Sync Audio to Video in Resolve 18 using auto sync or manually

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In this week’s episode, we demonstrate two ways to sync your separately recorded audio to video clips in DaVinci Resolve 18 for single and multicam video footage. The first method is auto sync based on sound — in this case, Resolve uses the audio recorded by the camera as a reference to sync up the audio from your separate audio recorder. If auto sync fails, and it will for some video formats in Resolve 18, we also demonstrate how to manually sync your audio clips to your video clips.

Copyright 2022, Curtis Judd

#DaVinciResolve #Sync #Audio

00:00 Start
00:08 Summary
00:17 Introduction
00:43 Sync audio to video clip (single camera)
01:17 How to confirm it synced correctly
01:51 How to check whether a clip only has camera audio
02:16 What to do if auto sync does not work (Multicam example)
03:33 My Canon C70 video clips will not sync
03:51 How to manually sync audio to video
05:32 What if my multicam doesn’t sync properly or does not include all of my audio channels?
06:41 Sync audio in the edit page (when you must)
09:19 Please buy my courses
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Curtis your great! I do think there is an easier way to do this.

If you make a multicam, and it doesn't sync properly you can right click the multicam and click open in timeline. Then you can manually sync everything. Once you sync, you then close that timeline. Your multicam is now ready for you to drop in your normal timeline. It keeps it much cleaner than the way your doing it IMO. I have learned a lot from you over the years. Thanks for all the free content.

You can also drag the multicam on the left side of the timeline by the track section to open the multicam in a new timeline.


Thank you so much Curtis. Editing and + looks so easy when watching your videos ... Such a great job !


Thanks for this Fairlight has so many options, any additional education is very helpful. Looking forward to the course.


Just what I needed for a current project. Thank you, Curtis! 😀


Hi Curtis, this was really useful, i plan to test this very thing next week so i will come back and leave another comment after that, thank you so much!


Excellent tutorial Curtis. Very detailed. Happy New Year!!


I have never used fairlight features in davinci and I can't wait watch next tutorial :)


This is very helpful, I'm more a FCP person but slowly getting more and more into DR. Happy New Year


Nice job Mr. Judd. Thank you for this.


Great demo of why timecode is the best way to sync assets. 😅 For real!


I've never been able to get a good sync with Davinci for some reason, I have to use Final Cut to sync files and that works like a charm almost every time.


Thank you! Your video helped me a lot today:) Have a great day!


loved this video, waiting for fairlight video eagerly


You showed me enough to do this in CapCut. Thanks


I shoot with a Canon XA 55 camcorder. I'm pretty old school and often just want to record straight in on channel 1. The audio set up is sooo convoluted. But, they do have switches on the outside AND things buried in a menu. To improve my chances of getting the audio I want, I got a Zoom F6. It is a beast of another type. But I really like the preamps and the 32 floating bit.
I have had mixed results synching the F6 recordings with the Canon MXF audio. I get those same error messages that are in this video. So, I am not totally loosing my mind. But, sometimes it synchs!
I'm trying hard to standardize my technique to get standard results. Oh, Curtis with all your sway, please lean on Canon and Blackmagic to get this straightened out. Thanks. In the meantime, thanks for the workaround. I'll just have to resort to it after a couple of tries with the waveform synch, instead of going down a rabbit hole trying to make it work like it should. That's pretty old school too!


Thanks ! Great Video and Happy New Year!


Just getting started on DR. It would be really useful if you could start a few steps earlier. Imagine a long form project with many off-loaded camera and audio cards. Each one in a dated folder. Import them all into DR.l to preserve the naming structure, there are lots of files you don’t need! Next, the first video card/bin (001) with the corresponding audio card. What do you do then to sync them up?


Nice video Curtis and happy new year. Same that Resolve still seems to have problems with a simple sync for multicam. something that Pluraleyes could do years ago. Especially with all the new AI that BMD ha engineered into Resolve - it still looks like they need to go back and fix things like this.


Hey Curtis! Thank you! I love DaVinci Resolve! I do music. I use Cubase and they sync wonderfully. Even though I add a bunch of VST's through Cubase I've learned to NEVER add reverb in Cubase to my audio file. It will NEVER sync. I will add reverb in Fairlight, or use my raw file from Cubase and add my reverb file and match it up, then remove the raw file. Thanks again Curtis! As always great content!!


To make it work the camera must have audio recorded to match the waves form. Sorry, for the noob question.
