new to the investments online, I frankly do not know much about investing online. I have been looking to learn more about online investing, but it has not been easy for me. I want to invest as soon as possible. How can I begin?


Never stop dreaming. Be hungry and never stop believing in your dreams. If someone can do it, you can do it. Be strong


Opportunies comes daily but many are scared of embracing it due to the high rate of fraud and scams. Let's be reminded that each opportunity we let go carried a change for a life time.


Watched this before going into high school, I feel like I can beat the education system and win at school!!!


Jim Quick, I relished your lesson and then the last couple minutes when you explain how excited you were and how vulnerable you felt at such a young age, brought me to tears. I, also have disabilities. I am sixty three and I have schizophrenia. It was hard growing up for me as well, but I'm good, now. Thank you for your tutorials.


Starting tonight, i will change.
In this 2 weeks vacation, I need to improve myself, my skills, my knowledge. I need to be ready! You can do this self! I believe in you!!! Fighting!! 🙌


I have rewatch this 3 times since yesterday, i have been in a bad state my room and life is messy, yesterday i started to clean my room and try to have a better environment for myself, today im scheduling my day to avoid doing nothing, Thanks Jim💖
